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Raw Discussion *Spoilers* 7/3

Super Cena

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Noticed this on my Twitter feed, courtesy of a Joey Styles re-tweet:




Out of protest for not getting the recognition I deserve, I am boycotting Raw tonight.


Peculiar way to promote an already underwhelming WWE Championship Wrestlemania main event, isn't it?

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Noticed this on my Twitter feed, courtesy of a Joey Styles re-tweet:




Out of protest for not getting the recognition I deserve, I am boycotting Raw tonight.


Peculiar way to promote an already underwhelming WWE Championship Wrestlemania main event, isn't it?

I wonder if they will have The Rock via satellite from where ever he is filming his new movie, and have The Miz attack him?

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Well, TNA without fucking fail, always puts their special Jersey Shore guest head-to-head with the show. People who watch Jersey Shore are more likely to be watching Jersey Shore during that time am I right?


Fair play to TNA though. Jwoww's more wank material in my opinion. She's just pure filth.


Of course she is. Snooki's about 4ft tall and shaped like a spinning top.

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Fucksake, he's still milking that. The sad (although fortunate for Rock and WWE) thing is, there are loads of wrestling fans who are the kind of mong who think "yabba dabba bitch" is great yet moan when Cena comes out with similar utter shit.

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I've honestly never seen a crowd that dead when it's also that many for a Raw show, especially when you consider it had so much of a sell as the return of Austin.


Also, when the highlight performer of the night ends up being a commentator for two different segments something is wrong with your show.


Nice swerve to have the miz on at the end, and nice touch with the People's Elbow, but honestly, with him making snide comments to the Rock at the end WWE has either chosen to skip over the time to have the crux of the Cena/Rock feud or have him forced to ignore the Miz and make the champion look irrelevant.

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First Raw i have watched in years... and far better than i expected, especially seeing as i didnt read any spoilers beforehand. Imight tune in to future episodes because of it.


The worst thing on that show IMO was the crowd, dead as an empty coffin. Enjoied Cena's pop at the rock, much like i quite enjoied the snips ive seen/heard of Rock at Cena. I think they are both playing the whole thing pretty well for the PG crowd, its all canny interesting.


Brodus (sp?) looked quite green, understandable, but im looking forward to seeing more of him, he looks like a complete monster, shame he lost clean, id have preferred Alberto to have jumped in and attacked Christian, would just of had the same impact on Christian and Alberto whilst putting Clay over a bit more.


Looking forward to seeing what Cara can do, thought the video was a bit shit, kept thinking he was knocking benoit about for some reason.


Loving takers music, he's mint isnt he.


Austin looked like he was having loads of fun on the way back up the ramp, completely having the life of the 'beer can thrower'. Obviously lost a canny bit of arm muscle, quite expected, seems in really good shape though... chuffed he showed up.


JBL has lost a shit load of weight, i know he gradually trimmed as time went on, this was highlighted even more seeing as im currently making my way through a raw set from 98.. lads got chub.... not anymore.


Interesting crack with Sheamus, i assume he's either going to smackdown or Bryan is losing the belt. Im going to guess the latter.


Like i said, i quite enjoied the show. Fantastic shot of Austin drenching cole with beer, that close up was a great shot!

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Its only when you see him in that lovely hat and that tremendous suit that you realise how much you miss JBL. Its up there with the Rock's return for me. I just love the bloke. The best commentary duo of the last 10 years back together at last! JBL, Austin and the Rock guarentees viewership from me in the next month. Raw was class. The JBL, Austin and Cole thing was great.

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It was a fine show on the whole for me. The Cole/JBL/Austin segment was so much fun, add me to the JBL fan list. Shame that'll most likely be his only appearance. Playing the slow motion replay of Austin drenching Cole in beer so soon after it happened was funny, I've no idea why!


Good to see The Miz end strong too, it was a great performance from the WWE Champ I thought. He's totally right to be pissed off at being overlooked - not only by Cena and The Rock, but by many fans (including some of you lot) who demand The Miz get kicked off his deserving Mania main event against the biggest star in the company so we can see Cena v The Rock. I remember when The Miz and John Morrison, as a team, were almost the only folk on the roster who competed on Raw, SmackDown and ECW each week for about a year, only to not even get a match on the Mania card. It would be a travesty if The Miz were to be treated like that again after all the hard work he's obviously put in.


If Sheamus loses, he quits. Yawn. Before Ziggler and Vickie showed up, I was beginning to think all these firings was leading to the return of a group of disgruntled ex-employees. but apparently not.


Credit to whoever wrote the Orton/Nexus stuff for this week - for a second I almost cared about Randy Orton.

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Best Raw in a long, long time. Just great.


I might be biased because as I am completely fruitbooty for JBL, but whatever.


Michael Cole is on fire at the minute, and JBL's promo was absolutely great too. You forget how good he is on the mic; I'm hoping for a JBL run-in at Wrestlemania.


Cena's promo was awwwwwwful. Whoever wrote that should be shot, it lacked the flow of the first promo, and had absolutely no killer lines. I might have missed something, but what the shit was the pearl necklace about...?


Randy Orton couldn't be dragging Punk down any further if he tried. Boring bastard. But, in the framework of his own personal boring barometer it was as good a segment as he's had in a while. It's a shame he's probably going over clean at 'Mania.

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Fucksake, he's still milking that. The sad (although fortunate for Rock and WWE) thing is, there are loads of wrestling fans who are the kind of mong who think "yabba dabba bitch" is great yet moan when Cena comes out with similar utter shit.


Agree totally. It also reminds me why I never liked the Rock character in the first place.

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