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Your Back Garden Wrestling Memories


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On the basis of some of these stories I'm glad I grew up during a time where there was no such thing ladder matches and chair shots were incredibly rare! I got hurt enough in the playground copying moves - glad I didn't have any gimmicks to be hurt with!

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Back in the day we had a wrestling "thing" going on at school, during lunches breaks. We also happened to have a very large hill/mound in the middle on the playground. This resulted in choke slams, power bombs and a large number a pain full wrestling moves down the hill in question.


Our main event ,(in a Wrestlemania style), were held on sports day. We even brought in those real swish foam belts that were knocking around for our matches. At the time, being 14, I weighed in at an astonishing 5 stone, which I believe is around 70 pounds. This made me the first, last and only Light-heavyweight Champion in our short history.


When wrestling stopped being 'Cool', only a few of us remained. This all ended when my friend was speared up the previously mentioned embankment, and lost feeling in his legs, temporarily I might add. That didn't end up sitting well with the teachers and we all got a right bollocking for doing it in the first place.


I ended the final school year as Light-heavyweight and IC champion. But my bones hurt a lot for my very bad wrestling attempts.

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Some one at school asked if they could F5 me, I said yes. They ran over how to post and bump. They gave me an F5. I went to English.


Outside of that I think it was pretending to be Norman Smiley round a mates house every Friday night.

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On the basis of some of these stories I'm glad I grew up during a time where there was no such thing ladder matches and chair shots were incredibly rare! I got hurt enough in the playground copying moves - glad I didn't have any gimmicks to be hurt with!


Well, seeing as there were ladder matches in 1992 and 1994, you'd have to be at least 35.

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There is a picture of me somewhere in my neighbours garden in Ultimate Warrior jeans with his symbol painted on my chest and face. It's one of the proudest photos I have of me :laugh: I look back and think good on ya kid.


My neighbour was probably one of the reasons me and my brother got into wrestling. He was a bit older than us and already had quite a few tapes, looking back it wasn't loads but going into his cupboard and seeing various World Tour's, Wrestlemanias and Summerslams was amazing as a kid. Anyway his mum was ace and we'd play round there a lot if my mom and dad were at work etc during holidays espeically and I can remember wrestling a fair bit.


My favourite memory was putting a toy IC belt (white one naturally) on his shed roof and having a ladder match in the back garden. I think i've said this on here before but we also played "Hide the figure" where we'd go in each other's gardens and hide a few figures in various places. It took me about 10 years to find Jimmy Snuka and only found him when we demolished the greenhouse. Poor bastard was paler than Sheamus.


I should point out the greenhouse wasn't demolished just to find Snuka.

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There is a picture of me somewhere in my neighbours garden in Ultimate Warrior jeans with his symbol painted on my chest and face. It's one of the proudest photos I have of me :laugh: I look back and think good on ya kid.


My neighbour was probably one of the reasons me and my brother got into wrestling. He was a bit older than us and already had quite a few tapes, looking back it wasn't loads but going into his cupboard and seeing various World Tour's, Wrestlemanias and Summerslams was amazing as a kid. Anyway his mum was ace and we'd play round there a lot if my mom and dad were at work etc during holidays espeically and I can remember wrestling a fair bit.


My favourite memory was putting a toy IC belt (white one naturally) on his shed roof and having a ladder match in the back garden. I think i've said this on here before but we also played "Hide the figure" where we'd go in each other's gardens and hide a few figures in various places. It took me about 10 years to find Jimmy Snuka and only found him when we demolished the greenhouse. Poor bastard was paler than Sheamus.


I should point out the greenhouse wasn't demolished just to find Snuka.


Your Mom?

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There was a metal container by the aide of our play ground which someone once got thrown off after one of the foley cell matches. An ambulance came and the teachers went ape shit they banned playing wrestling after that. Mind you people were getting hurt every week as it was mainly big lads terrorising the smaller ones. We played in the middle of the basket ball court normally which has a round circle try running the invisible ropes on that lol.


I once stunners Steven Johnson he sold it really really well and his freind came over and slapped me for hurting him.

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Two stand out for me. First was a royal rumble in the back field, pretty stiff, all sorts of crap lying around and I stomped and went to hit sweet chin music on someone. Grass was wet so the minute I planted my left leg to support the kick it slipped in the opposite direction, twisting my knee and thumping falling onto my shoulder. Was in a sling for 6 weeks.


