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The Metal/Punk/Rock Thread

Egg Shen

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that sounds like an awesome show; I look forward to checking that out.


You can put me down as one of those lazy people who heard the singles off St Anger and couple other tracks, thought it was turd and never bothered giving it a proper spin. So I have been happy the last couple times I saw them they only played one track from St Anger.


Also the one song I've heard off that Lulu album is embarassingly awful and I've only heard bad things from mates. Anyone here like it? Is it worth me giving it a go?

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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I've heard LuLu, it's not good but the reaction from music critics was waaay overblown. I imagine releases like this are a gift for lazy music journo's as it's much more fun to write a damning review than an average one. My main gripe with the reaction to it was that people seemed to conveniently ignore the fact that Metallica had said prior to it's release that it wasn't the new Metallica album & it was just a side-project/curiosity that they wanted to do. For most people of my/our generation Lou Reed doesn't really resonate as an 'icon' but I imagine for a bunch of blokes pushing 50 from San Francisco he was a very important musician & when given the opportunity to work with him they jumped on it. Worth a listen as a curiosity but I doubt you'll get much from it.

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St Anger is pretty hit and miss. There's some great riffs and ideas on there but the snare sound does my head in and some bits are just plain strange (I'm looking at you, Invisible Kid bridge). Songs like Frantic, My World and Sweet Amber I really dig though. Worth a listen, but don't expect to love it. Lulu is very much a Lou Reed record with Metallica heavying it up behind him. It's the type of project that was always gonna get slated, and some of it really is terrible, but there's a lot I like on there. Obviously I'm very biased and I'm a Lou Reed fan too, even if some of the things he does on there just don't gel with the music.


I'm really into the Beyond Magnetic stuff. They're 4 strong songs but very much in a different style to most of the 10 that ended up on Death Magnetic.

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Also the one song I've heard off that Lulu album is embarassingly awful and I've only heard bad things from mates. Anyone here like it? Is it worth me giving it a go?

It isn't the "WORST THING EVA!!!~" as some would have you believe. A lot of the crticism comes from people expecting an actual Metallica album and forgetting Lou Reed has been at best - a terrible vocalist.

There a few good tracks on there but the good stuff gets lost in among the mess.

If you have an hour to kill then you should give it a spin.

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Cheers guys. I think I'll probably give Lulu a miss as I don't think it will really be for me. But you've given me new resolve to give St Anger a proper go! I'll burn a copy for the car tonight. I can't guarantee it won't end up getting tossed out the window.


If you're downloading it, it might be worth looking for the "rehearsal" audio from the DVD that came with the album. The tin can snare really does grate on the studio versions.

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i saw a video on scuzz of what looked like a death metal band. i tried using shazam to tell me who they where but it couldn't connect and i didn't see the writing on the label (that comes on the screen to tell you the band and song) my eyes are fucked (should have my glasses on)


all i can remember is the band where playing in a very dark orange background, the lead singer had long hair and played a little solo on a acouitisc (Sp? i know it sucks) guitar and whilst he was playing a big orange fire ball came up.

i could swear it came up betrayal but i ve searched facebook and metal-archive but it just brings up some hardcore band

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Any fans of Hour of 13 aka one of the best things to happen in the music world?

New song off the new album sounds freaking amazing:


That's some nice doom there, i've found a rather odd Black "Metal" band recently i thought i'd share as it doesn't use any guitars but instead uses a hammered dulcimer in it's place. I'm not 100% sold on the sound, a lot of the album is just trying to be generic BM (the vocals are bland) with an odd instrument but it's decent and i like the whole lefty/green/red scene that's around.


Botanist - Helleborus Niger

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been reading this week about the botting Bring Me The Horizon have recieved from Machine Head fans on the UK tour, i looked for some footage on youtube but instead come across this from October, where Oli Sykes invites a fan on stage to fight after something got thrown...


BMTH incident


pretty wild, Sykes needs to learn to button it though, he apparently provoked the Machine Head crowd too when they were throwing stuff....i imagine it's easy to want to react, but he's gotta realise that he's putting himself in a pretty dangerous situation (The bassist is also pretty lucky that his guitar missed the attacker's head when he swung it at him).


Has any metal band ever provoked so much hatred as Bring Me The Horizon?

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