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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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So the last few episodes of Daredevil were pretty shite. Shame that. It was ace up till about episode 8 or 9. Fisk by the end came across more of a fat crybaby man-child than a powerful fearsome crime overlord. He seemed on the verge of crying in every scene. Also that twat Foggy needs to fuck right off. The first 2/3rds were the best Marvel TV so far though.

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So the last few episodes of Daredevil were pretty shite. Shame that. It was ace up till about episode 8 or 9. Fisk by the end came across more of a fat crybaby man-child than a powerful fearsome crime overlord. He seemed on the verge of crying in every scene. Also that twat Foggy needs to fuck right off. The first 2/3rds were the best Marvel TV so far though.


I was basically typing this post yesterday when my computer went on the blink. The actor playing Foggy was lost in any sort of dramatic scene. I've just finished episode 11, and it's getting hard to motivate myself to watch the last two. 

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I saw Age Of Ultron tonight - here's what I thought.


This was a very good comic book film. The pacing was great, the humour mostly well-judged, action exciting, and generally a very enjoyable experience. I rate it very highly and am prepared to dismiss the minor quibbles I had. Unfortunately the bar has been set extremely high (personally speaking) for the ensemble cast, and though I really enjoyed Avengers, it did not hit the Guardians benchmark. The difference being with Avengers I am prepared to look past what I consider very quibbles, whereas with Guardians I had none.


Those minor quibbles were that rather too much happens to Steve Rogers that should kill him, but doesn't - enhanced he is, but still a mortal man. I thought that the humour, while well-judged in terms of content, was inserted just a little too often. It's a hard balance to underscore the gravity of the situation while still putting some humour in to prevent it being too dark and brooding, and that's one of the things that I praised Guardians the most for, and I think Age Of Ultron had just a few quips too many.


Finally, on the Maximoffs :




I was largely very happy with how the film presented Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, but I thought it went a little overboard with giving Wanda almost "Level 5"/Jean Grey level power. OK, maybe a Phoenix comparison is too far, but they certainly made her more formidable than I expected. Oh well, very minor.




But yeah, really fun film.



edit - removed embarrassing KFC-related mis-type

Edited by air_raid
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By "Steve Sanders", do you mean "Steve Rogers"/Captain America? If so, I see your point. For me, it's a bit of a quibble I have with both films, that they don't seem to be able to establish each character's "strength level", as it were. They all seem to measure up against each other far too differently. Given how Iron Man and Thor are matched in the first film, you'd think

Thor would be able to match Ultron a bit better than he did, given how Iron Man was seemingly able to hold his own, albeit slightly at a disadvantage.



But, ultimately, I really enjoyed it too. Personally, I'd place it on a par with Guardians in joint second and below Winter Soldier in terms of the Marvel Studios universe. Where it places in comparison to the original Spider-Man 2 and X-Men: First Class, however, is probably a bit more difficult to call.

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Is there any particular reason why, at the end of Age of Ultron, Captain America shouts "Avengers..." and cut, we don't know what the second word was? Seemed a bit odd to me - Ive obviously missed something

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Joss Whedon has claimed they'll never say "Avengers Assemble" on screen.  I read last night, that the end scene where Captain America Says "Avengers A..."  is actually him saying just that, they didn't record him saying "Avengers Assemble" and cut it, coz Whedon didn't want anyone at Marvel letting that footage out

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