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Your childhood wrestling promotions

The Reverend

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In another post, I read that in one guys promotion run with wrestling figures (sorry dude can't remember who you are or can be arsed to look!) he had a majorly funny storyline with the warlord and the undertaker and a firearm incident! What fantasy storylines did you role with (I had a steroid abusing hogan thrown out of mine and then in 1992 ron simmons ended the career of brutus beefcake with a postmodern storyline running parallel with the rodney king race riots in the us - I was only 12)? what was your promotion called? (wcw - not original, couldn't be arsed to remove sticker on ring ) and did you make up your own main event names? (coastal clash - my version of bash at the beach).

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Let's see what I can remember from my Hasbro promotion....


* I used a Terminator figure as Diesel. He had a feud with Tornado over who hit harder.

* Razor Ramon used to frequently feud with Texas Tornado and Tatanka because it was easy to simulate the Razors Edge on their figures.

* The Model was Intercontinental Champion at one point but dropped it to Mr Perfect at a SummerSlam.

* Bulldog was definitely champion at some point, and used to regularly bodyslam Yokozuna. As did Luger. As did Hogan. As did Crush.

* I used to make a point of the Bushwhackers occasionally winning because from what I saw of old WWF tapes, I thought they never did.

* Some of the bigger feuds I remember were Bulldog vs Narcissist, Bret vs Boss Man, and the Steiners vs LOD never seemed to end.

* When I finally got ahold of the Demolition figures, their much anticipated debut was against Bam Bam Bigelow & Kamala. Pretty sure they won.

* I got Andre and the Rockers at the same time, but I cant remember who I tagged Andre with to beat them in the first match. Obviously would have gone Haku if Hasbro had made him.

* Macho King's crown frequently ended up around someone else's head.

* I had two Mr Perfects, one blue, one yellow, so I gave the yellow one a different name and called the The Perfect Team, but I forget what his name was.

* Two of my Ultimate Warriors were a tag team called, funnily enough, the Ultimate Warriors. Exactly the same gimmick except there was two of them. Pretty sure they feuded with The Perfect Team over the belts.

* My two Bossman figures were briefly tagged up as The Enforcers.

* At some point, Bret went over EVERYONE.

* I jobbed out guys I didnt like, hence Bushwhackers going over the Nasty Boys, practically everyone going over Nailz.

* Shawn Michaels had a similar Intercontinental title run to the one he actually had, getting counted out and disqualified to save his title, except in my fed it was against the likes of Tornado, Jake The Snake, Superfly and I think even a babyface Andre.

* When the gold paint wore off the title belt, I glued on some gold foil from a sweetie wrapper. I thought it looked amazing.


I made the mistake of taking my figures to a mate's house because he had the WcW ring with the cage, and he foolishly booked Damien to win a battle royal, somehow eliminating Savage at the end. Unbelievable.

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I pushed Scott Steiner to the fucking moon. I'd play the demo on my shit Casio keyboard (Ode to Joy), and he'd come out and devastate everyone. His main feud was with my Barry WIndham figure who also used to moonlight as Sid, and it was Sid he feuded with. Ted Dibiase (Green Suit) turned face to battle his evil twin (Black Suit) brought in by Virgil. Big Boss Man was an evil racist prison guard as well, until he fell in a Cage I made out of one for the baskets you used to get from the greengrocers, to Welsh Champion Koko B.Ware.


Although, if they ever made a Jim Powers figure and I bought it he'd still be champion to this day. Fuck knows why I used to bum Jim Powers so much when I was 6-9, but I did.


I had the old WCW ring and cage. The cage was awesome as you just slotted it into the ring. Not exactly hard to knock out, but in time, that was easy to get over. Had a few WCW figures. Sting, Arn Anderson, Jimmy Garvin, Ric Flair, Sid Vicious and more that I can't remember. Also had about 100 of the cool wee WCW belts you got for the figures, although I can't exactly remember how I came across many of them.


Bret Hart was my champion about 90% of the time. I had a rambo figure that was a good bit bigger that used to be, rather inventively, The Giant. I used to fued Sting with The Giant quite a lot actually, and also some Sting/Sid stuff. I somehow managed to make an awesome tag team of Garvin and AA, and then did a fued between the two. Can't remember what ever came of that. I do remember that Bret Hart eventually lost to Sting who was forever fueding with top guys but never got a shot. When he eventually did, Sting beat him and Hart never seen the belt again. I don't think that was deliberate, but in hindsight, it was good.


I had a Four Horsemen of Arn Anderson, Ric Flair, Jimmy Garvin and Yokozuna as an enforcer. I had Garvin as a high flyer for some reason. Probably because his figure looked like a flyer. He fueded with Pillman an awful lot. I teamed Pillman with The Big Bossman who, for some reason I never explained, fucking hated the Horsemen. Hogan didn't like the Horsemen either. I think he must have beaten every member of the group about 15 times over. The Pillman/Bossman vs. Garvin/Anderson fued went on for what seems like an eternity.


I had an IC belt, but can't remember a single person who had it.


I don't really remember mine so much from the Hasbro days, other than booking a Christmas Clash (or Chaos) event for the Christmas day when I knew I'd be getting a load of new ones -- the series with Flair and Nailz. And I used those WCW belts as IC and tag titles because Hasbros only had a world title. I think I used American Gladiators as jobbers... I remember getting loads of them that same Christmas, but they might have been too small to play with Hasbros.


