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Richie Freebird

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WWE really should stamp down on the homophobic stuff since they have an openly gay wrestler on their roster & they have done stuff for the Gay & Lesbian charities before, so it's hypocritical if they let one of their employees say stuff like that.


Also, because it's wrong and all that jazz.


The only place for homophobia in wrestling is if they wanted to use homophobia as a trait for one of the heels in a "what a fucking cunt this homophobic cunt is" kind of way, but they won't do that, because it would require a gay protagonist, and no wrestling company is prepared to encourage its fans to cheer for benders for fear that their fanbase might contain (read : DOES contain) backwards types who would boo any openly gay character and ruin it.


Wrestling, sadly, is not a form of soap opera that is ready to try and give you believable homosexual male characters that you are expected to like, although perhaps that's a touch understandable since a lot of fans have had to put up with "You like the wrestling? You gay or something?" all their lives, and would be more comfortable if more fuel wasn't added to that particular fire. Because you get plenty of backwards twats outside wrestling fandom too.

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WWE really should stamp down on the homophobic stuff since they have an openly gay wrestler on their roster & they have done stuff for the Gay & Lesbian charities before, so it's hypocritical if they let one of their employees say stuff like that.


Also, because it's wrong and all that jazz.


The only place for homophobia in wrestling is if they wanted to use homophobia as a trait for one of the heels in a "what a fucking cunt this homophobic cunt is" kind of way, but they won't do that, because it would require a gay protagonist, and no wrestling company is prepared to encourage its fans to cheer for benders for fear that their fanbase might contain (read : DOES contain) backwards types who would boo any openly gay character and ruin it.


Wrestling, sadly, is not a form of soap opera that is ready to try and give you believable homosexual male characters that you are expected to like, although perhaps that's a touch understandable since a lot of fans have had to put up with "You like the wrestling? You gay or something?" all their lives, and would be more comfortable if more fuel wasn't added to that particular fire. Because you get plenty of backwards twats outside wrestling fandom too.



Yep, unfortunately your right. I think historically WWE & wrestling in general have used more effeminate and/or gay characters to be ridiculed & to get easy heat from the fans. Even going back to Gorgeous George, the heat was on George because of his antics in the ring & his OTT costumes and such. One name which comes to mind is Goldust and IIRC he used to get a ton of heat when he worked against Warrior, Ahmed, Piper & Razor among others. The premise with the Goldust character was that he was gay & IIRC he was hitting on Razor et al and the WrestleMania match between Pipes & Dust was Roddy beating the crap out of him because of his antics. So in that instance, Roddy Piper was playing the homophobic role you're referring too, but was getting face cheers for it. This is Lance Storm's review of their match:




Next up we got the conclusion to the Piper vs. Goldust match. Both guys returned to the arena and ended up back in the ring fighting, and things just got weirder and weirder. (I’m pretty sure Russo was part of the creative team at this point and would bet money he had a hand in this mess. Again there were no rules so I have no idea what we were suppose to hope happened in this match. Goldust got heat on Piper and the story of the match was (I think) Goldust was Gay and Piper was a gay bashing homophobe baby face, who was going to beat him until he became a man (seriously). After beating on Piper, Goldust eventually kissed him, which pissed off Piper who fired up and made his comeback, which included grabbing Goldust by the balls, kissing him (I have no idea), and then stripping him out of his ring gear revealing very inappropriate lingerie. At this point Goldust just left and Piper’s music hit and he celebrated like he won. This was awful.


Thing is and this is probably why WWE and pro-wrestling gets away with it, most of the gay &/or effeminate characters are played by straight guys. WWE could use Darren Young as a spokesperson and help the younger members of their audience who might have questions over their sexuality. It's actually something which, if they think about it, could actually be good PR for them. But like you say, WWE, TNA or any wrestling company can't really develop a character where fans will feel empathy for or would even support in some instances. In Eastenders the character Christian got beaten up by homophobes and the writers of the show got the audience to feel sympathy for him. I don't really know if the whole crowd would root for or turn against a openly gay wrestler like D-Young, but you'd get the minority (who would probably be the vocal minority) and would shut an angle down before it had any go in it. Really it depends on how they book them and the storylines they are involved in. Also do they mention their sexuality on screen or do they gloss over it. Say they have the next Hogan, Rock or Austin in NXT regardless of their sexuality would they get a major push and a WWE championship, I don't think that would even be in the question. I think Tony Atlas said this one of the Legends roundtables where they were talking about the Soul of Wrestling, he said something about the promoters didn't see him as a man of color, but someone who was green (not meaning he was a rookie, but that he drew money for them). So if and as WWE is PG, they have a chance to change attitudes towards peoples sexuality and get the message across that homophobia, racism etc. are all wrong. But whether WWE will do anything about Bill DeMott, PS Hayes or about the other issues is all up to them.   

Edited by Really Big Shoe
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I think it's a generation thing to some extent.
I'm not saying this excuses it but the DeMott's et al were brought up in an era where wrestling, as homoerotic as it always has been, was all about 'you wrestle, you go to bars, you get into fights, you fuck women, you drink beer, you take drugs' etc etc. All 'macho' stuff.
How many old timers do you hear now going 'the business has changed - the guys now play video games, go to the gym and are clean and sober', something which I'm sure, to them, makes the current crop of wrestlers 'pussies' or 'wimps', whatever.

