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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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I just can't believe that there are 15-20 writers. There's barely more than 2 storylines at any time and most the shows are rematches with no angles behind them. What do they do all day?


Try not to get shouted at, probably. It does beggar belief how the brass pay lip service to the idea of needing storylines for people to care, but then don't bother with them. I wonder if the scripts Vince rips up actually have stuff for people to do, or whether it is all the same rematches in the midcard and the writing staff are just tasked with trying to find a new spin on the thirtieth go-round of Cena vs Rollins, inevitably coming up with something he doesn't like.

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Just had this show up on my Twitter feed as a sponsored link. A dating site for wrestling fans. 

Edit... $39.99 a month for a single month? Get fucked. It's still $12.99 a month if you buy a year in advance. I can get everything that WWE has ever made for $9.99 a month and the chances of getting a date off of someone on there are probably much higher, especially if you know Sunny's paypal address.

Edited by Chris Brooker
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Just had this show up on my Twitter feed as a sponsored link. A dating site for wrestling fans. 


Edit... $39.99 a month for a single month? Get fucked. It's still $12.99 a month if you buy a year in advance. I can get everything that WWE has ever made for $9.99 a month and the chances of getting a date off of someone on there are probably much higher, especially if you know Sunny's paypal address.


I see its American


"I Like Wrasslin"

"I Like Wrasslin too"  

"Hot damn, lets make us some babies!"


How long before competitor websites pop up?   I might start a kickstarter campaign for findlocalringrats.com

Edited by Doctor Whos Next
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Rumours going around that Goldust is going to retire after Mania 31. Looks like we will get that Goldust V Stardust match then.


Don't think anyone would've predicted Goldust to last so long or for his career to end so greatly. It's been a great run alongside Cody.


Personally hope they drop the Stardust gimmick once Goldust is out of the picture.

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Rumours going around that Goldust is going to retire after Mania 31. Looks like we will get that Goldust V Stardust match then.


Don't think anyone would've predicted Goldust to last so long or for his career to end so greatly. It's been a great run alongside Cody.


Personally hope they drop the Stardust gimmick once Goldust is out of the picture.



The thing is if they do drop the Stardust gimmick then what next for Cody? They have tried and tried with so many things to make him a top star but he's never quite managed to deliver. So if Goldust goes, what next for Cody?

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