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Shoot interviews


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I haven't watched an RF shoot for months. I just wish Oliver was more prolific with how many he made. RF shoots are completely unwatchable. Feinstein is unbelievably useless.

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I'd love to know in what capacity he has previously worked in film / TV then due to my aforementioned examples improper use of tools in an environment he is solely responsible for. Going by the above link, the only thing listed under hands on production is this: http://www.amazon.com/Clown-Babylon-DVD-Ge...lown+in+Babylon which I can't find a trailer for. Everything else is "misc" which could be anything from a runner, a sparky or a fluffer.

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I've been watching that Vince Russo/Ed Ferreira Ultimate Insiders shoot on YouTube in bits and pieces over the last few days. It's a decent watch although I'm taking a lot of things they're saying with a pinch of salt.


One little thing that's really bugging me now I've noticed it is that Vince Russo seems to start every bastard sentence with - "And I'll never forget..." - seriously, play a drinking game with that and you'll end up in intensive care.

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I'd love to know in what capacity he has previously worked in film / TV then due to my aforementioned examples improper use of tools in an environment he is solely responsible for.


Going by the above link, the only thing listed under hands on production is this: http://www.amazon.com/Clown-Babylon-DVD-Ge...lown+in+Babylon which I can't find a trailer for. Everything else is "misc" which could be anything from a runner, a sparky or a fluffer.


He works in ADR. Usually on the technical side, sometimes doing a voice replacement himself, presumably when it's a role so small that it's not worth bringing the original actor in to do it. Or to avoid paying them extra fees/royalties. The BBC do dialogue replacement all the time to avoid having to pay one-line characters proper speaking part rates.

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Sullivan's 1996 timeline was great. And what a year for him to do. You hear his take on everything from the Dungeon of Doom to the Uncensored Cage match to the nWo.



We actually find out why Giant Haystacks was hired. It comes down simply to Sullivan being a fan of World of Sport and when they needed a new monster villain for the Dungeon of Doom, he remembered Haystacks and went to see if he was still around. Brilliantly, Sullivan said he'd hire Haystacks a million times over and didn't care if he couldn't work. His analogy of "if you eat steak a thousand times you are eventually going to want a burrito" was his defense of having Haystacks on Nitro.


He talks about Baywatch and how all the actors hated the wrestlers on the show, because they were doing everything in one take and the Baywatch actors were all complaining about Sully, Savage, Flair and Hulk making then look bad. Sullivan says he couldn't believe the Baywatch actors had trouble reading the lines. "This isn't Laurence Olivier doing Hamlet. Its fucking Baywatch" he says. Hasselhoff was jealous of Hogan turning up and getting himself over with the star struck tourists on the beach and Hasselhoff actually refused to have anything to do with the episode. What a pussy. Rightly so, because Hogan and Savage would knock stripes of that mug.


Sullivan says the Dungeon of Doom and the 100 monsters on 2 cage match at Uncensored was integral in WCW eventually becoming a success. He says he had to do all this mad shit and book Hogan so strongly, because then Hogan trusted Sully enough to actually listen to him. And you sort of get the timeline of it. Hogan came in and did whatever he wanted for 2 years, most of it leading to some horrendous angles. And almost immediately following the end of the Dungeon feud at Uncensored, Hogan started to listen to Sullivan more and more because he'd gave him 2 years worth of loyal service. And the first thing he did was convince Hogan to turn heel. For two years Sully said he never debated with Hogan, but after the abysmal cage match, Hogan and Sullivans relationship was more give and take then it had been. And its as good an explanation as I can find. I always wondered how the same booking team who wrote 1995 WCW and did the amazing stuff in late 96 and 97.


Its highly recommended.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I'll have to track that down, I think. I love the Timelines and that's just my era as well. I've not seen any of Sullivan's shoots so far, I really need to start here.


Oh, and hello Kevin!

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Just watched that old Honky Tonk Man and Raven shoot interview on YouTube. It was decent enough. They went through that wrestling sleaze list that's been posted on here loads as well.


Honky grates after a bit for me though. I could swear I read that he had a rep for being a right pussy yet he talks like he's the hardest bastard breathing at times. Towards the end he's refuting the story about Dynamite Kid slapping him off his chair (haven't a few wrestlers said it's true?) and is calling Dynamite out. Calling out someone who's in a wheelchair, proper hard.


He also told a story about being in Europe with Marty Jannetty. Jannetty was apparently trying to get clean at the time and was headed back to WWE according to Honky, so 2005 probably. And Honky took great pleasure in telling how he bought a big bottle if whiskey knowing Marty would cave and ask for some. Which he did of course.

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Just watched that old Honky Tonk Man and Raven shoot interview on YouTube. It was decent enough. They went through that wrestling sleaze list that's been posted on here loads as well.


Honky grates after a bit for me though. I could swear I read that he had a rep for being a right pussy yet he talks like he's the hardest bastard breathing at times. Towards the end he's refuting the story about Dynamite Kid slapping him off his chair (haven't a few wrestlers said it's true?) and is calling Dynamite out. Calling out someone who's in a wheelchair, proper hard.


He also told a story about being in Europe with Marty Jannetty. Jannetty was apparently trying to get clean at the time and was headed back to WWE according to Honky, so 2005 probably. And Honky took great pleasure in telling how he bought a big bottle if whiskey knowing Marty would cave and ask for some. Which he did of course.


That was the BCW weekender they did in Scotland. It wasn't long before/after Jannetty was baptised by Michaels and wrestled against La Resistance with him.


As to Honky's story of what went on behind closed doors I'd imagine only 2 people know the true story.

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Add me to the list of Kevin Sullivan fans over here. He's one of those wrestlers who I can listen to for hours. His Youshoot and End of WCW by KC were both very good. I thought the Youshoot was better with the best moment being Missy Hyatt asking him a question and Sullivan responding with "Maybe if you weren't sucking so much dick". I recently watched his Faceoff with Jake and Raven. Sullivan is steaming throughout the whole shoot mumbling how Jake is the greatest worker he's ever seen over and over again. Good stuff.


Raven is also a very fascinating individual to listen to.

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I recently watched his Faceoff with Jake and Raven. Sullivan is steaming throughout the whole shoot mumbling how Jake is the greatest worker he's ever seen over and over again. Good stuff.

Is that the one where Sullivan actually falls asleep during the interview and the cameraman tries to casually edge him out of shot while Raven looks over with a "check the fuckin state of him" look on his face? I'm sure I read somewhere that he admitted taking a bad combo of somas and booze or something like that.

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Honky has a way of telling stories oblivious to how pathetic he sounds.


This is a good shoot. Gladders requested it before.



Fantastic, Ian, cheers for that, I'll watch that tomorrow.

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