Second, was a hardcore match. Got the local 'victim' kid (smaller than everyone else) up for a tombstone onto a wooden pallet. Obviously at that age I didn't know anything other than it looked like a cool move and being big I was the only one able to do it. Needless to say the kid's head was a good 3 inches below my knees when I drove him into the pallet...putting him in hospital with a nasty gash and concussion. Police were involved as well as the kid's parents didn't realise all the participants in the wrestling tournament were there of their own free will...they thought I'd actually just set in about him.

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I always loved it when people would turn it into a shoot and start smacking each other about. One time a bigger boy got pissed off that my mate wouldn't sell his Stunners, so went away in the huff and came back a few minutes later with a golf club looking to take us all out. Like men, we ran to my Grans and played WCW/nWo Revenge until my Dad picked us up. That bloke is now a smack addict.


I remember when one of my wee brothers mates (he was only, at most, a couple of years younger, before anyone starts) tried a Swanton off a ladder and on to my bed. Normally such a stunt would go without a hitch for us Junior Heavyweights, but this lad was a lardy basto. The lad was before his time though, as when his blubber came crashing onto my wank chariot, the thing went the same way as the ring did when Lesnar suplexed Big Show. He then quickly decided he needed to go get his tea, leaving me and my brother to fix the bed (we ended up using a well hidden bucket).

I thought all worked out in the end, as my Mum never suspected a thing. That was until my brother went and got me heat with the boys by grassing him up, leading to Chubzilla getting grounded. I never found this out until years later, when one mates sister told me lardy basto thinks I'm an arsepiece and wanted to cave my skull in because I grassed him up all those years ago. Hogan would have been proud of the politicking my wee brother did during that.

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Me and my friend would watch Nitro and try and imitate any submission that was on it. The Rings of Saturn is a devastating hold. I also got speared off the same person cracking my head on the outline of the cupboard in the process. In school a guy got enziguried right on his nose, bloody snot pouring out, it was brilliant. Sadly most people "grew" out of wrestling by about Primary Seven. I would then wrestle a pillow by myself until I was about fourteen. Sad bastard.

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We had a fed called DBW (Dangerous Backyard Wrestling- really imaginative). The star studded roster consisted of 3 guys, Schoey- the power wrestler, Davo- the high flyer and Shane O- the technical wrestler. We once had a 45 minute triple threat recorded on tape that Schoey says he has, but won't give to us. It featured Davo going for a sunset flip powerbomb on Schoey from the top of a ladder, with the ladder giving way and both guys falling on their heads; a missed ladder Swanton by yours truly, sending myself through a table; me delivering a picture perfect snap neckbreaker on Schoey through the table remnants; and the finish, Davo getting double chokeslammed through a thorny rosebush.That was about 6 or 7 years ago, good thing we didn't brain our damage.

And by tables I hope you mean some cardboard strategically placed between two chairs.
Old wooden door propped up on bricks. We were hardcore ;) (And really fucking stupid)
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Loving the stories on here. Despite being the youngest, my bro who is 7 years older than me was incredibly skinny, so most of our encounters were 5 minute collar and elbow tie ups which petered out because we were both tired. I remember (very little) of a night out about 10 years ago, walking home with friends after several jars, and we decided to have a brief wrestle on the church lawn at 2am. Yours truly ends up receiving a rather well executed walls of jericho. Next day I woke up with a very sore back, but was so pissed I had no idea why. Wasn't until a few days later when someone mentioned what happened in passing that I found out why. Same guy reversed a powerbomb attempt into a back body drop at a NYE party a few years later, and also pedigreed his own little brother onto the kitchen floor. Nice.

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I always loved it when people would turn it into a shoot and start smacking each other about.

Don't confuse pubescent anger with the real deal. Every ever toy wrestling match turned into a fight. It's not a shoot though, because it was far more gay.
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On the basis of some of these stories I'm glad I grew up during a time where there was no such thing ladder matches and chair shots were incredibly rare! I got hurt enough in the playground copying moves - glad I didn't have any gimmicks to be hurt with!

Well, seeing as there were ladder matches in 1992 and 1994, you'd have to be at least 35.
30.And you're right there were matches in 92 and 94 but who actually saw the Shawn v Bret Ladder match in 92?? Like most, my first ladder match viewing was in 1994 and after my exploits in 1991 which I'd already mentioned in a previous post - no way was I fucking around with that shit!
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