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big mickey

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Is this what happens when Cher Lloyd gets to number one in the charts then?


On a more serious note, it's at times like these I'm glad I live out in the sticks.

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That's fair enough - but how effective are the police being at the minute?


They'd be more effective if they were allowed to do something rather than stand there with the riot shields. No one is afraid of them which isn't the way it should be? How can you keep law and order when no one shows you respect?


You won't agree with this but surely it's now time to let them fight back? There is no way they could be sued for police brutality after all this provocation.

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Is this what happens when Cher Lloyd gets to number one in the charts then?


On a more serious note, it's at times like these I'm glad I live out in the sticks.


Fucking right. I've just posted on facebook how glad I am I live in an area where the charvas only want to stand about outside the shops drinking cans of Fosters at 11AM and occasionally asking if you've been calling their mam.

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Some inner-city kids are upset at not having a community centre and access to a decent ping-pong table on Thursday nights.


Obviously you're taking the piss. But the ridiculous cuts to all public services have not been of any help to inner city areas have they? I'd love to hear your solution to it.

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Just say the Police and or Army did go in with the heavy stuff maybe tear gas and actually started hitting a few of them (nothing over board of course) how long would if take the others to run off and go home if they saw they Police/Army weren't going to take this shit anymore and if they hung around they may end up getting fucked up themselves.

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Long story short: Some cunts watched some other cunts looting shops unopposed on the news and figured they'd get a few mates together and have a go at it.

Police shot someone they'd been following, the guy's family are suspicious about the details of the "firefight" and started protesting to get answers. Cunts came and turned it into a big riot/looting session that grew and spread. Other cunts in Brum fancied a bit of the same.

Ta fellas.


I really fear this may spread to other major cities.

Edited by Blackson Jackson
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They'd be more effective if they were allowed to do something rather than stand there with the riot shields. No one is afraid of them which isn't the way it should be? How can you keep law and order when no one shows you respect?


You won't agree with this but surely it's now time to let them fight back? There is no way they could be sued for police brutality after all this provocation.


It is very clearly what the nation wants now. Leave it any longer and decent people are going to band together and start wading into the cunts themselves.

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Obviously you're taking the piss. But the ridiculous cuts to all public services have not been of any help to inner city areas have they? I'd love to hear your solution to it.


Subsidised Ping Pong. Wiff-Waff is coming home y'all




Edited by Tommy!
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Obviously you're taking the piss. But the ridiculous cuts to all public services have not been of any help to inner city areas have they? I'd love to hear your solution to it.

Have you never read any of my posts in the political threads? I'm the dimwit who thinks we shouldn't be making any cuts to public services, and should instead make the wealthy pay their fucking taxes.

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