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The Lucha Libre Thread


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This is mainly for Ian, it might be a bit of a bummer that LA Park vs. Kurt Angle isn't happening but don't worry because on the show before TripleMania LA Park will be squaring off mano y mano with...Abyss.

Ah, well. I thought it was to good to be true. I actually like Abyss these days, so will still check it out. I'd much rather see LA Park vs Joseph Park, though. I'd prefer than to Kurt vs LA Park. Maybe Joseph could try and find documents to see if LA is a relation.

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Ah, well. I thought it was to good to be true. I actually like Abyss these days, so will still check it out. I'd much rather see LA Park vs Joseph Park, though. I'd prefer than to Kurt vs LA Park. Maybe Joseph could try and find documents to see if LA is a relation.


See, I haven't watched any TNA in ages, but whenever Abyss coems down to AAA it's normally awful. Although the last time he was here he kept losing his mask and I started to develop my suspicions that it might actually be Joseph Park fulfilling his brother's dates.

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I actually like Abyss these days, so will still check it out.

It's amazing how a spell of good booking can turn a character around. I remember that thread you made not too long ago Ian, where you absolutely crucified Abyss and said he was the worst thing in wrestling. I was totally on board with it, too. Abyss was beyond dogshit. Now look at the situation- the Joseph Park angle has turned the Abyss character into something that we all want to watch again. Gotta give TNA a lot of credit for that.

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Here it is.




You should all have a look at it. Night and day.


This bloke is rotten. Someone please give me any reason why he's being pushed, that doesnt include Bob Ryder, Johnson's babyrub and the Impact Zone bogs. How can anyone think this bloke is capable of getting over or have any likable qualities at all?


Abyss and Anderson wrestled Steiner and Bully Ray for 12 minutes. It was the hottest match of the night as far as crowd reaction. Nobody cared about the tag titles, nobody cared about the main event, you could hear a cat eating a tin of Felix in the next room when Morgan and Crimson wrestled, but during this bout, one man was over. Scott Steiner cut a promo, saying he'd been to Parts Unknown and saw Abyss' girlfriend and "ugly doesnt do it justice" and she was "FAT!". Bully Ray was just as funny saying "you will be in the ring with one half of the greatest tag team of all time, and Scott Steiner", to which Steiner shouted "I'm the greatest tag team of all time". It was brilliant. The fans were big into Steiner. They chanted "Steiner, Steiner" to which they chanted along, but instead of yelling his own name, he raised a riddle finger and chanted "fuck you, fuck you, fuck you". It wasnt a smattering of "Steiner" chants. The whole of the Impact Zone were as loud as they've been in years. They are so into him. When they havent got the button to pipe in boos and manipulate real crowd reaction, you see who's really over. Steiner, at the age of 49 hit a Frankensteiner on Anderson. But wasnt the legal man, so Abyss pinned Steiner for an unpopular victory. Afterwards, Bully and Scotty put Abyss through a table. Abyss no sold it and the Dudliner Brothoyz (I made that name up :)) ran like the clappers. They gave every smart fan, casual fan, jaded fan and Impact Zone Mutant the wrong finish. Unreal. Bully Ray was great as well (he does a spot where Steiner shows his massive arm, and Bully shows his calf muscle). The less said about Anderson the better as well.


So Abyss is now being pushed as the next big thing again, and TNA has put a statement of intent out with this news that Impact will probably back to being shit soon. In other news ...


Jeff Hardy wears a mask which is either brilliant or the worst thing since the Yeti bummed The Phantom of the Opera Hogan.

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Joseph Park is brilliant and therefor makes Abyss more likable due to my personal liking for the man who portrays both characters. If Abyss becomes a regular again, he'll probably be a huge lump of shit. But as a once every six week type of character, Abyss is alright. I now at least see why they have stuck with him for about 10 years, because Chris Park is obviously super talented and seems like a really, really nice guy. I bet he's a charming bloke to have around.


