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Richie Freebird

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For a guy who's all about fitness, Cena just doesn't move like an athlete. His stupid floppy-armed shadow-boxing. His rigid doddery top-rope legdrop. His awful whirly upright headlock takedowns. And I can't watch him run down the ramp without seeing his feet flopping out to the sides. He's just a mess. Austin might've been a physical wreck but at least he knew how to move (I.e. like a fucking tank). At Cena's age and experience, he should be doing less for more of a reaction, not murdering himself with indy crap that he doesn't even seem to understand let alone pull off with any control or panache. Stick to the AA, the STF, and for fuck's sake, have a word backstage with Arn Anderson about your punches.

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Apparently Hogan is doing some UK shows. I can imagine it will be promoted by someone like Rocco Buonvino rather than the usual suspects given Hogan's no doubt exuberant demands.

'doing some shows'? - talking shows or wrestling?



Rumour has it that it'll be MDA Promotions running it. They are the same guys that ran the Ric Flair and Duggan/Dibiase tours this year. 

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One thing that's always pissed me off about Cena is that he's a massive bloke and stronger than probably most people on Earth but his offence is based on loads of crap high flying type moves. Bulldogs, top rope leg drops, flipping neckbreakers and now sunset flips and springboard stunners...the guy's a brick shit house! He should be doing gorilla press slams, big powerslams and suplexes. It makes no fucking sense!


And for all his bumps these days he always puts his elbows/arms/hands out to soften the blow and it looks awkward as hell. Either his back is so fucked he tries to cushion every bump or he's going to destroy his elbows.

Edited by LaGoosh
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Apparently Hogan is doing some UK shows. I can imagine it will be promoted by someone like Rocco Buonvino rather than the usual suspects given Hogan's no doubt exuberant demands.


'doing some shows'? - talking shows or wrestling?


Rumour has it that it'll be MDA Promotions running it. They are the same guys that ran the Ric Flair and Duggan/Dibiase tours this year.

They have ruled themselves out of the running for the Hogan show on their Facebook.


Though they are hyping up a big show next April.


I'd assume An Evening With show, but ya never know with this game.

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Is Bernard Manning's World Famous Embassy Club still around? He could do his shows from there.


"Koko B Ware walked in with a parrot on his shoulder. 'I said where'd you get that from?' And the parrot said 'Africa, there's fucking millions of them'."

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I'd hate to think anyone with any ounce of decency would go to a Hogan show. But then I remembered this is wrestling and also there are a lot of thick shits out there.

If you attach decency to what you watch or attend, wrestling would be out the door pretty sharp.

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I certainly cant blame people for wanting to go and see someone who they've watched over the years. Especially if they dont quite follow the controversy side of things as much as other people do. You're always going to get sympathy from people for the likes Hogan, because the reason he was popular was because of the work not the reality. There's always going to be a popularity swing for the likes of him, because that is the nature of why these people are popular in the first place. Its certainly not because of the real life person. Look at the Ultimate Warrior. Look at Roddy Piper. Look at Randy Savage. Look at Steve Austin. Look at Ric Flair. Look at Andre The Giant. Look at Shawn Michaels. Look at Vince McMahon. Its a business where the character prevails. Not the person. I dont doubt for a second Hogan will be back in the WWE eventually. Hogan is on the outs with the WWE not because of what he said. Its because he got caught. You pretty much leave your morals at the door following pro wrestling. Its filled with slime balls.


And, if Hogan does come to Newcastle on one of these things, I'd never go. I loved Hogan for years, but he's disappointed me a lot. Not just what he said. More how he's handled himself after it. But I dont begrudge anyone who does go. I was watching Heroes of World Class the other night and its my favourite wrestling documentary, but I must have said "that cunt killed a cat" about 50 times during it. I find myself just going along with it these days, even if the person who is entertaining me is vile.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Yes and no. There's a difference between watching Wrestlemania on the WWE Network and handing money to a self-confessed racist and people who would book a self-confessed racist...

About to throw a grenade in the room for sure but thinking about this a lot. The man said something in the privacy of his own home when he didn't realise was being recorded. What he said of course is deplorable, however if everything I have ever said at anytime was recorded and broadcast around the world, I am sure I would not have a job and that goes for everybody.


If you have never ever said anything that could be interpreted as sexist, racist, homophobic at any stage of your life, your fucking deluded. I certainly did as a stupid kid, before I knew about the world

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Yeah, not to downplay racism or anything, but it's not like he (allegedly) killed a woman.

If the media didn't make such a massive deal of it, I wouldn't have thought twice about it.

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