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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Disagree with the Goldberg thing that always floats around the Internet - same with the endless debates over Goldust putting his wig on him for all of three seconds as being a far bigger deal than it was.


The story that went around at the time is that the reason HHH went over at Summerslam was because he wanted to put Bill over in a one on one match. The One on one was originally advertised on Raw (complete with Graphic) but due to injuries (thus why HHH wore that awful "shorts" looking costume for a time) he didn't feel like he could deliver a one on one match. In hindsight, Goldberg should have gone over due to the fact he was white hot that night and the crowd were super into him - far more than any previous or later WWE appearance. A win then could have garnered huge momentum, but hindsights great, right.


Goldberg being booked to demolish most in the chamber then for HHH (who played chicken shit in the match - like he usually did on TV for Goldberg) to steal a win with a huge cheap shot was a damper on the night, but with the thought process being it was to lead to a high stakes rematch one on one where HHH could do the honors properly.


He then beat HHH again at Survivor Series 03 (booked in against all odds fashion) in a heavily hyped and show ending match - back in the days when Survivor Series was a big deal. When HHH won the belt back, in was in a triple threat match which again was booked for a screwy ending where it was perceived HHH stole a win (low blows, outside interference etc).

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I 100% agreed with the booking of SummerSlam 2003, I don't think that's the issue at all. He was booked amazingly well in defeat, and I don't see the argument anyone can make that it had to be that night for him to win the title, when one-on-one victory would look better.


The issue people have is that the match Hunter proceeded to have with Goldberg at Unforgiven was plodding and methodical, centered around Trips keeping Goldberg on the mat and wrestling him, and required extended periods of Goldberg selling and looking vulnerable. It was a Triple H match rather than a Goldberg match, and it wasn't what people wanted to see. They'd had their fill of Hunter being plodding and methodical in the Steiner and Nash series'.

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If you pay someone 7 figures and treat him like that, then its obvious someone is either inept or out to get him. Did anyone actually watch the finish of SummerSlam? Goldberg was made to look like a complete goon. Missing a spear into a sledgehammer shot and getting pinned? What's that all about? There was no business in a Triple H vs Goldberg match at Unforgiven. Goldberg should have beat him, like he beat everyone else in that SummerSlam match and maybe you could have had a top babyface with momentum going against a heel who wanted his belt back. If the excuse is "Triple H did that with everyone at the time", well maybe they should have changed that up so as not to fuck about a huge investment. They burned money with Goldberg. You could have built him for a year and put him against Triple H. Or built him for a year and put him against Undertaker. Or Austin even. That year Goldberg had in WWE was someone trying to expose him. If they'd have had him roll over everyone and put him against Austin at WrestleMania 20, that would have still been talked about. And Goldberg wouldn't have left because he wouldn't have lost all trust in them.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I've not had much sympathy for Goldberg's plight since I watched an MSG fancam from December 2003 where he worked the main event against Kane and totally ballsed up the finish/finishing sequence.


Kane went to the top to do his flying clothesline as Goldberg was dazed. Kane jumped and landed on his feet. And a few seconds later Goldberg speared him. The guy filming the match had a great reaction. I think they did a 2 count then another spear for the finish.


Painful stuff.

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Hardly a PPV went by in 2002 / 2003 / 2004 without some wag posting: "spoiler: Triple H wins". Thanks for reminding me about that tremendous Goldberg rioting inside the Elimination Chamber pod though, he looked the business there.

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Did anyone actually watch the finish of SummerSlam? Goldberg was made to look like a complete goon. Missing a spear into a sledgehammer shot and getting pinned? What's that all about? There was no business in a Triple H vs Goldberg match at Unforgiven. Goldberg should have beat him, like he beat everyone else in that SummerSlam match and maybe you could have had a top babyface with momentum going against a heel who wanted his belt back.

The Goldberg push hadn't gone well to that point though, and it would've taken a brave man to suggest he squash every other active main eventer they had in one night and leave SummerSlam with the belt. He'd been booed by large sections of the crowd in his first big match against The Rock, and didn't even appear on the following Pay-Per-View before dicking around with Christian and Jericho for 6 weeks or so.


The stars aligned for him on the night and he looked great in the chamber, and had he won that night he would've been made for at least a few months, but that outcome looked far from certain going into the show. Going down to a sledge hammer job after running through everybody else was pretty smart booking, and should've worked on paper, but a combination of Goldberg's limitations and Triple H's bad form made the one-on-one match the following month manifestly unappealing.


If Goldberg had been getting the desired reactions between his debut and SummerSlam I have no doubt he would've taken the belt in the chamber, but the fans had been actively irreverent towards him on several occasions. Testing the water by having him run Haitch close was the safe option, and probably the right one even in hindsight.

