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Just started watching the new Breaking Kayfabe with Marty Jannetty. He's hard to read. I dont know if he's turned up off his face or if that's the norm these days. Its Slur City from the opening of the interview. 13 minutes in, Marty admits when he was 12 he shagged his niece. And then (get this) on a SHOOT INTERVIEW tells Sean Oliver (as the cameras are rolling) "dont tell anybody". Your secret is safe with me Marty, you gonk.


Marty's the most screwed up bloke you will find. I had no clue how bad he was. He's outdone X-Pac. He's ticked all the boxes. Molested, beaten as a child by his mother, sister was murdered, did a job to Ludvig Borga on PPV, cant remember the names of the likes of Verne Gagne and "whatshisname?" (Davey Boy Smith), addicted to drugs and drink, addicted to sticking his willy in people and all sorts. Dont tell anybody, though.


Its hard not to feel story for him. He's in a right position. He's so fucked and his ankles are just shot. They are touching the floor when he stands straight. He's well past the point of help. He seems to be one of those happy drunks, unlike Hall and Roberts. You get the feeling Marty is happier not living in the real world.

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I started watching that earlier but it was so hard to make out what he was saying (and a lot of time he was just losing track halfway through a sentence) that I gave up. Felt bad for everyone involved, and it made me hate Sean Oliver a bit. Shouldn't have gone through with the interview when Marty was in that state really. I got the impression that Marty is a bit of a bullshitter as well.

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I'm the same. I started watching it but had to give up. It's such a shame because Marty, like those before him, was fucking great. I actually thought he was better than Shawn in the Rockers.


I remember meeting him once and he spoke to me for five minutes and blinked about three times. My girlfriend was doing medicine at Uni at the time and said she saw at least six signs of different mental and physical issues. She was also very shocked five minutes ago when I told her he wasn't dead and, as said above, actually seemed happy!!


Also the rockers were the first hasbros i got so i will always have a soft spot for Marty J :)

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I also got this today and put it on mid afternoon only to switch off about 15 minutes in so i was interested to see a few similar comments above.


I was actually messing about on my phone and it was the initial 'BEEP' that got my full attention as i was thinking it must have been something really slanderous as they never edit anything in the shoot interviews i've seen but it soon dawned on me what he was actually referring to sexual abuse/incest as a child. Wasn't too comfortable watching that - especially as he was so philosophical and casual about it - so ditched it although i'll probably watch the rest later when my wife's not about.


I wasn't so sure if he was high whilst the interview was ongoing or just generally fucked on the whole from all the years of abuse and bumps. It sounded like listening to a journeyman boxer who took too many smacks to the head as opposed to someone who was wired but as it's the first type of interview i've heard with Jannetty i could well be wrong.


Couldn't help chuckling at his brother being called Gino as i kept thinking about Gino Ginelli ice cream from the 1990's............then he said he was murdered as a child and the smirk was wiped right off my face.


Nothing to do with wrestling but on a personal level it is little wonder some people are fucked up for whatever reason with t hat kind of upbringing. Really makes you appreciate how lucky you have it sometimes. :(

Edited by Stylin_and_Profilin
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Marty's first shoot interview was exceptional. He just seemed to get into his stride by telling story after story. A joy to watch.


The follow up's haven't been so kind. I don't even know if I could put myself through seeing the one you guys are talking about. I think I'd find it a depressing affair.


I remember Breaking Kayfabe aborted a shoot with Jake just before it started rolling or early into filming; it sounds as if they could have perhaps used the same judgement again, unless Marty was adament it went ahead so he could get his payday.

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