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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Lockout - Average action film. There are quite a few ridiculous/stereotypical parts, and they try way too hard to make the hero seem cool (about 75% of his dialogue is a witty one-liner), but its a fairly decent way to waste 90 mins. It doesnt take itself too seriously, unlike something like Haywire, which always helps a film like this.


It does have the worst CGI car chase Ive seen, though. The part where a taxi crashes is so bad, I fail to see how they kept it in the movie. It would look shit even if it were an 18 year old's attempt on his laptop.


The space prision could be a good setting for a great movie, I think. Had this had a better story, there would be lots of potential in it. The whole point of the film is that there are 500 prisioners who are set free, yet you never get a sense of this throughout the film. There should have been chaos everywhere, but most of the scenes just have empty corridors, only with the villans little group getting in the way. Theres just one scene when there are loads of prisioners about, which wasnt enough. The less said about the skydiving part at the end, the better.

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I've had God Bless America on my computer for weeks, and not watched it. I didn't like World's Greatest Dad as much as I'd hoped, and I started watching his other one about the girl who sucked off her dog, but I found it too dull and turned it off.


Anyone ever seen The Sentinel? Michael Winner makes Freaks-level use of mongs, portraying them as the damned.

Who was the screenwriter, Glenn Hoddle?


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Watched Trespass against last night on Netflix. Been mentioned on here a couple of times (in the underrated 90's films discussion IIRC) & one that I had fond memories of as a teenager. It still stands up really well & a few obvious things aside it hasn't really dated. William Sadler & Bill Paxton both give reliably good turns & Ice T is great even if his crime boss moniker 'King James' is a bit silly. Something I didn't remember or notice originally was that it was co-written by Robert Zemekis. Deffo worth checking out if you've got US Netflix.


Planning on either rewatching 12 Monkeys, I really liked it at the cinema but haven't seen it again since or checking out Immortals which is now also on Netflix this weekend. Anyone seen 'Immortals'? Is it closer to 300 or the new 'Clash of the Titans'? If it's the latter I might pass.

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Watched Trespass against last night on Netflix. Been mentioned on here a couple of times (in the underrated 90's films discussion IIRC) & one that I had fond memories of as a teenager. It still stands up really well & a few obvious things aside it hasn't really dated. William Sadler & Bill Paxton both give reliably good turns & Ice T is great even if his crime boss moniker 'King James' is a bit silly. Something I didn't remember or notice originally was that it was co-written by Robert Zemekis. Deffo worth checking out if you've got US Netflix.


And if you haven't, it's on YouTube:-




Can't say enough good things about this film. Walter Hill is brilliant. I watched Streets Of Fire for the first time the other night. Absolutely mental. I think there may be something quite genius lurking underneath Michael Pare's shitty acting, but I'm not sure what it is. Tremendous fun, though.

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On a related note, I read yesterday that Walter Hill has signed on to remake Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? Bit of a surprise as he wouldn't be the first name that sprung to mind but as the article suggests, keeping an eye on who's cast will be interesting.


Interesting! He's always been a director (and writer, for that matter) that has never liked to be pigeonholed, so it will be interesting to see how this turns out. Great to see him back directing again, I have to say.

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On a related note, I read yesterday that Walter Hill has signed on to remake Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? Bit of a surprise as he wouldn't be the first name that sprung to mind but as the article suggests, keeping an eye on who's cast will be interesting.


Interesting! He's always been a director (and writer, for that matter) that has never liked to be pigeonholed, so it will be interesting to see how this turns out. Great to see him back directing again, I have to say.


Can see why you'd like him, Gladders - the trivia section on his IMDB profile turned this up:


He once said in an interview that he considers all of his films as a director westerns. If you look closely, you can see western touches, such as revolvers, Winchester rifles and cowboy hats in all of his work.
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It really does. I think when I watched it last, though, two things dawned on me:-


1) Joan Chen's character and acting were both completely fucking terrible and easily the worst thing about the show.


2) Sherilyn Fenn is one of the great femme fatales in TV or film history. A brilliant character brilliantly performed. She should have had a great career. Utterly gorgeous, too.

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Anyone seen 'Immortals'? Is it closer to 300 or the new 'Clash of the Titans'? If it's the latter I might pass.


Immortals is great, much better than clash of the titans, I even liked it more than 300 (though it can easily be compared to both those films) it's mental but visually it's brilliant. I wanted to watch it again as soon as it was over. One of my favourite films of last year.

After watching that film I'm convinced Henry cavill will make a great Superman.

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