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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Can anyone think of any decent quality films that are similar to Punch Drunk Love, Lost in Translation and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind?


If you like that sort of crap, you'll probably like Rushmore, Little Miss Sunshine and Napoleon Dynamite as well.

Not necessarily true. I really liked Eternal Sunshine, but couldn't stand Rushmore, couldn't finish Napoleon Dynamite and hasn't seen Little Miss Sunshine (although I do want to).


I'd say something like the Three Colours trilogy was closer to Lost In Translation. Especially Red.


I've never seen Napoleon Dynamite but I'm 99% sure I will really hate it.

Edited by Gladstone Small
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I've never seen Napoleon Dynamite but I'm 99% sure I will really hate it.


Enough time might have passed now where all the references people drove into the ground for years when it came out are fresh again.


You'll still probably hate it though. It doesn't seem like your thing.


That's part of the problem - the references. I like to give it a few years before they die down and then go for it.


I like the fact that I have a 'thing' now, though. (My wife, more so, arf) What would you say was generally my 'thing'? Genuine question, I won't be offended by any answer.

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I've never seen Napoleon Dynamite but I'm 99% sure I will really hate it.


Enough time might have passed now where all the references people drove into the ground for years when it came out are fresh again.


You'll still probably hate it though. It doesn't seem like your thing.


That's part of the problem - the references. I like to give it a few years before they die down and then go for it.


I like the fact that I have a 'thing' now, though. (My wife, more so, arf) What would you say was generally my 'thing'? Genuine question, I won't be offended by any answer.


No idea what your 'thing' is, really, but I struggle to imagine the outright wackiness of Napoleon Dynamite is it.


Oh yeah, it's also a cartoon now.




Haven't seen any of those though, so I can't speak for the quality.

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Napoleon Dynamite is fucking hilarious but I agree it has been referenced to death. Watched it a couple of months ago and still enjoyed it though.


Went to see The Descendants at the cinema on Monday night and I have never been more pissed off about spending money to watch a film. 2 hours of miserable boring shite. Just felt like 8 or 9 scenes of people being told a women is going to die, only half redeeming feature of this film was the hot daughter.


Also recently watched 30 Minutes or Less, Jesse Eisenberg and Danny McBride, surely it must be half decent? Wrong. As with most American comedies these days you can save yourself the time and find everything funny in the trailer.

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watched The Boys From Brazil last night after having one of my random wikipedia sessions about Josef Mengele. The story is based very loosely on what Mengele might have gotten upto after fleeing German after the war. Fascinating story and it's seen as a bit of a classic but the movie flirts with farce on several occasions. The tone goes from deadly serious to comedic on several occasions, it's really strange. It's packed with legendary actors but features some cringe inducing acting as well. File this one under 'what the fuck?'...i enjoyed it though.

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It's a weird one. Laurence Olivier may have been the greatest stage actor of all time, but in a lot of his films he just comes across like an old ham. I suspect he held screen acting in some contempt, and so only rarely was inspired to put the effort in.


Good story though; one of those films that would probably benefit from a remake!

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Finally finished Battlestar Galactica and I loved it including even the finale (I watched the extended version) which I was dreading since from what Ican tell it split a lot of the shows fanbase.


High points for me were the mini series, the mutiny and the finale, sure there was a few hiccups here and there but overall I really enjoyed watching it and will almost certainly give it another sitting some time in the future.

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I watched the whole thing over a few weeks in the Summer two years ago and I would love to watch it again but maybe more slowly to let things sink in. The mutiny was absolutely terrific from what I rememberand was real edge of your seat stuff, and was just one of those storylines, along with the suicide attacks in the beginning of S3, which makes it such a superb television series in relation to the real world.

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I actually found the first chunk of episodes from S3 the biggest let down to be honest it just seemed to be trying to hard in my opinion, the mutiny on the other hand was two episodes of perfection and I even started to like Roslin by the end of it which says it all since I couldn't stand for almost the entire series up until that point.


It's the cast that really made the series though.

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It's a weird one. Laurence Olivier may have been the greatest stage actor of all time, but in a lot of his films he just comes across like an old ham. I suspect he held screen acting in some contempt, and so only rarely was inspired to put the effort in


When There Will Be Blood came out, I saw an interview with Anderson and Day Lewis. Day Lewis's weightloss and preparation for the role was legendary, he said how Olivier in his opinion didn't get screen acting. Day Lewis said he expected grief for saying it. I will try and find it for you, cracking stuff.

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This "film" is a shockingly lude, explicit hour and a half, which I won't get back. Like so many Arnoaeld Schwarzanegger films, Commando glorifies violence in a very irresponsible manner. It's rife from beginning to end with shocking language, unrealistic scenes and incredibly wooden acting from Arnoaeld and Vernon Wells in particular.




It's like there's two different people on one account. Don't get me wrong, they're both cunts, but one obviously attended school.

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I've never seen Napoleon Dynamite but I'm 99% sure I will really hate it.


Enough time might have passed now where all the references people drove into the ground for years when it came out are fresh again.


You'll still probably hate it though. It doesn't seem like your thing.


That's part of the problem - the references. I like to give it a few years before they die down and then go for it.


I like the fact that I have a 'thing' now, though. (My wife, more so, arf) What would you say was generally my 'thing'? Genuine question, I won't be offended by any answer.


Weekend at Bernies, but with sign language.

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