NorthSeaTiger Posted February 9, 2011 Posted February 9, 2011 Was listening to my IPod today and as it was on random, Christians music hit. It got me thinking that although he is a good worker, he really won't progress beyond the mid-card for whatever reason. This got me wondering who else would be seen as a mid-carder for life, but one that is still well liked. I used to love watching guys like Rick Martel, Jake Roberts (although he was touching the main events now and again) and even guys like Haku, Warlord etc.More recently I enjoy watching Drew McIntyre,Christian and Cody Rhodes. What about everyone else? Who is your favourite "nearly man"?
Paid Members Your Fight Site Posted February 9, 2011 Paid Members Posted February 9, 2011 Norman Smiley.
matbro1984 Posted February 9, 2011 Posted February 9, 2011 1990-1992 era midcard heels. Perfect, Rude, Martel, Jake Roberts, Razor Ramon, DiBiase - all excellent talents, none of them won the WWF world title. (Presuming you exclude DiBiase buying it)
Paid Members Carbomb Posted February 9, 2011 Paid Members Posted February 9, 2011 For me, it's probably Greg "The Hammer" Valentine. Solid wrestler, got great heel heat, unique look, awesome entrance music, and I loved the Ronnie Garvin/Heartbreaker/HammerJammer feud.
Scorpion_Deathlock Posted February 9, 2011 Posted February 9, 2011 Tito Santana was always the quintessential mid carder for me - good worker, decent promo, able to make anyone look good. Â Although recently I watched this & was quite shocked:- Â
NorthSeaTiger Posted February 9, 2011 Author Posted February 9, 2011 Damn, how did I miss out Perfect and DiBiase?! Even the tag teams were great, guys like Power and Glory, Beverly Brothers, Brain Busters. These guys meant something then and are still looked at fondly today. How many of today's guys will be remembered so fondly in 20 years?
Paid Members air_raid Posted February 9, 2011 Paid Members Posted February 9, 2011 WWF midcarder? REALLY tough. You had solid hands like Mr Pefect, Ted DiBiase and The Model, excellent heels that were great to boo like Honky and Ravishing, and it was more fun cheering on Razor than a lot of "main event" babyfaces. "Made In The USA" Lex Luger especially, ugh. Â Fuck it, Perfect. Fantastic wrestler, great gimmick, easy to dislike, best finish in the business for a while. Â Favourite midcarder in WWF/E / WcW / EcW / TNA history? Easy, for match quality the pervert in me screams "Dean Malenko." Watching Dean-o Machino stretch people, roll them up in crazy transitions into armbars then mangle them with super Doctor bombs, flying gutbusters, brainbusters and God knows what else, I could easily watch a Malenko match every day. Twice if he's wrestling C***s B****t. Â Malenko and Benoyt were 50% of the reason I started watching Nitro regularly. The other 50% was that man called Sting.
KillerTwist Posted February 9, 2011 Posted February 9, 2011 Big Bossman in the late 90's and early 00's. Thought he was the coolest when I was a kid.
Cobra1000 Posted February 9, 2011 Posted February 9, 2011 Tito Santana was always the quintessential mid carder for me - good worker, decent promo, able to make anyone look good. Although recently I watched this & was quite shocked:-   Bah I wrote a full reply then deleted it. Anyway Tito Santana was awesome, as was his Strike Force partner Rick Martel. I bloody loved Tito though, I do feel El Matador was his downfall though, apparently he claims that wwe were trying to expand to Latin and South America back in his day and that he could have been World Champ.  What is a midcarder though just to define it without being a twat? Some guys mentioned have been in a lot of Main Events, and had a number of title matches, so I don't know really. I wouldn't just say he never won the big one, so he was a midcarder. Guys like Dibiase were all over the top of the card in 1988 right? Is he a midcarder though? What about guys like Piper etc.
Merzbow Posted February 9, 2011 Posted February 9, 2011 X-Pac during his DX run, he was as over as the main event guys and dare i say better at times and was easily the best European Champion. Also loved that fued with Shane-O-Mac.
Paid Members IANdrewDiceClay Posted February 9, 2011 Paid Members Posted February 9, 2011 The Road Doggy-Doggy-Doggy for me. He was mega popular in the late 90s and he could work an entertaining match for that level of the card. His Hardcore title run was better than Shamrocks IC run or X-Pacs European title run at the time. He was great. And he had one of the best t-shirts of all time as well (the green dog one).
Loki Posted February 9, 2011 Posted February 9, 2011 William Regal. He's always been good value, apart from that bit where he was bloated up on drugs. He's always been that step away from the main event.
NorthSeaTiger Posted February 9, 2011 Author Posted February 9, 2011 To answer Cobra, I would say a Mid-Carder would be any guy who has spent most of, or all, his career just below the main event bracket. Some flirted with the Main Event like DiBiase and Mr Perfect but were mostly there or thereabouts. Martel, Warlord, Crash Holly etc were all mostly involved with feuds with guys at the same level as themselves.
Paid Members CleetusVanDamme Posted February 9, 2011 Paid Members Posted February 9, 2011 D-Lo, The Cat, Buff Bagwell, Ahmed Johnson, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Bob Holly. There's far too many to name.
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