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The Why Don't You Get a Job Thread

kendal mint cake

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As it happens, I don't need to pay tax, get licenses, and all that rubbish everyone else is roped into doing.


You'd better not use plumbing, pavements or the light from street lamps, then.

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As it happens, I don't need to pay tax, get licenses, and all that rubbish everyone else is roped into doing.


You'd better not use plumbing, pavements or the light from street lamps, then.


They should move to Jaywick. There are none of those things there.

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I work for a multi-national communications company,and me and 3 others who were hired at the same time were called into HR today and told that our probationary contracts won't be becoming permanent because we haven't reached the impossible sales targets that were snuck into our contracts,nobody else on the team has come close to meeting these targets either.It's just a handy way for them to get rid of us after 6 months and hire in more non-permanent staff to replace us and continue the cycle.


I'm extremely pissed off and totally fed up,I mean I hated the job with a passion,but full time jobs over here are next to impossible to come by at the moment,even part time jobs in corner shops/fast food places etc are hard to get now,was talking to a lad in our corner shop the other day and he told me they'd received nearly 250 CV's for 2 FT and 2 PT positions at minimum wage.


Am seriously considering emigrating to London or Edinburgh and trying my luck at getting a FT job because I've a few mates living in both cities.Am leaning towards going to Edinburgh at the moment,because London just seemed ridiculously massive and busy on the times that I've been there for gigs and stuff,and Edinburgh had a nice vibe to it and was quite similar in some ways to Dublin.Was also a bit cheaper then London too.

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They were called Jesus Christians and were "Freegans". Apparently this entails living in a van and eating out of bins and claiming that they contribute to society in other ways than paying tax (Praying lots, I suppose) while using some public services.

They sound amazing. I must look further into this.

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The fact is, a lot of companies/ jobs don't really give a flying feck what degree you did. They're interested in the result.


Speaking purely from my own experience but I dont think this is true at all. Unless a degree is relateable in a way or is a nice general degree i.e. Maths related etc then employers wont give a shit anymore. Infact the company I used to work for, who hired Juniors on a regular basis, would usually ignore anybody that did have a degree unless it was directly related to the job and instead go for somebody with a bit of experience, even if that experience had nothing to do with the job. I just dont think degrees have anywhere near the same pull as they used to and working experience is king now. The company I work for now isnt quite as harsh towards people with degrees but I havent seen anybody come in here with a degree and start anywhere but the bottom and very rarely do they come in straight out of Uni.

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I saw a girl with a degree in forensics get turned down for a shitty office job due to lack of work experience, and several moron girls of the same age with nary a qualification between them but years served at Tesco get those same jobs.


The thing I'd be wary of when looking at someone's CV is that if a job related to Ancient Norse Literature does come up somewhere, this person's going to leave our data processing or vaccuum-selling company right in the lurch.

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I saw a girl with a degree in forensics get turned down for a shitty office job due to lack of work experience, and several moron girls of the same age with nary a qualification between them but years served at Tesco get those same jobs.


The thing I'd be wary of when looking at someone's CV is that if a job related to Ancient Norse Literature does come up somewhere, this person's going to leave our data processing or vaccuum-selling company right in the lurch.


That's absolutely right. I left Oxford with a first class honours degree and couldn't get a job in a sweet shop. People look at that and reckon you'll be off.

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I studied law for a year and then made the choice to give up money.


I've been on the land now for four years. Thankfully, my studies gave me the tools to survive the life of a freeman.


Without the knowledge of the law, I'd probably be in prison for something.

As it happens, I don't need to pay tax, get licenses, and all that rubbish everyone else is roped into doing.


Couldn't do it without my education though (even as incomplete as it is)!


So, yeah, why the fuck do you want a job and all that shit! Good friends, good food, is all you need my friends.


So how many times have you been to court over not paying bills?

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I had a right shit time when I got out of university, trying to parlay my English degree into any sort of career job in Nottingham. Turned down by so many shitarse places, being told by them that I was over-qualified, and under-experienced. It was all about getting internships/work experience - after I had some of that under my belt, I was off. Shows that you're willing to wade through miles of shite to get a good job - moving to the smoke was the other key. There's shit all in the provinces.

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Not always the case though. The kid who sells me my ham and cheese croissant at Pret on my way to work graduated from Cambridge last year.


Also, Loki, *cough*nerd*cough*.


Rich, successful nerd, Chest, rich successful nerd.

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