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WWE confiscating Zack Ryder signs.

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Colt Cabana has said on his art of wrestling podcast this week that people have been asking for Zack to appear and that Zack has promised to do so as soon as he is released which he is expecting is soon. So it looks like the WWE aren't looking to get behind him.

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Oh aye I agree its daft, and there'd be nothing to lose by chucking him out on SmackDown and letting him have a little run and see how he gets on, but I dont think it's going to make a difference to anything whether they do or not, I don't see him as a game changer or anything like that.

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Oh aye I agree its daft, and there'd be nothing to lose by chucking him out on SmackDown and letting him have a little run and see how he gets on, but I dont think it's going to make a difference to anything whether they do or not, I don't see him as a game changer or anything like that.



The problem is though, that this is indicative of exactly how WWE operate. I know it's no big secret and they've been like this forever really, but it just enforces the notion that regardless of your talent level and dedication, if WWE don't feel like doing anything with you, then you are fucked.


That's a mental attitude to have, especially when their "Superstar Creation" factory has been failing them for the last few years.


How many more guys with potentially loads to offer are sitting in the lower-card or developmental, just gagging for a chance to show their talent and charisma, but scarred to try in case WWE see them as trying to "get themselves over, against our plans" and thus fire them.


There was a point where I imagine nobody in wrestling expected Brian Arrnstrong to become a big-time player and merch machine in the WWF, likewise for Rockabilly. If you told Vince in 1996 that those two would become the most over Tag Team since the LOD he'd have laughed in your face.


I imagine those skinny backyarders the Hardy brothers were in the same boat as well.


Frankly, you never, ever know who might catch on and make you a boat load of money. Why throw away anyone's chances?

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The Road Dogg comparison is spot on. People forget when the Outlaws got over, it wasnt through the LOD feud. It was shit little matches on the undercard of Raw with the likes of the New Blackjacks, where Road Dogg would walked to the ring with no music and being funny at his opponents expense. Road Dogg wore daft t-shirts with South Park characters on as well, which instantly made him look cooler than anyone. They seemed to run with ideas back then. There was less cooks in the kitchen then. Whats been said for years by people who got released is that it take one road agent that doesnt like you, he tells his mate, his mates tells one of the writers, who is mates with Johnny Ace, who tells Stephanie and its a big merry-go-round of people thinking your shit, even if they havent been watching you. There are so many people from the mid-90s who wouldnt get over today. Mick Foley wouldnt even have been hired and if he was he'd have been the fat bloke who does good interviews in FCW.

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The Road Dogg comparison is spot on. People forget when the Outlaws got over, it wasnt through the LOD feud. It was shit little matches on the undercard of Raw with the likes of the New Blackjacks, where Road Dogg would walked to the ring with no music and being funny at his opponents expense. Road Dogg wore daft t-shirts with South Park characters on as well, which instantly made him look cooler than anyone. They seemed to run with ideas back then. There was less cooks in the kitchen then. Whats been said for years by people who got released is that it take one road agent that doesnt like you, he tells his mate, his mates tells one of the writers, who is mates with Johnny Ace, who tells Stephanie and its a big merry-go-round of people thinking your shit, even if they havent been watching you. There are so many people from the mid-90s who wouldnt get over today. Mick Foley wouldnt even have been hired. He'd have been the fat bloke who does good interviews in FCW.



Exactly what I was getting at.


It does my head in really. Just based entirely on look alone, there are loads of very successful people who wouldn't be looked at twice by the current hiring process, let along those who decide who actually gets pushed.


Jake Roberts - "needs to go join a gym somewhere and come back when he looks like a wrestler"


Hardys - "skinny backyarders who don't know how to work"


Stan Hansen - "looks too old, too flabby and doesn't work safe"


Bret Hart - "good technician, zero mic skills, also quite small. No thanks"


...and it goes on!



The only thing that should come into it is "could this guy make us some money?" If the answer is YES, then fucking push them!


They actually try with so many useless lumps and great-looking but feckless people, it's madness they they don't give more decent people a chance to get their shit over.

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Frankly, you never, ever know who might catch on and make you a boat load of money. Why throw away anyone's chances?

Spot on. The fact that they're punishing Ryder for taking initiative and attempting to get himself over is a prime example of how clueless the WWE can be. Punishing a wrestler for trying to make the company money is indefensible.

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What I don't get is, you have Stone Cold preaching on Tough Enough that you need to do something to stand-out from the pack and the writers didn't come up with Stone Cold Steve Austin, he just cut a promo on the spot and the next night, Austin 3:16 was all over signs around the arena. Now, you've got Zack Ryder hyping himself up on Youtube and Twitter, and getting the fans behind him to the point where they're bringing signs to shows - yet WWE aren't practising what they preach.


I'm not say Zack Ryder's the next Stone Cold, but he's getting over - so I'd at least throw him on SmackDown! and give him a reasonable midcard run - and then if it fizzles out and can't capitalize on the popularity then sack him off.


One thing WWE do need to bring back is the WWE.com shows. With them setting up a new network, it can't hurt to have a few guys have a 5-minute show surely? It worked wonders for Morrison and Miz and has really set them forward into the characters they are today.

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