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The Metal/Punk/Rock Thread

Egg Shen

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I've been wondering this too. When BMTH started getting a lot of shit the likes of Kerrang! & Metal Hammer put it down to small minded metulz peeps who were angry by 'how BMTH dressed' and suchlike but given they've been attacked on-stage at their own headline shows there must be more to it than that?


I was at the Manchester Machine Head gig & there were some people booing when their backdrop was lowered & when they came on-stage a handful of bottles were thrown but it wasn't anything really bad, I've seen far worse & by about 2 songs into the set it had pretty stopped. Then Oli Sykes started to give the crowd shit, basically calling the crowd 'Cunts', said 'This next song's called we're getting 25 grand for this show'

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I actually don't mind BMTH's music. Suicide Season and the Remix version i both really liked, the album before was ok, but there latest was just plain awful.


But Oli Sykes is obviously such a horrible person, it's hard to like them as a band. The above post and plenty of other evidence shows this.

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I can't stand BMTH and I just left the arena on the Machine Head tour while they were playing. The loudest cheer of the night was when their banner came down.


So I've never had the displeasure of actually seeing them live, but it is pretty apparent from all the reports that Oli Sykes is an utter cunt. And from what I've been hearing, Machine Head will never be working with them again, Demmel and Duce were apparently absolutely furious with how they spoke to the crowds, and by the second show no other band on the tour was speaking to Sykes, and the rest of his band suffered from the silent treatment by association!

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I've never heard the band but reading about this dude acting like an utter dickhead, provoking the crowd and failing to get on with any of the other bands kinda makes me like them.


If all that doesn't make you dislike them, hearing them will.


Seriously one of the most atrocious bands I've ever seen and most of their fans are just as abhorrent.

Edited by Harvey Dent
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I'm with Dent on this one. How they got so big I'll never know but, as a metal DJ the few times I've had to play them due to multiple requests I've just stood there, watching the dancefloor wondering how people are actually getting enjoyment from the music. It's awful.

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where does the 'Oli is a horrible person' thing come from then? i remember the incident where he apparently pissed on a girl on the tour bus, but he was cleared of that in court...other than that im not aware of anything he's ever done that's wrong? Reading Dead Mike's gives a different take to what happened on the Machine Head tour, Kerrang! painted it as if the band reacted due to constant abuse, but from what you said it seems they totally asked for it.


for the record, i aint in any way a Bring Me The Horizon fan, i saw the band once back when they were touring their first album years ago and they were shit then, but im pretty open to feeling that they've improved immensely since...ive still never heard an album though.


But, i aint talking music here, it's the flat out hatred the band get that im interested in...

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yeh, that's the feeling i get. It's just a case of jumping on the hate bandwagon.


30 Seconds of Mars are another one which fall into the category, i know they aint a metal band but people hate them with a passion. I kinda guage the whole thing on my housemate because he'll whatever he thinks he's supposed to hate, 30 Seconds To Mars being one, i once heard him say 'i used to think Jared Leto was a good actor until heard his band'...how the fuck does that work!?!?


Black Veil Brides are next on the shit list though, they are well on their way now but i think they might take it to a whole other level.

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I'm the last person to care about what's metal and what's not, but I hate everything about BMTH. Their music is horrible, the titles and lyrics are even worse, they act like cunts, dress like cunts and have a bunch of fans who think its cool do the same.


Of course theres the element of people jumping on the bandwagon, metal fans are the absolute worst for that, but I think a lot of the hate toward them is legit. They, particularly Sykes, go out of their way to provoke a reaction from anyone that doesn't care. It's not cool and dangerous, just makes them look like a bunch of little shits. I'm happy to ignore them but if they're on at a festival or something I make sure I'm as far away as possible.

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At the Machine Head gig I was actually quite looking forward to checking BMTH out, I don't give a shit what's 'hot' how a band dresses or how their hair is. I'm far too old to care what Kerrang thinks matters & critics who's opinions I trust had said good things about the last BMTH record. I think there's just a genuine unlikeable vibe given off by them

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