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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Plus the company just posted a £13 million profit for the first quarter so i think we're a fair way from tanking.


It's "we're" now is it?


I guess it’s like football fans where they constantly use ‘we’ when talking about the team they support.

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I mean, it's not fucking rocket science to figure out that he clearly meant it in the context of "we are a fair way from seeing WWE tank".


Also it's not really rocket science to figure out I was joking, you tit.



Knee slapper!

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Haha fair play, you've done me like a kipper there, Clint.


I'd try and think of a comeback but unfortunately your posts are so unmemorable I can't really pinpoint something you said 3 or 4 months ago to make fun of you for.

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