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He got the desired reaction at SummerSlam and they beat him. Its not his fault they put him against Chris Jericho in the midcard of Badd Blood. The idea that Jericho not only worked with him, but outsmarted him for weeks and then got the heat on him is astonishing even now. They booked him absolutely shite. You have to protect your assets and they never did that with Goldberg. If he'd have been booked like he was for the 10 minutes he was in the ring at SummerSlam, he'd have done huge business for them. All of what you mentioned could have easily been avoided if they have protected him. He was booed because nobody wanted this shite version of Goldberg. The bloke who runs around after getting outsmarted by the Rock who rips the piss out of him on the mic for ages and makes us love him because he's quite funny. Who would have cheered Goldberg over the Rock at Backlash? He came into it looking like a right mug. People generally like people who smash through their opponents, no sell offense and looks a monster. Nobody likes big apes who end up on the floor because they are thickos.


The stars aligned for him on the night and he looked great in the chamber, and had he won that night he would've been made for at least a few months

He was Goldberg! He wasn't fucking Ryback or Big E Langston. They were paying him over a million dollars a year because he was a massive star with a reputation of tearing through his opponents like a Juggernaut. And when he became the Goldberg we all knew and loved the response (shock, horror) was far better than Divberg who kept missing a spear on a 5'8" bloke.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Apologies if already posted, I couldnt find it.




Brendon Burns and Colt Cabana Sit in a Fifty-Seater Around Midnight and Provide the Commentary to Bad Wrestling MatchesOnly in Edinburgh baby! The world's number one indie wrestler meets the world's number eight cult comedian. We could declare it an unforgettable evening, but let's face it, this is really only going to appeal to a very select few of you. If you like wrestling and/or either one of these guys, you probably can't believe this is happening! ...If not? You honestly might want to go elsewhere. Adults only! Special guest comics and wrestlers! Bring your own matches!



Aaand tickets bought. XD

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He got the desired reaction at SummerSlam and they beat him. Its not his fault they put him against Chris Jericho in the midcard of Badd Blood. The idea that Jericho not only worked with him, but outsmarted him for weeks and then got the heat on him is astonishing even now. They booked him absolutely shite. You have to protect your assets and they never did that with Goldberg. If he'd have been booked like he was for the 10 minutes he was in the ring at SummerSlam, he'd have done huge business for them. All of what you mentioned could have easily been avoided if they have protected him. He was booed because nobody wanted this shite version of Goldberg. The bloke who runs around after getting outsmarted by the Rock who rips the piss out of him on the mic for ages and makes us love him because he's quite funny. Who would have cheered Goldberg over the Rock at Backlash? He came into it looking like a right mug. People generally like people who smash through their opponents, no sell offense and looks a monster. Nobody likes big apes who end up on the floor because they are thickos.

Aye, I agree with all of that. They could've done a better job of booking to his strengths, and if they had done he'd have likely got strong reactions right from the off. I didn't mean for it to sound as though Bill was solely to blame for the mixed reactions or anything.


My contention was that by SummerSlam a lot of damage had already been done, and the strong response he got on the night was far from predictable. Judging by the previous few months, if they'd have given him the belt in the chamber there was a real possibility of SummerSlam going off the air with an impotent face champion nobody liked standing tall over everyone else who was worth anything to them at that point. Faint heart never won fair lady of course, but the decision to have Goldberg go down fighting on the night was perfectly defensible.

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Were people not more annoyed with what happened between HHH & Goldberg cos of what had happened previously with HHH & Stenier/Booker/Nash etc.


I think Goldberg & HHH were meant to main event Summerslam originally but HHH was nowhere near 100% & wore the shorts as someone else said.

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WWE's got a big announcement tomorrow regarding the new WWE game. Its not just game related, though. Its supposed to be a pretty huge thing. I wonder what that's going to be? I'm excited now.


Warrior maybe? He's on the new game and its the first time he's signed up with WWE (and not the separate toy or games manufacturer) to do anything to since 1996. I wonder if they have him signed to a legends deal. I suppose it all comes down to what WWE consider a big deal and what we do, but I'll get my hopes up anyway.

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Goldberg recently said that he had agreed with them to be in the new game. I'm not sure if that's already been made official or not? Not sure it warrants a 'big announcement' either, but then again, what is a big announcement where the game is concerned?

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Where have you read that Warrior's signed through WWE rather than the games company Ian?

Warrior's said it loads of times. I believe its a thing where he cuts a deal where they can use him if they pay him a fee and instead of royalties they just send him a load of merch (whether its games or figures) of himself that he flogs for ridiculous prices on ebay. Hogan and Savage did the same a few years back with them. Hogan signed on with THQ to be in the All Stars game. WWE didn't want Savage to sign with Mattel but Jakks were negotiating with him and Mattel told them they'd deal with Savage and WWE wouldn't have to because Savage's name in the nostalgia market is pretty high.


I dont know about now, but a few years back Hogan, Warrior and Savage were said to be proper massive sellers to the late 20s/early 30s market who collect and watched in the early 90s. They could squeeze loads out of those three.

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