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Bellenda Carlisle

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Zack Snyder officially on board to direct Justice League film




In big but unsurprising news a Justice League film will directly follow Batman vs Superman and could even be filmed back to back with it.


I really hope they don't shove too much stuff in Batman vs Superman now that this is happening, JL will obviously be massive with a million things going on so I'd like to see BvsS kept relatively straightforward and given room to breathe like Man of Steel.

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Cyborg cast in Man of Steel 2/Batman vs Superman


Broadway actor Ray fisher joins the crowd which will probably get bigger.


Fuck this film,


Batman, superman, wonderwomen, now cyborg?.


Just call it JLA and be done with it. Its going to be a bloated mess of a film if they keep shoe horning people in.

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Cyborg cast in Man of Steel 2/Batman vs Superman


Broadway actor Ray fisher joins the crowd which will probably get bigger.


Fuck this film,


Batman, superman, wonderwomen, now cyborg?.


Just call it JLA and be done with it. Its going to be a bloated mess of a film if they keep shoe horning people in.

I am hoping the film will focus on Superman & Batman and to a lesser extent Wonder Woman, and then Cyborg, Aquaman, Green Lantern, Flash or whoever else they need for the Justice League film are just being introduced during the film and are not heavily focused upon.

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Cyborg cast in Man of Steel 2/Batman vs Superman


Broadway actor Ray fisher joins the crowd which will probably get bigger.


Fuck this film,


Batman, superman, wonderwomen, now cyborg?.


Just call it JLA and be done with it. Its going to be a bloated mess of a film if they keep shoe horning people in.


Did you not read my post right above yours? The Justice League film is coming directly after, Cyborg and Wonder Woman will probably barely be cameos.

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Cyborg cast in Man of Steel 2/Batman vs Superman


Broadway actor Ray fisher joins the crowd which will probably get bigger.


Fuck this film,


Batman, superman, wonderwomen, now cyborg?.


Just call it JLA and be done with it. Its going to be a bloated mess of a film if they keep shoe horning people in.


Did you not read my post right above yours? The Justice League film is coming directly after, Cyborg and Wonder Woman will probably barely be cameos.


Yeah but whats the point of making another movie? I mean they are cramming them all in this one, why not just make a JLA film right away.


I still dont get how they will cameo lesser known people in then jump right into a team up movie.


Iron man VS hulk ft Thor and Cap and hawkeye. Followed by the avengers


Coming over as a rushed attempt to take on marvel.

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This is 100% a rushed attempt to catch up with Marvel there's no doubt about it but I don't blame them, the Justice League are just as good (better IMO) than the Avengers and there's probably only a few years left before the comic book movie bubble bursts so they might as well capitalise on the popularity while they can. I can't believe how negative everyone seems to be about every decision DC have made about these movies, people are more excited by an Ant Man movie than a movie with Batman and Superman in it from the director of 300. That seems mad to me but then again I loved Man of Steel and hated Chris Nolan's Batman movies so I guess I'm definitely the target audience. One thing I'm sure of is that the film will be worth watching, I'll probably love it but if it is shit it will be a clusterfuck full of stuff on a scale that hasn't been seen before.


I think it will become pretty clear why they didn't make the Justice League straight off the bat when the movies come out, I think the movies will end up playing almost like one long film, Batman needs space to breathe before everyone jumps in. Cyborg probably won't even get powers in BvsS and Wonder Woman will be just about introduced, that is their idea of jumping in at the deep end and taking it slow at the same time. I hope it works, I really want these to be good.

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Yeah but whats the point of making another movie?




In all seriousness though, they aren't cramming them into one movie... they are effectively spreading it over two. I reckon it could work as long as they keep the key focus on Superman and Batman, then flesh out the remaining characters in the Justice League and possible solo movies afterwards. It's not like they HAVE to explain all of their origins straight away.


Not that I have any faith they pull it off, but it is possible.

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This is 100% a rushed attempt to catch up with Marvel there's no doubt about it but I don't blame them, the Justice League are just as good (better IMO) than the Avengers and there's probably only a few years left before the comic book movie bubble bursts so they might as well capitalise on the popularity while they can. I can't believe how negative everyone seems to be about every decision DC have made about these movies.


It's because their track record is shit. Outside of Batman/Superman their efforts have been awful. Even within those franchise there are some right stinkers. Batman was dead as a movie franchise till Nolan showed up and Superman was in production hell for years. Now comics are the big earners in Hollywood they have no choice but to do a cash grab, no real thought is going into this like how Marvel planned out their universe, It's just lets throw so and so in there and make some money while we can. I'm not a fan of MOS, great action but nothing else, haven't even watched it twice. Every time I think about watching it, I think naa fuck that, same with Green Lantern which I'm a big fan of the comics. So yeah, I can understand the negativity about both films.

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This is 100% a rushed attempt to catch up with Marvel there's no doubt about it but I don't blame them, the Justice League are just as good (better IMO) than the Avengers and there's probably only a few years left before the comic book movie bubble bursts so they might as well capitalise on the popularity while they can. I can't believe how negative everyone seems to be about every decision DC have made about these movies, people are more excited by an Ant Man movie than a movie with Batman and Superman in it from the director of 300. That seems mad to me but then again I loved Man of Steel and hated Chris Nolan's Batman movies so I guess I'm definitely the target audience. One thing I'm sure of is that the film will be worth watching, I'll probably love it but if it is shit it will be a clusterfuck full of stuff on a scale that hasn't been seen before.


The thing is Marvel have 6 years of goodwill behind them with their films and haven't really put a foot wrong with the way they have done things. They turned Iron Man, a B/C level character who has never been a household name, into a billion dollar franchise and used that as a launch-pad to make the other movies. They also clearly set out their stall from the off that they were going to build momentum before jumping into the potential cluster fuck that was Avengers.

DC have done none of this. They have the two biggest franchises in comicbook history and they have fucked them up on more than one occasion.Green Lantern was a throwback to 90s films, even my love for the GL character and my man-crush on Ryan Reynolds couldn't save it. Batman managed to evolve from an enjoyable, darker version of the character, closer to the comics into a shitty mess by the third film. The last Superman film was a terrible mishmash of ideas that underperformed at the box office (Despite earning $291,000,000 domestically this was less than half of what The Avengers made) and are intent on shoehorning all available characters into this next film. Also keep in mind that the last film Snyder was in charge of writing and directing was SUCKER PUNCH!


I really hope they manage to hit a balance with the next film that actually manages to be fun (something lacking in the last Batman / Superman films) and doesnt get bogged down with all these characters being introduced because there could be something fantastic.


Also I hope there is no Aquaman, because fuck Aquaman

I really hope

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The only way I will accept Aqua Man is if he is played by Vincent Chase.


Bellend - you are in a very small minority of people, I think, for whom Zack Snyder's name being attached is a draw. (and I say that as someone who loved 300).


I do have to point out that I thought Sucker Punch was one of the worst films I've ever seen now, this wouldn't be fair on me otherwise.

I never said he was that much of a draw but nearly everyone with a penis does love 300 and nearly everyone with or without a penis loves Batman. I didn't expect everyone to be super excited but the reaction to every little thing that's been announced has been so exhaustingly negative it's crazy.


Also there's something fucked up with the film industry if a film can make $300 million dollars in the US alone and still be considered an underperformer, films are way too expensive these days.


Anyway, apparently Warner Bros have Nine other DC comics movies in development so I'm sure Chokeout will get to see his beloved Aquaman soon.

Edited by Call me Bellend
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