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The Lucha Libre Thread


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Good main event on LU this week. Mundo, Evans, Black and Taya as a sneaky chickenshit heel stable are loads of fun.


The other two matches were forgettable. Is there a wrestler more boring in this day and age than Chavo Guerrero? But next week...MONSTER VS MACHINE! Fucking hell. This is why I love LU. The Ryan/Cortez/Cisqo scene was the right kind of cheese. And if you were wondering where Mil Muertes has gone, he's now a trophy on King Cuerno's wall...why the hell not?!

I quite enjoyed Chavo vs Cage. Agree with you on Taya/Mundo/Evans/Black. Great team. And the match wasn't half bad. Some really cool spots. Mil being a trophy of Cuerno needs a little more explaining...how is he his trophy? He didn't hunt and take down Mil.


Matanza vs Cage will, hopefully, be as hard hitting as Matanza vs Mil I.

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This week on LU we had probably the first ever Nunchuck Tag Match....and it was awesome! Check it out!

You're not wrong. It's definitely worth checking out.


The previous week had Cage vs Matanza Cueto, which I enjoyed immensely. What I've seen of Cage is what he's done on LU, and I disliked him as 'just a big guy', but his match with Matanza had me gobsmacked. This guy is athletic as hell. Some of the stuff he was pulling off was incredible for someone his size. I'll definitely be looking up more from Cage!

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I have a habit of letting LU pile up on my DVR for months, so last night I sat down and watched the last nine episodes back-to-back. Don't feel like posting a long thing about it, I'll just say that it's just a fantastic show, the new trios champs are amazingly enjoyable, and I'm almost annoyed that they made me care about Sexy Star.

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Does that make you up to date? I'm just one week behind after being a few weeks behind for awhile. Matanza vs Cage was great.


Chris DeJoseph tweeted they've just recorded the 100th episode, so that must be series 5?!?

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Six To Survive...Pentagon Jr, Taya, Mundo, Ivalesse, King Cuerno and Fenix...

Holy shit. Pentagon and Fenix...just...wow. I could watch these two all day long. It's unsurprising that they have such awesome chemistry, but their part of that match was some of the best Lucha Underground has had to offer. It seems like I say that a lot, as weeks go by, about a few different people. I would pay good money to see Pentagon Jr vs. Fenix, All Night Long. 

The spectacle those two put on overshadows what was a very good match/show, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be talked about. Mundo's apron-to-End of the World was the best I've seen him hit it, and Fenix's double stomp on Mundo on the apron was beautiful. Ivalesse looked great, that scorpion kick was a nice little touch. Taya had a good showing, there's definitely promise there (I'm aware she's more than accomplished in other areas, I just haven't seen much of her work). I wouldn't mind seeing a decent length Taya/Mundo vs Son of Havoc/Ivalesse match. 

It's annoying that Cuerno won't be in the WWE CWC. As far as I know, he wanted to do it, they wanted him to do it, but it couldn't be done. I rate Cuerno highly, and look forward to his match with Red Eyes Killer Muertes. 

Pentagon Jr vs Matanza will be fantastic. I want to see Cueto take a Destroyer! 

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Chris DeJoseph tweeted they've just recorded the 100th episode, so that must be series 5?!?

Was Season 1 not 35+ episodes? From what I can tell, Season 2 is 27 (?) episodes, so another 35-ish and you have 100...


100 episodes is syndication material. I wonder if that is why they have stuck with it? I like the product btw, I am just stating the ratings have not been great, though it is stuck on El Ray

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