It's like when an elderly relative says 'coloureds' and you have to go 'Grandad, we say 'black' now' and they just grumble and claim that it was different in their day. WWE faces a tricky situation if any of the gay tolerance or anti-bullying foundations they work with get hold of this and they don't do something.
Ryan Nemeth has already said that despite WWE's claims of 'investigating' the matter nobody has ever asked him about it.
I'd be interested if Joel Redman can back up the claims of being called 'pedophile' too.

Social media can be a powerful thing sometimes.
I guess we'll have to wait and see how it unfolds.


Edited by Snitsky's back acne
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I've never understood the Hugh love in, a shitehawk midcarder with basic talent.


You have to wonder if he treats everyone the same, someone like Kevin Owens could surely beat the shit out of him if he crossed a line?


It's bad publicity either way, especially as the lad had to retire and can partly blame the culture for his retirement. 


I imagine it's just a grin a bare it moment when that cunt's training you, keep your head down and await Steamboat/Taylor/Regal/Brookside to actually learn.

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NXT doesn't work like that. There's a pecking order in developmental. The likes of Fin Balor, Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, Adrian Neville and the like dont go to NXT to start from the bottom and take Bill Demott's shit. They're Triple H and William Regal's boys. They sign with the intention of weeding out whatever WWE considers bad habits and being put on the main roster, and they were all brought in by William Regal who developed relationships with them outside WWE. Its guys like Derek Bateman, Judas Devlin and Kevin Matthews getting the slappings and being told they are useless. Guys who are starting from the bottom with no leverage. Fin Balor and Kevin Owens are guys used to making six figures a year. They aren't coming into WWE on $300 a week and getting bossed about like Hugh Morrus. Owens, KENTA, Balor and that lot are the big class. The kind who pal around with William Regal and Norman Smiley. Bill Demott bullies the ones who turn up with no experience, who are trying to "achieve the dream" without what the veterans consider "paying their dues." Its while the Miz, Renee Dunpee and the Tough Enough lads were bullied to shocking levels. Years of experience on the indies and internationally counts in developmental.


Which doesn't make it right, for the record. Not defending it. Just saying Demott isn't thick. He's not going to try and bully someone with enough leverage outside WWE and enough about them to not take his shit. Saying that, I bet Fin Balor it far, far worse living in that tiny little bed room in the New Japan dojo. I bet KENTA did as well. Kevin Owens had a bad time when he was trained by the Mountie as well, with him taking a percentage of his money for each booking like an old carny. Being a cunt isnt exclusive to Bill Demott.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Was watching some old clips of Goldust the other day and did find it weird how he was a heel for having gay tendencies. Although was it meant to be more that he fondled and groped other wrestlers and that was his heel tendencies?  So it being less about him being gay, more about him being sexually innapropriate.  I didnt watch wrestling avidly during that time so dont know.


I do find it strange how all of Goldusts defining characteristics when he first started are now gone.  Maybe he could start to be a bit more flamboyant the heels dislike him for it because they are narrowminded.  


I agree with what people say about a gay wrestler maybe not working as the fans might not take them as a face and may treat them as a heel.  But also I would get annoyed because you shouldn't just cheer someone because they are gay, there has to be more to their character otherwise it becomes a bit 2 dimensional.  Plus I hate it when wrestlers become romantically involved with anyone, men or women, hate the relationship angles.  

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I've never understood the Hugh love in, a shitehawk midcarder with basic talent.

What a brilliant footballer Jose Mourinho was. The original Rui Costa.


Tiger Woods' caddy isn't the greatest golfer either, yes I get that.


However, neither of those two are renowned for being an out and out bullying cunt who have on a great deal of occasions abused the people they are 'Helping' coach.


Edited by Teedy Kay
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Was watching some old clips of Goldust the other day and did find it weird how he was a heel for having gay tendencies. Although was it meant to be more that he fondled and groped other wrestlers and that was his heel tendencies?  So it being less about him being gay, more about him being sexually innapropriate.  I didnt watch wrestling avidly during that time so dont know.


You can't really separate the two, because if the gay wrestler doesn't do gay things, his gimmick isn't a gimmick. It's like if Doink was a clown but didn't dress up or act like a clown, if he was just a bland wrestler in trunks except the commentators tell you that he's a clown.

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But also I would get annoyed because you shouldn't just cheer someone because they are gay, there has to be more to their character otherwise it becomes a bit 2 dimensional. 


He's a gay babyface, he's not a babyface because he's gay, that would be nonsense. He's a babyface because people cheer for him, he's booked against heels etc, and he stands up against the homophobic heel so people support him standing up for himself. That's the idea. The idea which as I said, wouldn't work for wrestling fans, even in 2015.

Edited by air_raid
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Bill Demott's left WWE:


I deny the recent allegations made about me, however, to avoid any embarrassment or damage to the WWE, I've decided to step down from my role effective immediately.


No way is he leaving of his own choice. Wrestlers stay until the last penny is squeezed. They must have told him to resign.

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It's probably due to the combination of Chris Jericho essentially dropping him in it by trying to stick up for him, and all these other development/indy wrestlers coming out of the woodwork to shoot him down.
I imagine if it was just the one guy making the claim they'd have ignored it, but it's piling on now. Good riddance, a massive arse hole by all accounts.

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