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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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See I liked Arrow and the Suicide Squad etc. Having a darker show against the mostly light Flash isn't necessarily a bad thing, though admittedly I do like Flash a lot more. It manages the humour/drama balance very well.


Supergirl isn't a bad show. It's exactly what I expected really. Still has the same character issues that anyone Super has but Melissa is great in the role.


I don't really have any issues with over saturation of the market. There's enough differences in a lot of the shows that it doesn't feel like that to me. Yes at a basic level they're all superhero comic book shows but it's how you go about it that matters.

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Right, you know I love and trust you cunts very, very much. Sell The Flash to me.

I'm very curious and might start watching it.


With Flash, because its all superpowers its a cross between "it doesn't take itself too seriously" and "HOLY HELL". It's a little bit villain of the week ,during the first part of the season, but the overall main villain and the subsequent "reveal" is mind boggling, the last few episode especially are just great.


Its got everything really: Superpowers, Decent special effects (some really good ones all things considering), and again at times its just a bit of fun in the world of "gritty realistic" things.


I'd at least watch the first season and see what you think.

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Grant Gustin is really likeable  as Barry Allen too, and has plenty of fun quips. Arrow goes a bit too far down the 'tortured Dark Knight-with a cross bow' route at points for me, while The Flash is more fun and upbeat.


It just feels like a much more accessible show, which doesn't have to try as hard to be engaging. Takes a few episodes to get going, but quickly gets really engrossing.

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Thanks Chokey and Riddles! Much appreciated!
I'll get Season 1 and give it a go.

See, I'm a huge Kevin Smith fan and will never turn on the cunt coz like, 20 years of loyalty and all that, and he's always shiting on about crying at The Flash and how awesome it is, on Fatman on Batman, but he's always fucking stoned so I thought 'Well, I cried watching Spaced when I was stoned, so his opinion on how emotional something is really doesn't carry much weight!'


Can't fucking wait for Daredivvil though...I really fucking can't.

Was watching Tremors last night. Isn't Jon Bernthal a ringer for Fred Ward?

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