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His stories on PCO paint him out to be a proper brilliant bloke. Wasn't aware that PCO and Steen had worked a lot in the mid-2000s. Which I'm going to have to dig out. He also talks about Sid Justice, who was at one of their shows in Canada. Sid is a headcase according to this.


Fuck, yeah. As much as I love that 225 pounds of shit tale, the highlight for me of the whole Sid section of the shoot was Sid shitting over all the good will and general vibe from the crowd toward himself by cutting a 25 minute post match promo about how these two water jugs he'd taped together were his key to unlocking time travel, and Steen finding out via an online interview after it that it might have been some Dada-esque performance art from Sid to try and get heat as a way to test the waters for the magical time travel routine should he ever make it back to the WWE

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His stories on PCO paint him out to be a proper brilliant bloke. Wasn't aware that PCO and Steen had worked a lot in the mid-2000s. Which I'm going to have to dig out. He also talks about Sid Justice, who was at one of their shows in Canada. Sid is a headcase according to this.


Fuck, yeah. As much as I love that 225 pounds of shit tale, the highlight for me of the whole Sid section of the shoot was Sid shitting over all the good will and general vibe from the crowd toward himself by cutting a 25 minute post match promo about how these two water jugs he'd taped together were his key to unlocking time travel, and Steen finding out via an online interview after it that it might have been some Dada-esque performance art from Sid to try and get heat as a way to test the waters for the magical time travel routine should he ever make it back to the WWE

I've always wanted to see that, is it on Youtube anywhere? Didn't he randomly bring a midget out with him as well? It sounded totally insane at the time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Watched the Sabu and Maria Youshoots, which were both very good. At some points, Sabu is a stuttering mess, which he puts down to nerves, yet I suspect its the years of abuse which are taking its toll.


The Raven and HTM faceoff was also very good. Slightly too much "These kids today dont know shit" ramblings from Raven, which Ive heard him say in about 5 other shoots that hes done. That said, Raven is 10 times a better interviewer than RF, and this format (with Raven essentially being the interviewer) worked very well. Lots of back and forth banter and some interesting stories.



Somewhat related, Ive just downloaded a bunch of wrestlers on Howard Stern's show from over the years. Highlights so far:


- Christy Hemme losing a general knowledge test to an 11 year old, then bending over and getting spanked by Stern whilst wearing a schoolgirl outfit.

- Stern getting all the gossip from Hogan's new fiance about their sex lives

- Goldust, tourettes gimmick and all, being absolutley hilarious.

- Some vintage Sheik ranting.

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Watched the Rikishi Timeline the other day, was pretty dull, not really much to speak of. Fit Finlay was much better on his, though, I'd like to see them do a YouShoot with him as I think that would be more interesting.

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A 1992 timeline with Bret Hart would be the best thing ever.


Only if every newsbit was along the lines of "October 7 - Randy Savage's gardener approaches Bret to tell him he's his hero and the greatest wrestler of all time." Bret Hart has gone full mental lately, and it'd be funny to see a shoot interview that winds him up, like the Iron Sheik and Billy Jack Haynes ones.

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Watched the Rikishi Timeline the other day, was pretty dull, not really much to speak of.


I watched that a couple of days ago. Does he think Ivory is dead, or is it just the way he puts things? Also, is it new? If not, when was it filmed, because a few things he mentioned didn't make any sense if it was filmed recently.

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  • Paid Members
Watched the Rikishi Timeline the other day, was pretty dull, not really much to speak of.


I watched that a couple of days ago. Does he think Ivory is dead, or is it just the way he puts things? Also, is it new? If not, when was it filmed, because a few things he mentioned didn't make any sense if it was filmed recently.


Not sure when it was made but I think it's at the most a couple of years old. In terms of Ivory, yeah, I think he just has a way of putting things. He spent far too much of the interview asking what people did as well.

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