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The Metal/Punk/Rock Thread

Egg Shen

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I'm kinda hoping that the Slayer fans don't just show up and act as if nothings happened. It would be nice to see them ask some questions and make their feelings known on the situation.


I'm just hoping they don't give Dette any shit, its not its his fault in any way. He's also drumming for Anthrax, so he's pulling double duty.


Its seems to be a case of Dave hasn't actually been fired from the band, he's just told he's not doing the Australia shows. Its a weird time for them. With Dave been told to sod off from the business side and Jeff still out of action, its putting a lot of pressure on them as their label have said they want a new album from them this year.


Slayer statement:

Slayer confirms that Jon Dette (Testament) will drum for the band on its Australian tour that starts this Saturday, February 23 in Brisbane. As regards Dave Lombardo's Facebook post, Slayer does not agree with Mr. Lombardo's substance or the timeline of the events, except to acknowledge that Mr. Lombardo came to the band less than a week before their scheduled departure for Australia to present an entirely new set of terms for his engagement that were contrary to those that had been previously agreed upon.


"The band was unable to reach an agreement on these new demands in the short amount of time available prior to leaving for Australia. There is more to the account than what Mr. Lombardo has offered, but out of respect to him, Slayer will not be commenting further. Slayer is grateful to its Australian fans for their understanding of this unfortunate last-minute change, and very much looks forward to seeing them at these

Edited by KingOfMetal
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I only have one Emperor album, and it's the only stuff of theirs I've heard. I actually bought this from a music shop years ago in my pre-internet days, when searching out new music was a lot more difficult and more of a gamble than it is today. I was looking to extend my black metal horizons, and literally went in to the shop ignorant, and bought some shit from the black metal section based on what the sleeve artwork and band logo looked like. I remember being astonished by the atmospheric sounds of In the Nightside Eclipse, and used it as my

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That was um......................interesting. I'd be very surprised if its not total bollocks and just a good story made up to bring interest to a really boring piece of "music". And it kinda worked, a bit like allowing yourself to think a ghost story is real, i only made it to about 15 mins and had to turn it off. There was a nice riff kicked in at one point which made it listenable but that didn't last long.

I'm skeptical about the credibility of the story myself. I must admit though, I kind of tried to allow myself to believe it was genuine when listening to it, and thought it at least sounded authentic. That might have simply been because I was applying the use of some imagination to it, though. Was the riff you mentioned the one lasting about a minute or so from 5 minutes odd to about 7 minutes? There are other points when legible

Edited by Richie Freebird
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Stallagh are certainly interesting. I love eerie stuff like that.


A notable omission from that list is the story of one of the members of Carpe Noctem. He murdered his girlfriend, decapitated her, dressed her up in sexy boots and placed the corpse in several sexy poses, uploaded the images to the internet and then got in his car and killed himself by driving head on into and on-coming truck. Mental stuff but it's never really talked about for some reason. I guess because the band were never big or significant.



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