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The UKFF's 50 Favourite Films 2012 - The Results!

Devon Malcolm

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Commando is an amazing film, I believe it made my 2.


I once watched it dubbed in German as there was nothing better on sky and it was still so fantastic its untrue.


Edited by Tommy!
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I hadn't seen Commando until it popped up here, so I downloaded and watched it last night. Well, I tried to watch it but got about 50 minutes in and turned it off. It was shite. If Predator doesn't feature above it in this list, the forum has finally gone crackers.

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Goodfellas (1990)




People wot put it in 1st place: 2


IMDB Rating: 8.8


What's it about?


Ray Liotta always wanted to be a gangster. So he goes and becomes one, under the tutelage of quietly psychopathic Robert De Niro and slightly more psychopathic, and not at all fucking funny, Joe Pesci.


What do we say?


"Better than The Godfather."


So said cobra_gordo. Well, according to this poll, as it is all that matters in film opinion, he would appear to be right! The two films are very different actually, so whether it's an apt comparison is perhaps up for more debate.


What surely isn't up for debate is that Goodfellas is clearly one of the very best Mafioso films that has ever been made, one way or another. Strangely, for such a lengthy and character packed film, it is heavily reliant on 5 characters, with very few other characters in it contributing much more than extended cameos.


De Niro, Pesci, Paul Sorvino and Lorraine Bracco were safe hands for such a high level of responsibility, but Ray Liotta was a far bigger risk looking at his CV to that point - but one that pays off handsomely, and he would only come close to bettering this role (and I think he does better it) 12 years later in the magnificent (and shamefully un-nominated) Narc. It is a truly great and multi-layered performance and on his day, in the right project, he is a great actor.


I have to admit to not being the biggest Martin Scorsese fan. Taxi Driver and Mean Streets are superb films, certainly, but apart from those and this I have never quite taken to him in the way that most have done. There is no doubt in my mind that this is his greatest film and one that has proved to be massively influential at the same time, and to some very good films as well. The likes of Donnie Brasco and A Bronx Tale owe it a huge amount, no doubt about that.


Perhaps its greatest achievement, though, is the fact that it manages such an exceptional story arc, from an inquisitive young man seduced into a gangster life to a rising gangster career to a desperate and down criminal. It's quite a ride getting to the end, and it's far from being a happy ending for anyone, but it's great fun getting there.


Some good bits!


"No, you're going to tell me something today, tough guy...."


"Watch the suit!"



# Summer's gone.... #


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