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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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It's such an odd deal, though - the whole Undertaker gimmick was always going to be a bit odd in the context of real-life deaths, to be fair.

I was thinking about that with regards to Bearer's funeral. Imagine it will be pretty weird, given that he was so closely associated with all that imagery- coffins, funeral music etc.

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I reckon Punk's got a million ideas like that. Apparently he's always coming up with beyond-the-pale stuff that WWE turns down. He was surprised they agreed to let him do the Jerry Lawler heart attack stuff. Surely they'd tread carefully in this case though.


Lawler probably absolutely loved that though. Wouldn't be surprised if it was Lawler that lobbied for it or came up with it. Remember, The King exploited his own mother's death for an angle before she was even cold. He's an old carny.

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Maybe it will end up like the scene in Big Lebowski. Punk grabs the urns, throws the ashes but they go all over Taker. Taker stands there with ashes all over him, gets mad and pummels Punk.


Or maybe he'll point to the sky.

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It's such an odd deal, though - the whole Undertaker gimmick was always going to be a bit odd in the context of real-life deaths, to be fair.

I was thinking about that with regards to Bearer's funeral. Imagine it will be pretty weird, given that he was so closely associated with all that imagery- coffins, funeral music etc.


Imagine if they have to explain to the undertaker that the Undertaker will be a pall bearer for Paul Bearer.

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It was Punk that came up with it, according to himself. It is very Jerry though, so Lawler having a hand in it wouldn't surprise me.


He came up with it, but Lawler was well in favour of it according to Punk.


That surprises me a bit.


Wasn't a fan of the angle myself but I just presumed it was something Lawler came up with and Punk and Heyman went along with. At least that seemed to be the defense of it I saw from Punk fans at the time (not on here, I don't think I even looked at the thread but the defense in general).


Not surprised Lawler was for it though, a lot of people will remember Michael Cole mentioning Lawler's mother's death but what most people probably don't know is that Lawler used the deaths of both of his parents deaths, his best friend Sam Bass (who died in a car crash) and Andy Kaufman in angles at various points over the years. So I'm sure he wasn't really bothered, it seems like it's all "just rasslin" to him and if you can make some money from it then so be it.


Still not something I enjoyed watching play out on TV but not because of any offense to the King.


I also think publicly traded, PG rated, major advertising attracting WWE is a completely different beast from Memphis as far as what can/should and can't/shouldn't be used.


EDIT: I've looked at the relevant thread on here: http://ukff.com/index.php?showtopic=131808


No incentive to read it all but it seems to have been mostly negative/that if Punk needs to do that to get heat then he's in trouble. FWIW I agree with what IANdrewDiceClay said there just an offensive angle that couldn't actually lead to anything. So it was also a pointless one. Although I wasn't aware of this bit:


800,000 viewers turned off when the heart attack angle was going on. Not before or after. During. Like as they were doing it. They returned to see Ryback beat up that fake referee and left again when their biggest star Cena and their champion Punk wrestled later on in the show. Jim Ross and Steve Austin have buried the angle in public, as well.


That's some good heat there. Good job.


So actually it was much worse than I thought. That a few people here - who I'd assume they would be far more used to tasteless wrestling angles than your average occasional Raw viewer - also felt so turned off by it they changed the channel isn't a good a sign if that's the kind of ideas Punk comes up with. No wonder they've turned down his other suggestions.


Given that Paul Bearer's actually dead now, Undertaker turning up with an urn wouldn't seem to be in the best taste as far as tributes go. I agree with Butch, a little nod to the sky will be nice.


Agreed. If UT doesn't like attending HOF ceremonies because of the connotations of his gimmick, I don't think bringing the urn with him would be a particularly tasteful tribute to Bearer. It's such an odd deal, though - the whole Undertaker gimmick was always going to be a bit odd in the context of real-life deaths, to be fair.


Including his own. Which hopefully will be many, many years away - I like Taker a lot and certainly not wishing death on the guy, but his character has "died" so many times it makes stuff like that seem a bit "odd" as you mention when the time comes to acknowledge real life.

Edited by TheBigBoot
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Me and a mate put the latest (I think) ROH iPPV on the other night, after watching Impact and Smackdown and looking for something else to watch. To say it was fucking shit would be a massive understatement. I have never seen so many generic looking people in one company in my life, and they all came across as people just playing wrestling as opposed to actual wrestlers.


I know it's pretty much a tired and beaten path to say that none of them know a thing about psychology, but it's not until you sit through nearly three hours of it that you fully understand. We ended up watching an episode of whatever their show is called (I think it was subheaded as Road Kill or something, from January of this year) too, just to see if it was as so-bad-it's-funny (it was).


In one match, Matt Hardy hit five side effects in a row and got a two count. In another match, someone else hit I think four superkicks in a row and didn't even go for a pin. In another, a team hit a tilt-a-whirl tombstone piledriver/sweet chin music combo, and got a two, and then the match carried on for like another ten minutes. Diabolical.


None of them have characters, aside from this ridiculous looking manager who dresses like a homeless pimp and calls him self the "Professor of Punani" or something equally as shit, and the Briscoes who have a thicko redneck gimmick. Everyone else was plain, wearing plain trunks and the reach of their character was that they had a nickname, like "unbreakable" or something equally as crap. Well "unbreakable" lost in the first match we watched, to a suplex-into-a-backstabber in which the move is so dangerous and executed so poorly, the backstabber part was basically the guy neck-spiking onto the other guy's knees.


More spoilers here, but at the end of the PPV,

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

a team of Steve Corino and Jimmy Jacobs (named SCUM) went from a two man team to about an 8-man faction, in which someone would run in to stop a beatdown, and then another person would run down, tear their shirt off to reveal a SCUM one, and swerve the previous guy. It was like the entire Aces & 8s angle done in ten minutes. The faction was just as bad as Aces & 8s too, with Matt Hardy, Rhyno, and Jimmy Rave (the one who teamed with Lancy Hoyt in TNA) heading up just a few of them.


[close spoiler]



All of this, after a main event of Jay Lethal vs Kevin Steen, which ended with a badly done and dangerously executed (obviously) brainbuster onto the top turnbuckle, but he missed the turnbuckle and basically slammed him awkwardly on his shoulder and neck down the side of the ropes.


You can tell what you're in for with ROH, when the biggest reaction of the night (on both the PPV and regular show) goes to Matt Hardy by a mile, and a fat dangerous turd like Kevin Steen is your world champ, and he gets blown up after five minutes and nearly kills Jay Lethal with a stupid looking finish that got a worse reaction than Matt Hardy just climbing to the middle rope.

Edited by TripleA
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In another match, someone else hit I think four superkicks in a row and didn't even go for a pin. In another, a team hit a tilt-a-whirl tombstone piledriver/sweet chin music combo, and got a two, and then the match carried on for like another ten minutes. Diabolical.



Because ROH wrestlers are super tough obviously.

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The whole Superkick thing has become abit of an inside joke from many Indy Wrestlers. I saw one of the Young Bucks tweet a picture of a t-shirt about it the other day.


But yeah I agree some Indy Wrestling is horrible to watch. One of my least favourite wrestlers floating around the US Indies are The Cutler Brothers.

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