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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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The tag match is just to distract from Ziggler's Money In The Bank cash in, surely? I originally expected it to cement the Kane / Bryan split, but I'm almost thinking that's not going to happen at all.

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i would have liked to have seen Ziggler, Langston, AJ vs Team Hell No and Lita for nostalgia reasons, not sure how they would have built the story in the build up but with Lita being in the area obviously for the HOF it would have been easy enough to do i suppose.


Also I know its highly unlikely to happen but id love to see Vince return and cost Triple H his match against Brock for the reasons being he does't agree with the way Triple H has been running the company and bring onto TV real backstage issues that are currently going on in WWE and Vince blaming Triple H for them happening ultimately leading to a match at WrestleMania 30 with the winner becoming CEO of WWE. WM 30 is a milestone and it would be fitting for Vince to hand the company over to Triple H and Stephanie. It would make for a Shane McMahon return even if brief and you could have Stephanie stuck in the middle and closer to the time make it so you don't know whos corner shes going to be in.

Edited by C-Rock
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Also I know its highly unlikely to happen but id love to see Vince return and cost Triple H his match against Brock for the reasons being he does't agree with the way Triple H has been running the company and bring onto TV real backstage issues that are currently going on in WWE and Vince blaming Triple H for them happening ultimately leading to a match at WrestleMania 30 with the winner becoming CEO of WWE. WM 30 is a milestone and it would be fitting for Vince to hand the company over to Triple H and Stephanie. It would make for a Shane McMahon return even if brief and you could have Stephanie stuck in the middle and closer to the time make it so you don't know whos corner shes going to be in.


Trouble with that is, who would be the heel? It would have to be HHH, because who wants to see the young blood come in and take away a company from an Old man that has worked all his life for it? Even with Vince in full on heel mode, the crowd would have to feel a little sympathy for him.

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No. Too much else going on. I think the 8-person tag will fulfil the fun multi-person slot on the preshow.


I wonder if they might switch that into a lumberjack/jill match to get everyone out in front of the crowd. Guys on one side, girls on the other. Potential for comedy spots I.E. Tensai gets thrown out on the girls side and they hug & kiss him, Sandow goes out there seconds later & they slap fuck out of him. Something like that.


IIRC, their interactions thus far have disintegrated into outside brawling leading to no contests, so there's a logical reason to add the rule too.

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So hold up... is WrestleMania 4 hours + an hour pre-show? Or 3 hours + an hour pre-show?


Also, what's the other song accompanying 'Maina this year besides 'I'm coming home'? It's been playing over the match graphics mainly. Have we not got Up Chucks or Slick Dicks tremendous WrestleMania Hype thread this year?

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Blimey, 5 hours of WrestleMania. Is that a first? You'd be pretty gutted if you didn't get on the card at all for that. Someone mentioned something of murmurs of a Kofi heel turn on here the other day. Be surprised if that was true but if he didn't get on and EVERYONE else does that could be what instigates it. Perhaps.

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