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30 Days of Gaming

Super Cena

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Oh actually. Aside from Mass Effect I'd say the best story for me would be Eternal Champions on the Megadrive. The basic story is that the master of the universe or something, the Eternal Champion bring back a load of people who were bound for greatness but died before they were meant to, so for example a cat burglar called Larcen gets tricked into thinking he's planting false evidence on a rival mob boss in a hospital, but he gets double crossed and finds out that the mob boss is actually the chief of police and the package he has is a bomb. It goes off and kills everyone in the hospital, including him.

So he brings them back and has them all fight and whoever wins gets to be taken back to the moment before they died to change it. It has fantastic backstories for everyone in it, a massive range of characters and styles. Really good storytelling, especially for a fighting game.


For some reason when I was a nipper I had the Eternal Champions sticker book and got every single sticker. I was enthralled by the look of the characters, the main plot and their backstories. I even bought some comic books they released based on the game.


But the game was on the Mega Drive and I had a SNES so never have I actually played it. I was a strange kid.

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For some reason when I was a nipper I had the Eternal Champions sticker book and got every single sticker. I was enthralled by the look of the characters, the main plot and their backstories. I even bought some comic books they released based on the game.


But the game was on the Mega Drive and I had a SNES so never have I actually played it. I was a strange kid.

Exactly the same, bar the comics. I remember being chuffed the Saturday morning I got my pocket money to go and blow it all on the album and stickers. I must have seen it in the shop all week and been waiting until I could get it. I can't think what got me into the game in the first place, other than coverage in multi-format games magazines, but I was big into the lore of that universe.

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Best storyline. Fallout 3, Pokemon, Red Dead Redemption & Vice City (although it's a mish mash of Carlitos Way & Scarface) will be well up there- but there is only one winner for me:




It's a fucking great story. A basic story- as it is generally built around the standard 'hero rescues the princess' backdrop- but it is told tremendously. God I really wish they turn this into a live action film someday.

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God I really wish they turn this into a live action film someday.

Why? They never do a game justice when the turn it into a live action film. There is always too much going on in the really big games to genuinely capture that feeling and atmosphere. How many games have been turned into movies and how many have turned out good?


Years ago, I thought Resident Evil would be a sure fire winner for a movie, and thats an abortion of a film/series.

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God I really wish they turn this into a live action film someday.

Why? They never do a game justice when the turn it into a live action film. There is always too much going on in the really big games to genuinely capture that feeling and atmosphere. How many games have been turned into movies and how many have turned out good?


Years ago, I thought Resident Evil would be a sure fire winner for a movie, and thats an abortion of a film/series.

A Zelda live action film would be attrocious. It works as a game just brilliantly, but if it were translated to a film it'd be very difficult to avoid creating something that doesn't look like it's trying to take the piss.

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Final Fantasy IX disappointed me at the time, but playing it back I actually really like it. So I'd say every Final Fantasy after IX. X disposed of the World Map, that was a huge blow as it killed the fun of exploration. XII had horrendous voice acting (so did X, but this seems to get worse by the FF game) and a pretty dull plot. And XIII didn't just remove everything that made Final Fantasy a good game, it removed everything that could make ANY game fun to play. Final Fantasy needs to take a step back to become good again. Maybe they need to do what Dragon Warrior/Quest did and go portable, so they can make the kind of game that VII, VIII and IX was without resorting to terrible voice acting and series staple removing.


Other than that I'd say Metal Gear Solid 3. Everyone else seems to like it so maybe I'm in the minority, but I found it pretty boring and not at all fun to play.


Super Mario Sunshine was a pretty disappointing turn for the series to take , and Sonic 3D was the start of the downfall of the Sonic series. Mario returned to form thankfully, but Sonic's still struggling.

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Renegade 3 was utter rubbish; doubly disappointing, given how good Target:Renegade was. An edgy (for the 80s) streetfighting game was turned into a nonsensical time travelling beat em up; instead of tackling progressively tougher gangs of criminals, the opponents became dinosaurs, knights and mummies.


Yes, I know it was over 20 years ago but that just shows how much of an impression it made!

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Was not even a Mario Bro's game. Was just another game given the Mario Bro's name. If you can't kill things by jumping on there heads its just not Mario..

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