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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Bossman v Bigelow was awful and calling Shawn v Marty a dissapointment would be an understatement.


Mostly because Marty went out and got hammered the night before and showed up hanging out of his arse. Which got him shitcanned again.

I've never believed that story to be fair. Marty Jannetty or Shawn Michaels don't have shit matches because they are hammered. Not during that era. I imagine 95% of Shawn and Marty's matches in the 80s and 90s were under some influence of pills or drink. It never seemed to effect their performance. I believe Curt Hennig's side of it, that Shawn wanted Marty gone so gave him a shit match and grassed him up about not being able to hang. Its why Marty got rehired and given the IC Title, if you believe the other side of the coin. Just some of the things in that Royal Rumble match made Marty look daft. Like Michaels going to the other side of the ring when Marty was on the top rope and had to jump land on his feet and then do another move. That looked super fishy on Michaels part. I think Marty had beat the shit out of Shawn in a hotel some months before that as well.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Who was the last generic guy to be bought in from developmental?


The last guys to be bought up were, I think, The Wyatt family and, whilst they may be shit, they ain't looking that generic looking?

Cesaro was bought up a while back and may have a boring look (suits his style though) but his wrestling aint generic and he's not a "good looking young dude".

The Shield came up in recent times and have been a success.

Damien Sandow isn't generic looking (although maybe his wrestling is).


I must be missing some people...?


"Cookie Cutters!" is a criticism perfectly valid for the days of La Resistance and the Basham Brothers but right now I think WWE is doing very well talent wise with more to come in Neville and Zayn.



(If they bring Bo "Fuck off" Dallas up you can have that one)



Personally, I doubt Daniel Bryan is a flash in the pan. The company has put in quite some effort to make him (just as Bryan also has) and he's most certainly one of their most over acts... and also definitely not fitting the "generic good looking young lad in tights" criticism.

Edited by aaron
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They seem to be making a strong effort in developmental to give people characters right now. Over on NXT their featured cast includes Tyler Breeze, Leo Kruger, CJ Parker, Alex Rusev, The Ascension, Enzo Amore, Xavier Woods and Scott Dawson with Sylvester LeFort. All of whom have gimmicks or identifiable characters.

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Who was the last generic guy to be bought in from developmental?


The last guys to be bought up were, I think, The Wyatt family and, whilst they may be shit, they ain't looking that generic looking?

Cesaro was bought up a while back and may have a boring look (suits his style though) but his wrestling aint generic and he's not a "good looking young dude".

The Shield came up in recent times and have been a success.

Damien Sandow isn't generic looking (although maybe his wrestling is).


I must be missing some people...?


"Cookie Cutters!" is a criticism perfectly valid for the days of La Resistance and the Basham Brothers but right now I think WWE is doing very well talent wise with more to come in Neville and Zayn.



(If they bring Bo "Fuck off" Dallas up you can have that one)



Personally, I doubt Daniel Bryan is a flash in the pan. The company has put in quite some effort to make him (just as Bryan also has) and he's most certainly one of their most over acts... and also definitely not fitting the "generic good looking young lad in tights" criticism.


The Wyatt family are far from shit. For me the best thing on the roster at the mo. Why do you think they are shit?

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Because they've been so bad it's actually caused outbreaks of pressure headaches in regular viewers.


The clueless ambling of Rowan/Harper was bad enough, but Bray Wyatt managing to have one of the worst PPV matches I've ever seen with someone as reliably average as Kane really ramped up the shite. And there hasn't been enough hate for the fact that as well as looking like a CZW curtain jerker HIS TROUSERS KEPT FALLING DOWN.


So far, the Wyatt family have amounted to nothing more than good vignettes, a couple of good promos and an absolute shower when the lights go up and the mic's go down.


Such a shame.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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I remember ROH bringing a band of revolutionary emo weirdos in called the Age of the Fall with Jimmy Jacobs, Lacey, The Necro Butcher and the now Seth Rollins. It was the opposite of the Wyatts. They had a buildup where it was all done through message boards and you'd have a bloke posing as a fan shouting the groups name from a megaphone in the audience. The fans hated the buildup because to their debut because it was worked shoot shite where you had to be beyond a hardcore fan to get what was going on. Anyway when they eventually turned up, they gave the Briscoes a full on kicking and hung Jay Briscoe upside down from the feet and his open wound poured down onto the white jacket wearing Jacobs as a homage to the scene from Carrie. It divided opinion, but it was an extreme angle which nobody was forgetting in a hurry. The Wyatt's needed a big angle upon their debut, to live up to the hype of the vignettes. Not as over the top as the Age of the Fall stuff obviously, but they needed to really give someone a belting or do something interesting. A scary bloke feuding with Kane is as clich

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I disagree really, you see i find them captivating. Kane rarely has a good match with anyone and he was a poor pick in ring wise as a first opponent but maybe a good one storyline wise. I think its obvious bray can go in the ring and with the right opponent i have no doubt he will tear it up. I love the two heavies and the mask, but i think dungeon of doom is one of the greatest things ever as well. I think its to quick to call them shit when bray has prob only had two matches and every int or seg hes been involved in has been brilliant in my oponion. I love them and their outfits, ints, unpolished ring work. Theyre great.

