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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Can anyone else recommend any other TV series I may have missed out on. The one's I'm watching or have caught up with are:







I did not enjoy Flashforward in the slightest. It started well but quickly went down hill.

I'd recommend Rescue Me, which seems to have dropped off the UK radar but continues to be a brilliant watch. It's not the type of show you've mentioned above with the element of who, what, why, what the fuck?, but is still one of those shows where you can't just watch one episode at a time. If you've never heard of it at all, it's a drama focusing on the lives of the workers in a fire house in New York and as well as the day-to-day drama of what happens on the job, it also manages to get you in to the lives of each of the firemen. There are some great comedy moments which keep the feel of the show upbeat, but the drama element is cracking too. There aren't many shows where the non-leading characters are just as important or engaging as they are in this one.


They're on to series 6 in the US at the moment with each season fluctuating in episode numbers. Here's the IMDB link, but obviously stay away from the episode guide. It's one you could watch with the missus too - she can have a blimp at the blokes and you can be satisfied by a MILF quota greater than any other show I've seen.


Sounds like Londons Burning. Is sicknote in it?

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The Wire. Started watching for the first time last night. I have to admit that after the first half an hour I was getting a little bored with it, but then things started clicking together and I could see where they were going with it. Ended up watching three episodes in a row (an hour long each? Unusual for a TV series, they're usually about 45mins). The dialogue is great and some of the character chemistry is working well (McNulty, Daniels & Greggs in particular). I'll certainly stick with it for now and hope it keeps me hooked.


Can anyone else recommend any other TV series I may have missed out on. The one's I'm watching or have caught up with are:







I did not enjoy Flashforward in the slightest. It started well but quickly went down hill.


Ever tried The Shield?

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The Wire. Started watching for the first time last night. I have to admit that after the first half an hour I was getting a little bored with it, but then things started clicking together and I could see where they were going with it. Ended up watching three episodes in a row (an hour long each? Unusual for a TV series, they're usually about 45mins). The dialogue is great and some of the character chemistry is working well (McNulty, Daniels & Greggs in particular). I'll certainly stick with it for now and hope it keeps me hooked.


Can anyone else recommend any other TV series I may have missed out on. The one's I'm watching or have caught up with are:







I did not enjoy Flashforward in the slightest. It started well but quickly went down hill.


Ever tried The Shield?


Yeah that's been recommended to me too. More than likely start on that next.

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Been watching The Office (US Series) and it is so much better than the UK one. The episode where Michael starts dating Pam's mum has had me in stitches.

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I've just finished watching The Hustler. The parts where he plays pool were ace, the parts where he acted like a smarmy wanker and had an uptight girlfriend were a pain to sit through.

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It's spoof trailer but oh so good.


This is brilliant, cheers. I think it must have passed me by the first time, though I'm sure I've heard the title before. Either way it's a great piece of work, and the killer is surprisingly frightening.

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Watched the Whole Ten Yards last noght on ITV 6.3 Million last nite.


Its not brilliant, the story doesnt really make much sense and it has Kevin Pollak trying to do a Latka impression through out the whole film, making it instantly excellent in its utter cringeworthyness

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Saw Iron Man 2 straight after work this evening, as it was soon as I possibly could, and it's a fuckin blast. It's not quite as good as the first one but it's a great couple of hours nonetheless. Downey Jr is one again brilliant as Tony Stark and they really explore his demons well. There's a lot going on in the film but it never decends into a huge mess a la Spiderman 3. It's absolute reference heaven for comic book nerds (make sure to stay after the credits too) and it's really pulled into the whole Marvel universe. It may be a little overly referential if you haven't seen the first one and/or are unfamiliar with the comics. But it's just great fun and once again really well written, acted and directed. The Iron Man series really sets the bar, along with Nolan's Batman films, as how to do a comic book movie.

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Saw Iron Man 2 straight after work this evening, as it was soon as I possibly could, and it's a fuckin blast. It's not quite as good as the first one but it's a great couple of hours nonetheless. Downey Jr is one again brilliant as Tony Stark and they really explore his demons well. There's a lot going on in the film but it never decends into a huge mess a la Spiderman 3. It's absolute reference heaven for comic book nerds (make sure to stay after the credits too) and it's really pulled into the whole Marvel universe. It may be a little overly referential if you haven't seen the first one and/or are unfamiliar with the comics. But it's just great fun and once again really well written, acted and directed. The Iron Man series really sets the bar, along with Nolan's Batman films, as how to do a comic book movie.

:yinyang: Saw it today as well and I echo these sentiments

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Without spoiling things, is it true that Mickey Rourke is barely in it?



Barely is probably a little too harsh, but not as much as you'd thinl. He's good at what he has to do, but his role is smaller as there's not a main focus villain like Jeff Bridges' Iron Monger in the first movie. I don't want to spoil things so thats about as much as I can say really, Rourke was a good call for the roll and his russian accent is pretty convincing. I also forgot to mention that Scarlett Johansson is hot as fuck as Black Widow.

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Without spoiling things, is it true that Mickey Rourke is barely in it?

Again, that is a case of people making a big deal out of nothing. People are also saying it's convoluted too and you'd have to be an idiot not to follow the story in all honesty. It's considerably less convoluted than The Dark Knight.


Rourke isn't the main focus, no, but the way it's done it makes sense and for the most part makes Whiplash look far better and more dangerous.

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