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The Lucha Libre Thread


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I prefer Ivelisse to Sexy Star. They've pushed Star soooo hard as the "empowered woman role model" that it really jars when she clearly has to be picked up and whirled around by her male opponents (a general issue with the lucha style), whereas Ivelisse wrestles her own way and uses her smarts. I'd rather cheer an intelligent badass than a grinning acrobat.


At the end of show one, the heel champ has half a dozen legit challengers, including a woman, and you still think he's got the edge because of who and what he is. I long for that kind of unpredictability and intrigue in the big leagues.

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A thing I noticed from watching Lucha Underground this week. Brian Cage is booked exactly how Ryback should have been. Cage is so over in that building.


Vampiro sumed up Justin Gabriel's career with one observation. "I dont know who this dude is, you're going to have to fill me in."

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Solid show but the matches were a bit lacking due to Killshot, Da Mack, Justin Gabriel and the Disciples of Death all being fairly shit. The Cage/Morrison stuff was great though, I think they're gonna' tear it down. And Cage vs Mil Muertes is a match I never thought of before but am now desperate to see. Strange that Gabriel lost in his first match though. What a boring fucker. 

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I've only ever seen him in Lucha Underground. I know he's done PWG and ROH(?) so maybe I'd enjoy him in a different environment. With the big characters in LU though he doesn't really impress. 


I love that Melissa Santos still introduces Pentagon with complete disgust. Continuity~!

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Pretty dull show, especially after the mentalism of the premiere. Too many unmasked Americans working slooow (even Mundo who seemed off). Two new characters introduced exactly the same way, with terrible slo mo kung fu and portentous narration. Felt like the filler episodes in a Netflix binge, without the benefit of being able to wash the taste away with one more.


The good though. Cage vs Mundo is imminent and sold with a fxxxing shoulder block. Vampiro arguing for Pentagon, keeping that thread going. Pentagon basically being a marvellous dick, even in a mask that had Dame Edna's glasses sewn on. Rey Rey getting more character development in two minutes than ten years of WWE. Just hope episode 3 picks back up.

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PJ Black was a funny one. I thought he looked the absolute business until he came out smiling. His performance was otherwise really good but then he lost. Vampiro seemed to be in full JBL mode as well which was off putting.


Genuinely thought Killshot was going to win for a second, both men came out looking good and Cage came out looking even better.


Main event wasn't a classic but built well towards Puma and Pentagon Jr, which in really excited for. Was expecting Murtes to come down and reveal his arm wasn't broken before fucking them both up.


This was a filler episode, but still miles ahead of Raw.

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Well I thought it was good again this week. Ian is spot on with the Ryback/Cage comparison, it's essentially the exact same gimmick but done right. I love Willie Mack too, nice surprise win for him. Refreshing to see somebody lose on their debut, especially coming right off the back of an introductory vignette. You'd never get that happening on Raw. Be interested to see where they go with PJ Black after that. He's a really good fit for the LU aesthetic so I will be keen to see if they can do as good a job at hiding his weaknesses as they have done with their other talents.

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Wont be because of Wellness. WWE system has found the blance to avoid ever getting stung for steroids or HGH. They only test on Wednesdays now. Just cycle around the testing and you can do whatever you like.


In fairness the Brian Cage in 2016 isnt the one they had in developmental. He's improved massively and his look is fantastic. I can see him being back in WWE eventually.

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