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Is there any evidence that Bray can really 'go', or that with the right opponent he'll 'tear it up'?


Even coming out of NXT, the consensus was his character was good but he wasn't that strong a performer. It didn't help that he was sold down the river on arrival in the WWE, feuding with Kane was far too obvious and, like Ian says, he needed a big profile angle to kick him off.


But, it's BULLSHIT of the highest order to say Kane rarely has good matches with anyone. He is so reliably just 'good' it's ridiculous. He can knock out an okay match with his eyes closed. He's not Ric Flair, he's not going to make soup out of shite, but if you are halfway decent you can have a good match with Kane.


He'd probably have great matches if he ever had any half decent material to work with, to get the fans invested. Plus, as a tag team wrestler he's bloody superb.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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Bray never had a match that you could class as being any better than 'good' during his run in NXT. He probably never went more than five minutes either. The other two probably had more good matches than he did, as they had some decent matches during their tag team championship reign. His character work is second to none, but unfortunately for him WWE are still a wrestling promotion at the end of the day. They need creative booking to protect them and prevent their act from being exposed and they haven't received that since their debut.

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Is there any evidence that Bray can really 'go', or that with the right opponent he'll 'tear it up'?


Even coming out of NXT, the consensus was his character was good but he wasn't that strong a performer. It didn't help that he was sold down the river on arrival in the WWE, feuding with Kane was far too obvious and, like Ian says, he needed a big profile angle to kick him off.


But, it's BULLSHIT of the highest order to say Kane rarely has good matches with anyone. He is so reliably just 'good' it's ridiculous. He can knock out an okay match with his eyes closed. He's not Ric Flair, he's not going to make soup out of shite, but if you are halfway decent you can have a good match with Kane.


He'd probably have great matches if he ever had any half decent material to work with, to get the fans invested. Plus, as a tag team wrestler he's bloody superb.

I like kane the charachter but in ring wise hes very lumbering. Who do you think hes had very or even good matches against other than proven top liners like taker, cena, austin foley etc...hes never made anyone look good in a match from what i can remember. Wyatt can go, ive watched this shit for 30 yrs and you can tell when someone can go. Hes explosive for a man his size, has the basics down and his mannerisms and general control of things seem excellent. I just think he has it. The x factor as cliched as it is. Theres something about him what i think hes gonna be a big time player for yrs to come.

Even the toned down current entrance, by mania thatll be huge. Loadsa lamps, masks etc...its a charachter what can be built on so much. Much like the taker was 20yrs ago.

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like kane the charachter but in ring wise hes very lumbering. Who do you think hes had very or even good matches against other than proven top liners like taker, cena, austin foley etc...hes never made anyone look good in a match from what i can remember. Wyatt can go, ive watched this shit for 30 yrs and you can tell when someone can go. Hes explosive for a man his size, has the basics down and his mannerisms and general control of things seem excellent. I just think he has it. The x factor as cliched as it is. Theres something about him what i think hes gonna be a big time player for yrs to come.

Even the toned down current entrance, by mania thatll be huge. Loadsa lamps, masks etc...its a charachter what can be built on so much. Much like the taker was 20yrs ago.


Alright, expert. Jesus.


But, there's no evidence of anything you've said you have to admit?


So far he's had the worst PPV match of the year WHERE HE HAD TO KEEP PULLING HIS BAGGY TROUSERS UP, and a scruffy match against R-Truth on Raw.


As for Kane, he's been at this for a decade and has had fine matches with almost everyone. He has the WWE TV style down as good as anyone, and has had good TV matches with guys like Big Show, Henry, Ziggler etc.


Not that it matters, you've already accepted that he can have good matches with 'proven top liners' which means Bray Wyatt has to take a fair share of the blame for the shower at Summerslam. It's a myth that someone can be a complete schlub, but then have very good matches with main eventers. Just because Kane doesn't carry people, doesn't mean he's shit.


I wouldn't worry about Wrestlemania. At this rate Wyatt will be lucky to be the pre-show, and the sun'll still be up then.

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I've just watched the episode of That 70s Show with The Rock in it.


Ken Shamrock and Ernie Ladd look brilliant in their costumes and the match between Matt and Jeff Hardy is probably the best thing Matt has ever done that didn't involve a ladder or crying over Lita.

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I'm not sure what I would do with the Wyatt Family going forward from this point. Bray Wyatt running through the undercard boys in a series of squash matches won't do anything for the group's mystique, but if this week's Raw was any indication that's probably what lies ahead. They even had him working on Main Event, that's not a good sign. If there are no immediate plans for a big angle, I'd take them off TV to be honest.

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