When I was about 12 or 13 and moved on to the two Jakks figures that Argos sold (Shawn Michaels and Undertaker), I started incorporating a bunch of other figures into a federation. Highlander cartoon, Spawn, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (who was tiny compared to the others, so he was a 123 Kid-esque Cruiserweight), pirate-style Batman and Robin (presumably based on some comic special, I just bought them because they had swords), and so on.


My mate was still playing with his Hasbros until a year or two back. He would always just have Royal Rumbles and plan rubbish, boring, nonsensical storylines for WrestleMania that basically consisted of a sort of pyramid scheme of battle royals, then get bored after the first Rumble and not play any more. He had the Model and Mr Perfect in a team called the Perfect Combination, and Ted DiBiase always had a Million Dollar Team that included Andre, Yokozuna, or both. His Rumbles also sometimes turned into shoots, like the time he accidentally dropped planned winner Yoko out of the ring and honoured it. Bret won the title, and Yoko had to make do with the number 30 slot in the next Rumble which was for the Intercontinental title or a shot at the world title or some bollocks. Of course, that next Rumble was never played.




I used to have a batch of both WCW and WWE figures. Loved playing with them, there all now up in the loft. One of the last matches I did was a rematch between Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker, such fun times!


I did a WWF Vs WCW Vs Power Rangers Triple Threat War.

I also did Sting Vs Booker T in the bath, and pretended it was Bash at the Beach.


My cousins had nearly every one of the Hasbro figures, so I used my love of art to help out building an arena for them. We made big video screens where we put in the logos for the wrestlers like they had in the mid-1990s; we had a version of the entrance set like they used at Survivor Series 1992 and WrestleMania VIII and even built a blue bars steel cage using kebab skewers.


The WWF champ was pretty much always Bret Hart, and the Rockers were tag team champions.


There also old WCW Ric Flair and El Gigante figures which had no moving parts. They were jobbed out on a regular basis due to their immobility.


I used to use the mortal kombat toys as luchas in 95-96 as they were smaller than the wwf and wcw toys,


Whenever i did a rumble there was always the yokozuna spot where about 10 people are trying to eliminate him, somone always did though, over than that there was a shit load of gimmick matches that would make you think i helped programme ECW anarchy rulz game, and jake would win most of the time


i used to have the toybiz wcw figs (i still do in the loft!), i also had just about one of every wrestler they ever made in that series (so at least one version of each guy made), so i had a lot of "storys" going on at any one time.


I had "odd couple" tag teams, crazy hardcore matches (thank god for the most awesome JAKKS weapons i could buy from the local market). One i had was having the hulk hogan (of the nwo of course) win and unify all the titles in wcw. Hogan said he would give the title back if he could be a beaten by a wcw wrestler of his choosing. That man was billy kidman. I had like an hour long match up ending with the SSP through a table ,(plus several run ins from booker t, sting and the rest of the nWo). Kidman won the world title (and gave back the other wcw titles). He later lost the belt to a debutign Mike awesome.


Edit: I just remebered, i also had a huge fued with scott hall vs JEff Jarret. The won the tag titles as part of a huge nWo faction i had, but they went on to have crazy hardcore matches.


Also i had just about every guy win the world title at some point. Form mike awesome and perry saturn (in a dress ~!) to the likes of billy kidman/rey mysterio and konnan!


I love wrestling figures :).


I didn't have many WWF/WCW figures but had a LOAD of the Mortal Kombat/Street Fighter/GI Joe figures that were smaller.


Blanka & Zangief were usually the ones that were upper card, along with Guile who had an RKO finisher & a top rope backbreaker (similar to his jumping fierce throw from the game, if you are familiar). Heels were often Shang Tsung, Scorpion (who had a top rope flipping german suplex move similar to Kage's Virtual Fighter throw), Reptile, Bison (who had hands that glowed in the dark - Kona Head Crush finisher). Ryu & Sagat feuded.


Also had a shed loads of other GI Joe figures, most had finishing moves too.


Eventually the federation disbanded as the weakness of all characters was the crotch, that always seemed to break :S

* I jobbed out guys I didnt like, hence Bushwhackers going over the Nasty Boys, practically everyone going over Nailz.


Yeah me too - couldn't stand the Nailz figure - he looked like this mental bloke who lives in my town who shouts at himself and chases pigeons in the town. I did put him in a tag team with the mountie and called them 'Law and Disorder'. The Mountie would lead him out in handcuffs (made from garden wire) and then unleash him on the other team. I remember a big toy store near me closed down in about '94 and they had a sale to clear stock - there was about 50 Nailz figures at 10p each. My mate bought loads and then painted suits on them and made them commentators, interviewers etc.


Kerry Von Erich was my long time heavyweight champ, and routinely performed insane dives from the top bunk bed to pin Hogan, Warrior, Sting, Arn Anderson and a toy monkey that was in my Federation.


Von Erich reigned from the start of the promotion until the point when Val Venis turned up and burned his face of with a tea light candle. The promotion closed down not long after the incident. I think the other guys sought work elsewhere after seeing the direction the product was taking, and I think they were a bit pissed off that they were wrestling for belts that were made of paper.


i also remebered i had a "Masked Rider" (for those who remeber that awesome TV Show) figure, that i called "The robot". He would do crazy flips, and a jumping top-rope DDT as a finisher. Good times :)


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