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Do You Download Movies & Music? And If So, Why?



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Yes because it's free. Why pay over ten pounds for something you might not even like when you can get it for free?


Usually if I download something and like it I'll buy it afterwards so it all works out.

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Yes to both. Mainly because of ease of access, but pricing too. Although it's mostly music that has a good price on downloads.


A lot of TV shows/movies are still incredibly OTT compared to physical releases.


Exactly this.


I also regularly download TV shows. It's more On Demand than any other service, plus there's no advert breaks.

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I download TV shows more than anything else. The ease at which music can be got legally these days mean I don't illegally download music as much as I used to. If there's an album I REALLY want to hear that leaks early I'll download it, but I don't download regularly.


Movies I get now and again. Possibly one or two a month, and they tend to be older movies rather than newer ones.

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I like to own physical products, and as such I own tons of CD and vinyl. I like them because of the artwork, and because they sound better than an MP3 unless its ripped in lossless which takes up a ton of space and is hard to find. Also, being into dance music, there's a lot of mixes you can only get with the vinyl these days, and I love finding obscure stuff and the excitement of putting it on. I buy DVD's because I couldn't be bothered to download a full series of something, and I like to watch it in great quality on a TV.


Having said that, I also download a fair amount - I download a ton of music that I don't know if I'll like, and usually the newer it is the more likely I am to download it because I don't want to pay full price, whereas you can get vinyl and CD cheap as fuck if its a couple of years old. I also download music if it's just a song I like, I don't want to buy the single or the album just for that tune. Downloading music has led me to buy music by the same artist, so I have no feelings of guilty especially considering the amount I've spent on music over the past few years.


One thing I can't see the logic of is paying to download music - you're essentially getting the same product you would for free, yet still forking out for it. At least with buying music physically it feels like you're buying a tangible thing, with all the liner notes and artwork and the booklet and the increased quality.


Oh, I also stream a lot of sport that isn't on TV or is on Sky, if that counts.

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I've downloaded plenty of one-off things. If old times' sake demands a bit of Karate Kid and wishing that "You're the best!" applied to me, then I'll download the song rather than work out where to find a purchasable version of it. I also download things that I already own but that I don't have access to, such as CDs that are scratched or in the attic.

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I like to own physical products, and as such I own tons of CD and vinyl. I like them because of the artwork, and because they sound better than an MP3 unless its ripped in lossless which takes up a ton of space and is hard to find. Also, being into dance music, there's a lot of mixes you can only get with the vinyl these days, and I love finding obscure stuff and the excitement of putting it on. I buy DVD's because I couldn't be bothered to download a full series of something, and I like to watch it in great quality on a TV.


Ummm, so do I. And I do. With downloads.

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I buy DVD's because I couldn't be bothered to download a full series of something, and I like to watch it in great quality on a TV.

One day people are going to learn how to rip TV shows at DVD (or even HD) quality and figure out how we can play the files on a TV. That's probably hundreds of years in the future, but it'll be nice.

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I download a fair few US TV series that either aren't shown over here, or that I'm not sure when they will be. Sometimes we're ridiculously behind, although we're getting better with SOME, others we can be a year or so behind at least.


Music I can easily try samples on download sites, or use YouTube etc, so I don't need to acquire the full thing.


If I do download stuff I do like it to be the highest quality possible.

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Don't download as much as I used but that will probably change when S4 of True Blood finally airs, I eventually buy the seasons on Blu-ray but like fuck am I waiting for them to air over here.


I actually download that vast majority of my music legally through amazon now.

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A fair few criminals on this forum by the looks of it.


Is downloading illegal now? I think it used to be the case that only sharing copyrighted files was illegal, which is why torrents were the main way people were prosecuted (because torrents facilitate simultaneous downloading and uploading). I honestly don't know whether downloading stuff can get you in trouble or not.

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