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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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NXT is deliberately understated and that's what makes it so great. It's a paint-by-numbers hour of wrestling TV, which is exactly what it should be as a developmental league. You don't see any outrageous angles, long non-wrestling segments or gimmick matches, or anything which might expose the weaknesses of the roster. WWE never promote it or even reference it at all on their main shows, they don't want anything happening in Florida distracting their target audience from the stories they are telling on TV. It's just there for the hardcore fanbase that know about it and seek it out.


Considering that nobody on the show is a polished act, you would expect a lot of it to be horrible, but it very rarely is. It's a lovely mix of old school squash matches, short promos and good to great TV matches. Plus you get Dusty Rhodes. Even though it's done on the cheap it still has that WWE sheen to it, with good camera work, high quality vignettes, top commentary etc.

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ANY posts about TV shows which haven't aired yet in the UK (Raw, for example) should have SPOILERS clearly placed in the subject line. It is important that you abide by the spoiler rules as people revealing spoilers will have their accounts suspended, so take care before posting. If we suspect you of deliberately revealing spoilers or continuously revealing spoilers we will disable your account permanently.



Doesn't matter if match results are mentioned or not.

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Mr Dart, I refer you to the opening post of this thread...


Also, because we're dead hard in here, you can spoil as much about NXT as you fucking like.


NEWM's thread, his rules. If you were on Team NXT from the off, you'd have known that.


Besides, Ian DIDN'T SPOIL ANYTHING you whinging berk.

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I would welcome seeing more posts like that about any show. Was nothing more than a detailed "check it out this week because it was good" type of thing. I'm now going to take the time to watch and probably enjoy it without having anything spoiled at all.

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Alright, I've edited the thread title so this boring argument citing rules can be put to bed even though it has managed not to be a problem for OVER A YEAR.


edit: I did that without actually reading Ian's post. a) NXT sounds great this week, I'll have to check it out; and b) fucking hell, stop being a bitch Dart, absolutely nothing was spoiled. Get a grip. Proportionality is the key here! This is NXT, not Wrestlemania.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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Thanks for hyping me up about NXT guys. I watched my first ever episode of it this morning. 23rd June 2013 was the latest ep I could 'find'.


I agree with all the above, the small-time, cosy feel, really really simple angles, classic holiday park booking (curtain-jerk singles match gets schmozzed, Dusty turns it into 3 on 3 tag main event), blatant heel/face dynamics... comforting stuff. Sure some of the work is a little loose, characters not fleshed out but it's forgivable.


One of the best things it's got going for it is being a real 1 hour show. Not a recap show with 1 exclusive match, but a show that's in and out with no filler. I'm going to go and grab a large back catalogue and chow down.


(If anybody can PM me a good resource for obtaining a whole bunch of 'em, I'd be chuffed...)

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There's so many good things about NXT and such a load of promising talent coming through it. Un-masking Seth Rogen has been as inspired doing the same with Del Rio when he came in. The women are really rather good, often the best part of the show. Emma and Paige are just tremendous, i'm rapidly beginning to quite fancy Paige. I love Xavier Woods, i'd love to see him and his act make it to the real shows. I always liked him as Creed anyway but he looks to be a riot as Woods. His little pre-match promo the other week was amazing, the 'The roof is not my son, but I will raise the roof' line had me in bits and then he goes and tops it off with the 'it's morphin time' bit. Tremend. What Ian says about Regal is bang on too, you can tell he absolutely loves being a part of this and it's great to see. I've grown to really enjoy his commentary style too. It wouldn't work on the main shows but it fits perfectly and is just the right tone for NXT.



There's shit too. Ohno and Graves are the other end of the spectrum for me, not into either of them in the slightest.

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I'm not keen on Emma. She doesn't look natural. She looks awkward. She looks like she's focussing on one thing at a time, like 'ok, I've done the dance, now I've got to do the match'. The transition isn't seamless. She's annoying as well and the dance is naff. That Summer Rae carried it. Emma would just be a fad, and not a long lasting one at that.


Brad Maddox was really grating on commentary. I don't know if he's a regular but he sounded more suited to something like Saturday Morning Slam (he might do that as well. I wouldn't know).


I like that Enzo guy and his music. His partner looked lame for someone who is billed as 7ft.


I don't see much of a future in WWE for Sami Zayne based off of that match. He didn't stand out. He might end up being seen as a 'solid hand', but nothing more.


We'll see how my predictions fare in a year or so.


Edit: I really hope Pac does well when he's called up. Part of me thought WWE should stick a mask on him and dress him like a luchadore, but it would mean he'd have to work harder to express himself with selling and mannerisms and I don't think that would be his forte.

Edited by Sphinx
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