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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Does every discussion on here revert back to "wrestlers these days eh? What a bunch of poofs"?


It broke my heart when I first read that Wrestlers these days play video games instead of going out on the piss and fucking 3 rats at a time.

It's true.


Same with most footballers these days too. Bunch of overpaid pussies.

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except for Iuns points about framing the belts, pretty sure Hart, Hogan and Rock all did that too mainly because they're massive marks for themselves (Hogan and Hart at least).

They actually did something in wrestling. They have achievements decorating their house. It wasn't like they were hanging the Smackdown tag belts on their wall for all to see when they were doing jobs on Saturday Morning Slam. And all of Hogan and Hart's belts were given to them by the promoters. Hogan has a bunch of originals in his house. Hogan gave his original 87 WWF belt away to some kid on the radio a few years back. Its unsettling that you hear about them buying their belts from the wrestling superstore online. They actually pay money for them.


There's a massive difference between taking your character seriously and being a mark for yourself. Hogan, Hart and Rock believed in their characters. And belieivng in their characters is what made them huge stars. Their level of commitment to their act was commendable and they got their rewards. They should be proud of what they did in wrestling.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I alwas used to think she looked well skanky when she first started wrestling but god knows what it is,since the Summerslam promo vids id say

Ive looked at her differently and she is a good looking girl


Your right thought,WWE have a lot more Divas that could have taken her place on that list


Joey Styles slipping her One? :confused:

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They're very hit-and-miss. They've had some absolute crackers, some crap, and some absolute headfucks - the Roode/Storm one where Storm lost what was built up as a title match AND a blow-off IN HIS HOME TOWN was ridiculous. The Angle/Joe one with the MMA-style build-up was superb, though.

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Despite being a concept that sounds like overkill, often it's been their best PPV of the year outside the big 2.


As Carbomb says though, there's been some stinkers so I think it's more a case of being good in spite of the gimmick. 2 main cage matches is enough I reckon.

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