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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Endured Yes Man earlier on. What a pile of shit. The book was a bit tacky (in that tacky Danny Wallace way), but the film was about an hour too long, and at it's best served just to remind you how cute Zooey Deschanel is. Decentish romantic plot, but the rest was dire. Not even Rhys Darby's scene-stealing moments could save it as a film. I actually think a tale closer to the book could have made an okay film, instead of this tripe. Avoid.

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100 Days of Summer is the best rom-com i've seen in ages. It doesn't stick to the age-old formula of normal romcoms and it pays off. The cast play their parts brilliantly.

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Mr. Luvva, PM me your address and I'll pop a copy in the post for you, next time I do a round of copying things.


I thank you kindly for this offer! However it seems to have made its way up to Liverpool already - I mentioned it to a a shit-film-loving friend of mine last night, he had a copy which he's lent to me, along with confirmation that it's absolutely worth watching. I now plan on not getting any more new stuff until I've gone through these two shelves of things I've been meaning to watch for ages... But yes, like I said - thank you very much for the offer!

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saw Fun With Dick & Jane on FIVE the other night as there was nothing else on, and despite being a movie ive never had any real interest in seeing i really enjoyed it. A movie with a serious kind of story line masked by Jim Carey's usual slapstick comedy. Maybe it's the fact that was i wasn't expecting anything going in, but i thought it was pretty good.

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Astro Boy


I went to see this film last night. I had no expectations or care for this film and i only went as my daughter wanted to see it.


I`m so glad i didnt miss this film. It was great!


The animation is spot on, theres no major flaw and the intro hooked me straight away. The storyline is actually quite heavy going, theres alot of violence and actually death involved which i wasn`t expecting for a kids movie. The plot is about the president of the city trying to gain another session in office by trying to create a war and having the technical warfare to win it. Astro Boy has the power pack to maintain the ultimate weapon and the president wants it. Start the chase scene. Add in a heavy plot of family values, orphans, social acceptance, social exclusions, political undertone/overtones and a heap of violence you would think this would be more suited for an animi style movie.


Then chuck in a whole host of comedy spots, which at one point had myself and my daughter buckled over in complete hilarity (due mainly to the RRF :) ) the balance is excellent.


The only downside is the voice actors. Some are completely wooden, Cage is very cold (although that may be part of the character) and Bill Nighly is terrible.


But this is certainly worth a cinema visit. The chase and fight scenes are worthy of the big screen and the DVD will be getting bought, another watch just for the RRF.

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Going back to the Richard Linklater discussion, I really love Dazed and Confused, even though it's set in the 70s it makes me very nostalgic for my own teenage years. I guess grass and girls are a universal theme :)


His output is weirdly disjointed though. I enjoyed A Scanner Darkly (painting over Keanu's face makes him look like he can act!) but can't say I thought Bad News Bears was a great contribution to cinema.

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Apparently some people thought it was genuine, and clever...


this review for instance

I actually really like that review. I'm not sure he credits the director with a special amount of intelligence, but says it's equally likely that the entire thing was an accident. That pretty much sums up my thoughts on it, but cleverer than I would have written.

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I own two copies of that film. FACT.


Elegia sent me a copy to review, then a friend who knows of my penchant (yes Mort, I use this kind of pretentious language as a matter of course ;)) for terrible romcoms bought me a copy for Christmas.


Did you like the menu music? "Perfectioooon... in EVERY WAY.

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