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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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Oh great, those "hey! we want some Bayley!" cretins are back this week.

it's a New Day inspired chant, inspired off a 2 Live Crew track. I'll take it, it sure beats 'tater tots' or 'Justin Bieber'

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It beats the hell out of the trend that has perpetuated American crowds throughout this Century where almost EVERYTHING has to be "LETS-GO BAY-LEY" "THIS-IS AWE-SOME" "SU-PER DRA-GON" with virtually no deviation from the four syllable chant.

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Oh great, those "hey! we want some Bayley!" cretins are back this week.

it's a New Day inspired chant, inspired off a 2 Live Crew track. I'll take it, it sure beats 'tater tots' or 'Justin Bieber'
I understand what it's derived from, but they're chanting "we want some Bayley" and yet she's directly in front of them trying to work a match. It's another example of "chant for the sake of chant". It's probably me making a mountain out of a molehill as much as anything, but sometimes you do wish that they would just shut the fuck up. I'm sure we've all been to shows, gigs or whatever where we've ended up next to someone or a group who are acting a right bunch of twats


And I'm still none the wiser as to what tater- tots are

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And I'm still none the wiser as to what tater- tots are


Aren't they breadcrumbed balls of potato? Like chicken nuggets, but potato?



They're tony cylindrical hash brown type things aren't they? I bought some from a discount freezer shop in 2004 and had them with jumbo sausages literally (No Redknapp) every meal for 3 weeks. It was one of the greatest times of my life.

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I wonder why they didn't book the Raw arena again like they did Summerslam weekend, seems a bit mad.


The schedule is probably easier to do whatever they're doing than go from one venue to the Mania venue and back again. With Brooklyn they had three nights in a row in the same place. Probably got a discount.

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TLC felt like paint by the numbers... Like WWE were saying "Evening all... Please stick with us we've got the rumble coming up. In the meantime here's some Raw matches with furniture."


NXT takeover shows feel like a big deal, every match had that big fight feel


It's been two and a half hours, and I'm left wanting more... Great stuff

Edited by Doctor Whos Next
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