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The reason is fairly blatantly to stop tedious fuckwittery.


One man's tedious fuckwittery is another man's passionate debate though. Richie may be a bit of a fuckwit, but he's sincere in his love of wrestling, and talking about wrestling. I'd take a forum of Richies over a forum of Ron Simmons, say.


Banning trolls like Happ is one thing; a regrettable necessity. Banning words and phrases is a bit Orwellian for an internet forum about something as intrinsically silly as wrestling though, isn't it?

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One man's tedious fuckwittery is another man's passionate debate though. Richie may be a bit of a fuckwit, but he's sincere in his love of wrestling, and talking about wrestling. I'd take a forum of Richies over a forum of Ron Simmons, say.


Banning trolls like Happ is one thing; a regrettable necessity. Banning words and phrases is a bit Orwellian for an internet forum about something as intrinsically silly as wrestling though, isn't it?


It doesn't prevent Richie from talking about wrestling in any way whatsoever. How does it?

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It doesn't prevent Richie from talking about wrestling in any way whatsoever. How does it?

No it doesn't, but it does call into question the mental capacity of some of the people with power around here. I didn't buy into the whole PCC thing personally, but simply viewed it as banter. Considering it was a play on a wrestling-like stable on a wrestling forum I considered it completely appropriate for this place and figured it was a bit of a laugh.


After reading some of the rules I see that various other phrases have been banned as well, which simply comes across as rather silly. I can understand not talking about certain people and their past problems or whatever, but certain people on here need to get a grip, especially when they like to change forum members avatars and names "for a laugh".


Or is it only a laugh if they do it, and not the cool kids?

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Would anyone get banned for wearing a Marilyn Manson t-shirt too?


Probably; Tiger Rick reminds me of a headteacher who, whenever something gets popular, bans it for no logical reason. Pogs? banned. Yo-yos? banned. Pokemon cards? banned. Pcc? banned. Silly todger.

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Probably; Tiger Rick reminds me of a headteacher who, whenever something gets popular, bans it for no logical reason. Pogs? banned. Yo-yos? banned. Pokemon cards? banned. Pcc? banned. Silly todger.

You must have gone to a shit school. Nothing banned at mine except playing football on the field in the rain. That was logical but didn't stop it seeming incredibly unfair at the time.

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No it doesn't, but it does call into question the mental capacity of some of the people with power around here. I didn't buy into the whole PCC thing personally, but simply viewed it as banter. Considering it was a play on a wrestling-like stable on a wrestling forum I considered it completely appropriate for this place and figured it was a bit of a laugh.


After reading some of the rules I see that various other phrases have been banned as well, which simply comes across as rather silly. I can understand not talking about certain people and their past problems or whatever, but certain people on here need to get a grip, especially when they like to change forum members avatars and names "for a laugh".


Or is it only a laugh if they do it, and not the cool kids?


Really, something like this, I look at as being the equivalent of locking a thread. The pcc stuff has gotten boring, whether it's people yammering on and on about being part of it, or people yammering on and on about the fact that they don't like it.


If it was derailing a thread like that, the thread would likely end up being locked. Instead, it's being done to prevent good topics turning into shit topics, and to prevent them being locked.


And with regards to the double standard, it's like the Toontown rules - it's only a laugh if it's funny.

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I personally thought the pCc thing was funny.


The reason being, outside of our sigs most people labelled as pCc hardly mentioned it. It was a label created by others to stigmatise a certain bunch of likeminded posters, and was only really used by Richie, Woyzeck, rick or whoever else wanted to group us together. Of course, once it was obvious we took it in our stride, and treated it as a bit of a joke, and weren't offended by it, it suddenly stopped being fun for the people who'd created it in the first place.


Conversely, I didn't find any of the name changes funny. Well, possibly The Cum Doctor.


Horses for courses though, I wouldn't want to curtail neil's fun just because I don't find it funny.

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