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The Post A Pic Of Yourself Thread V2


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He does actually have some good taste in music. He likes a lot of Rancid (more of the quiet stuff/ska stuff and most of the Tim Timebomb stuff,) but he also like The Beatles and Bob Marley. His favourite song is funky town.

Edited by Tats are gay
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As long as it is. Basically, as a general rule, be careful about putting pictures of people who aren't yourself in a photo with you unless you're fine with the consequences that come with it being a forum of Manchildren.

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Knew I should have kept that beard, instead of going the goatee route.


On that note, I've a minor beard going on. It's still in its infancy and still has ginger in it, but it was getting there. Anyway, I'm shaving later because A GIRL told me I should, and I'm just that shallow, but I thought this was a good place to immortalize what is going on before I do away with it.






I generally don't care for pictures of children. They all look the same. But, your kids got Batman socks. So, he's cool.



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