But, he still has a long way to go to make up for the Last Rites match, the Prison Yard match, the whole storyline with James Mitchell, the team with Matt Morgan, the feud with Mick Foley, the fact he held the World title, poncing about with a Hall of Fame ring on, his neck beard, the lack of teeth, walking about with a board of nails that he never actually used because it was real, that period where he acted like Eugene going to a fancy dress party as Mankind and even the match I mentioned above. So I make no apologies.

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No apologies required, because you were right with what you were saying. That whole thread was testament to that. My point was that it's amazing how they have managed to make him watchable again. When you watch Joseph Park on Impact you have to wonder why Chris Park has worked under a mask for so long when his facials and mannerisms are so excellent. If he worked for WWE, Vince would never have let him anywhere near a mask.


On paper, the whole Joseph Park angle sounds like total wrestlecrap- but the way it has been played out has been pure entertainment. That's what happens when you give great character actors like Park and Bully Ray time to talk though. The angle would be unwatchable dogshit with lesser performers.

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Things that have caught my eye


Ultimo Guerrero has reshaped Los Guerrero's again it's now Euforia, Niebla Roja and Dragon Rojo. Rey Escorpion is out. BASTARD!


Loco Max has left CMLL.


Pequeno Nitro vs Aereo, Mask vs Mask next week.


Watching wise, way behind as usual but the Marcela/Ayumi Kurihara match from march was real


As usual all info from Site from God

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Okay, so it now seems we are actually going to get Park/Jarrett. In an elimination tag. Yeah, I dunno why they'd do that either.

Which now appears to be a straightforward 2 on 2 with the most pointless, lame duck partners in ElectroShock and probably Abyss or someone like that. Weird.


More promisingly, they also look to be debuting a new rudo trio of Satan, Diablo and Devil. It's like the 90s again! :devil:

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Okay, so it now seems we are actually going to get Park/Jarrett. In an elimination tag. Yeah, I dunno why they'd do that either.

Which now appears to be a straightforward 2 on 2 with the most pointless, lame duck partners in ElectroShock and probably Abyss or someone like that. Weird.


More promisingly, they also look to be debuting a new rudo trio of Satan, Diablo and Devil. It's like the 90s again! :devil:


The card for the lame duck showing before TripleMania looks pretty damn good. Go figure.


I really don't get why they're not just doing Park vs. Jarrett. Minds you I don't think La Parka, Cibernetico, Octagon or Hector Garza are on the card yet are they? That's pretty odd. Especially Cibernetico who's over like a rover. The TripleMania card just doesn't seem that big, it might just be because they had all their hopes pinned on Kurt Angle coming in but at the moment none of the matches feel that big. The Wagner match has been built up pretty well but Mascara Ano 2000 Jr isn't a headliner. I suppose El Mesias going out injured hasn't helped matters much either. Although Perro's actually been quite a lot of fun lately so that might be a fun match.


Ultimo Guerrero has reshaped Los Guerrero's again it's now Euforia, Niebla Roja and Dragon Rojo. Rey Escorpion is out. BASTARD!


Rey Escorpion made the mistake of winning a 'big' hair match. Black Warrior, who was far more sensible and lost, is getting the push at the top of the card.

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Good lucha watch: The Psycho circus vs. Consejo match that opened the 08.07.2012 AAA show is fantastic fun. I think the only thing that really let it down was theshit as usual tower of doom spot but other than that it's entertainin throughout. Well worth a watch.

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Just started watching some EMLL (later CMLL) from 1989 i got from my guy at RudoReels.com. Not a bad watch at all, so think i'll pick some more up off him. Up until this point i'd only been exposed to modern lucha, so it's pretty cool to watch some of the older stuff.

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Just started watching some EMLL (later CMLL) from 1989 i got from my guy at RudoReels.com. Not a bad watch at all, so think i'll pick some more up off him. Up until this point i'd only been exposed to modern lucha, so it's pretty cool to watch some of the older stuff.


I ordered some 89 lucha from Jeff Lynch my favourite on the dvd's was Fuerza Guerrera who is awesome just an arrogant prick and and a great worker to boot and el dandy who is a wrestling machine and 1990,1991 and 1992 are great years for EMLL aswell especially when Blue panther comes in and starts his awesome feud with Art Barr.

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