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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Pretty sure Meltzer has talked about her as being part of the writing team as recently as the last few months, especially when someone asked if there were any women in Creative. it also strikes me as a strange thing for her to head up the department for so long, then just stop all of a sudden. Wasn't she really proud of being responsible for that? I know people move on and such but it just seems odd.

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Not really, she got promoted to another position. I'm sure she still has an influence, and gets to do her own stuff rather than what the writers have given, but HHH isnhead of creative. It's on the corporate site. That said, Vince is the one in actual charge.

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Stephanie hasn't been involved in creative for the last two years.


Point being is that she's a McMahon, therefore she'll follow on from Vince and based upon prior evidence will continue to get herself over to the betterment of the roster - both male & female. Soon as Vince steps down, Stephanie will step up and be a focal point of the show like her father was. So whilst she isn't involved creatively at present, being a heel who doesn't get her comeuppance (well unless they manage to work out a deal with Ronda Rousey where she punks her out again) it's totally counter-productive to the advancement of any angle she's associated with if they have Stephanie McMahon as the top heel. Plus she seems like a clone of Vince business wise and will no doubt continue with the Hollywood writing team and placate Hunter by letting him do the NXT stuff as a side project. So once Vince retires or quits, we'll see Stephanie McMahon back on the creative team and leading the direction of the product & I'd imagine contingency plans are in place already for them to continue "as is" and not upset the apple cart by changing tact and being a "Wrasslin" show. Historically only when you go back to the WWWF days is the WWE known for the actual wrestling aspect (Bruno Sammartino et al) and soon as Vince Jr took over they became sports-entertainment even then with the focus more on the characters of the wrestlers and them going with the larger-than-life cartoonesque gimmicks. If fans wanted to see wrestling they'd tune into JCP, World Class or Mid-South to name but a few until McMahon run the territories out of business by hoovering up their top talent. 


Plus, however much the fans want it, I highly doubt Trips will be allowed to do the NXT-esque stuff on the main roster, since what WWE do is "Sports Entertainment". NXT is rooted in old school wrestling which is why the IWC love it so much and it would probably seem outdated to fans of the current WWE product who are accustomed to a emphasis more on the entertainment element. Maybe you can re-educate the fanbase, but going back to what I said earlier, Stephanie will be in charge and I think she'd be stubborn in the belief that their way is the right way and will rattle off a list of statistics proving their formula works. If they experimented with NXT and tried to run it on a grander scale (ie get a TV deal with USA Network for example) and see if it sinks or swims ratings wise would be a good barometer whether that format would work on a bigger stage. I think NXT is very ECW-esque meaning it works tremendously well on a smaller scale, the fans are absorbed in the product, they have their favorites who they root for (ie Bayley for example) and the booking in general makes a ton of sense and everything runs like clockwork because it's based upon an old school pro-wrestling foundation.


Raw and to a lesser extent Smackdown is more like a traditional TV show, so they focus more on the entertainment aspects and the actual matches themselves are almost like an afterthought which is why the booking is so scattershot. If they manage to take the best elements from NXT and intertwine those into a cohesive whole where everyone on the roster has a purpose & a storyline, or an arc of a storyline (ie A hates B, because B is friends with C, who's friends with D & E who are feuding over the tag belts with F & G etc etc) Therefore everybody on the roster is involved, some more so than others and a clearly defined role and one where it makes logical sense for someone's whos winning matches & getting over (regardless of whether management want them to or not) you put them in that position because the fans are buying into their character and want to see them succeed. You might get a few false alarms (ala Fandango, Zack Ryder to name a few examples) who were getting over but couldn't really sustain themselves as top echelon talent, but who knows?, given the ball they might have run with it. No one would have predicted Stunning Steve to go on to huge success as Stone Cold Steve Austin, or Cactus Jack to become a New York times best selling author as Mankind, or an even better example Rocky Maivia who the fans were crapping on & to turn it around to develop his The Rock persona becoming a Hollywood star in the process. So when someone's getting over and it's a genuine reaction you have to pull the trigger and go with a push. Why WWE is stuck in a rut right now is because they either listen and it's too late (ie Daniel Bryan) or they try and force people down the fans throats who get the opposite reaction they are supposed to (ie the reactions that Roman Reigns has being getting). If you break it down to the very basics, pro-wrestling is probably the simplest thing to "get" - Face vs Heel (good guy/girl vs bad guy/girl) that's all. No point blurring the lines with tweeners of face vs face, heel vs heel. You don't pit Batman against the Incredible Hulk or The Joker against the Riddler, why? because it makes no logical sense. When you try and over complicate things it becomes a muddle and that's why WWE historically is full of broken story arcs, messed up pushes, Big Show's 1,000,000+ heel/face turns etc At the end of the day, pro-wrestling should be booked in a way which the fans can follow, doesn't insult their intelligence, tell a story, has defined goodie vs baddie roles and above all and what it's been lacking for a long time now - actually make logical sense in the whole scheme of things. WWE will never be Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones because those story dynamics are too complex to work within the pro-wrestling framework.


Case in point - Walter White - Babyface in the beginning, when he starts making Crystal Meth he becomes a tweener with Jesse, then when they knock off Gus he becomes the top heel (plus letting Jesse's girlfriend OD), being chased by the Babyface cop Hank and his crew. Then it hits the fan and Hank works out that Walt cooks meth & is now a dealer too, so the guy(s) Hank has been chasing for so long is his actually own immediate family - Walter. Hank then gets bumped off, Walter's role shifts between heel and face again since he wants out of the meth game since things have got too much. Then he becomes a heel again and wants Jesse out of the picture. Jesse starts out as a heel, then becomes the ultimate babyface the TV audience roots for to get away from the bad guy clique (ala the nWo who've kept him hostage/prisoner and making him do their dirty work for them). Then heel Walter who wants Jesse dead (& vice-versa because Walt tried to poison Jesse's girlfriend's son) is back to tweener and even an anti-authority type babyface because he lets his former buddy free. Can you imagine that plot and the storyline arcs that it continues working within WWE or TNA?. Maybe it would but you've got a smaller cast in comparison to the WWE roster and you'd be asking a great deal of your audience to follow a storyline with dramatic twists & turns and such. If WWE ever manage to pull that off we'll see another golden age again because to my knowledge they've never gone all out with a multi arcing storyline framework before where it's akin to a Hollywood movie or a TV show like Breaking Bad. Maybe get the Hollywood writers to produce a show like that and use their capabilities to do that since I'd guess none really have a knowledge of the workings of the wrestling industry or at least it's traditional origins.  

Edited by Really Big Shoe
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 You don't pit Batman against the Incredible Hulk or The Joker against the Riddler, why? because it makes no logical sense.


The whole planet is creaming themselves over Batman vs Superman right now, though.....

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You don't pit Batman against the Incredible Hulk or The Joker against the Riddler, why? because it makes no logical sense.

The whole planet is creaming themselves over Batman vs Superman right now, though.....

Apart from captain planet, he feels left out

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You don't pit Batman against the Incredible Hulk or The Joker against the Riddler, why? because it makes no logical sense.

The whole planet is creaming themselves over Batman vs Superman right now, though.....

Apart from captain planet, he feels left out


He's not bringing pollution down to zero either, he didn't even make an appearance as a delegate at the Paris Agreement. 

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That's a great post but it spoils all of Breaking Bad. Could be a good candidate for spoiler tags.


I stopped reading at "Walter White" because I know he's the main guy in it and I might watch it one day.


But then, I said that about Heroes too, and essentially every drama on telly since Six Feet Under and I've watched none of them. Apart from Thrones.

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