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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Tom Hanks is easily one of the best comedic actors of the last 40 years.


If you don't take the last 20 years into account.


As himself, he's a funny guy. When you see Tom Hanks on a chatshow, you'd be hard pushed to find a more personable, likable actor, but he churns out a load of absolute dreck. What's the target audience for a Tom Hanks movie these days? A sixty-year-old woman?


Well thats more the roles he takes than his ability. Sadly shite like that film he made with Julia Roberts or mediocre guff like Charlie Wilsons War are where he is happy to be. Still stand that you will be hard pressed to find anyone with better timing or a flare for physical comedy than him.

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Just watched Being Elmo: A Puppeteer's Journey a great little documentary about Kevin Clash whos obsession with Jim Henson and puppets led to him finally getting to work with Henson and creating (well taking on and totally changing) Elmo. Really is a great doc helped by the sheer volume of footage that seems to have been shot by him since his teens. I'll admit to being a massive fan of anything to do with Jim Henson and it was really nice to see some of the stuff in this film. It kinda ignores the fact that Clash became insanely rich due to the Elmo licensing using his voice, apart from that well worth a watch

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Been waking up at 7am to go shopping each morning this weekend, and then not being able to go, or go back to sleep. Therefore, watched a few movies.


Black Death - Didn't pay too much attention, as I was trying to get back to sleep, but what I saw was better than Creep or Severance, which let me down, except for the odd great moment. I'd say that the 6.5 on IMDB is spot on.


Howl's Moving Castle - Just... beautiful. Few years since I last saw it, and I can see why it got the ovation it got when I was at the cinema (regular showing, too, not some "respect the director" film festival thing. I love this movie. 10/10.


Paris is Burning - Wanted to see this for a long time. Blinding documentary, although it's a depressing read to find out what happened to pretty much everyone involved, and the venues - AIDs, murder, fire, and mummified corpses. 8/10.

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Just watched Breathless for the first time (52 years late, i know) and it has to be one of the "coolest" movies ever made, everything about is it sleek and sexy unlike anything i've seen before. Saying that, they story is almost nonexistant at times and it's more style over substance but the sheer ammount of style is more than enough to make it a good watch plus Jean is just that flipping gorgeous.

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Right, can anyone tell me whether Melancholia is better than Anti-christ?

I was going to pick it up from ASDA toda based on good reviews, however these reviews come from Lars Von Trier fans (the type that dont find a talking fox ridiculous)

Ill clarify, I thought Anti-christ was boring, pointlessly vulgar and also ridiculous (see "talking fox")


Right, can anyone tell me whether Melancholia is better than Anti-christ?

I was going to pick it up from ASDA toda based on good reviews, however these reviews come from Lars Von Trier fans (the type that dont find a talking fox ridiculous)

Ill clarify, I thought Anti-christ was boring, pointlessly vulgar and also ridiculous (see "talking fox")

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Right, can anyone tell me whether Melancholia is better than Anti-christ?

I was going to pick it up from ASDA toda based on good reviews, however these reviews come from Lars Von Trier fans (the type that dont find a talking fox ridiculous)

Ill clarify, I thought Anti-christ was boring, pointlessly vulgar and also ridiculous (see "talking fox")


Yeah, way better. It's Von Trier's masterpiece.


That said, you may well hate it. No middle ground with that guy. Don't blame me if you come back to this thread to report that it was two hours of pretentious piss.

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Right, can anyone tell me whether Melancholia is better than Anti-christ?

I was going to pick it up from ASDA toda based on good reviews, however these reviews come from Lars Von Trier fans (the type that dont find a talking fox ridiculous)

Ill clarify, I thought Anti-christ was boring, pointlessly vulgar and also ridiculous (see "talking fox")


Yeah, way better. It's Von Trier's masterpiece.


That said, you may well hate it. No middle ground with that guy. Don't blame me if you come back to this thread to report that it was two hours of pretentious piss.


Ive added it to my lovefilm list. I picked up Muppets take Manhattan so that will occupy me for now.

Thank you :)

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watched a few films over the last few days,


The Last Samurai


Really liked this, and i really like Tom Cruise dont care what anyone says he puts in a fine performance in this alongside Ken Watanabe. Awesome visuals and a great story, although Billy Connolly is slightly out of place isn't he?


Hot Rod


Not tremendously funny, but a fun watch for 90 mins.


The Way


A good little film, a treasure and fine performance from Martin Sheen. It has even inspired me to do the walk itself.


Open Range


Adored this. I love Coster. It was so old fashioned in everything it did, just felt like a good old fashioned Western with a lot of heart. Robert Duvall is class too. The final shootout was mesmerising.

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Open Range


Adored this. I love Coster. It was so old fashioned in everything it did, just felt like a good old fashioned Western with a lot of heart. Robert Duvall is class too. The final shootout was mesmerising.


It's brilliant. As much proof as anyone should need that there is obviously still a place for a good Western in modern cinema. As long as it's not 3:10 To Yuma.

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Open Range


Adored this. I love Coster. It was so old fashioned in everything it did, just felt like a good old fashioned Western with a lot of heart. Robert Duvall is class too. The final shootout was mesmerising.


It's brilliant. As much proof as anyone should need that there is obviously still a place for a good Western in modern cinema. As long as it's not 3:10 To Yuma.


:angry: I like that film.


28 Weeks Later. Not seen this since it's first release. I feel I enjoyed it more second time round. There was a big dark cloud hanging over it when it was first released because the 'yanks' took over it. Yes it still has that American feel to it but I was able to ignore that fact and was able to enjoy the film more. It's got quite the cast too. Robert Carlyle, Rose Byrne, Jeremy Renner, Harold Perrineau & Idris Elba (who is being tipped as the next Bond according to a mate of mine). 28 Months Later is apparently in the pipeline too.

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Quantum Of Solace

Watched this yesterday on my DTS system at mega-high volume, as I had the day off from work!


I was really down on this film when I saw it in the cinema, as I had thought it was the second of a trilogy, and then the story came to an abrupt halt; I also felt it wasn't as good as Casino Royale.


Well, it still probably isn't, but it's much better than I remember. The story is still told in too fragmented a fashion, meaning it's easy to miss the reason for whatever is actually happening - so watching on DVD and having Rewind helped! But Bond himself is magnificently cold and brutal, which is of course the payoff from the first film. And the action sequences are great, with the flashy editing of Bourne but the opulence of classic Bond films.


I can't wait for the next one. It's a great rejuvenation of a franchise that really was on its arse, creatively. As big a fan as I am of the camp/comedy stylings of the classic Moore era, by the time you got to Brosnan the formula felt really out-of-date and cheap. Giving Bond a definitive start point for his character is also a good thing, as it resets any story arc and sets out his relationship with other characters. I can see the principal actors going on for quite a few more films.

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For those wondering about the Troma event at the Prince Charles


Doesn't clash with my exams so im very happy.


A fine line up. I can' t wait to see Toxic Avenger on the big screen not to mention with Lloyd freaking Kaufman.


Whats everyone's favourite Troma film? Its a toss up between Toxic Avenger and Poultrygheist for me.


I tell you its a damn shame what happened to Bravo. Without that channel as a child I may never have fallen in love with Troma. Some of the blame should go to Channel 4 as well for financing Troma's Edge TV.

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Are these films any good, or are they just rose-tinted nostalgia good?


I doubt many look at Troma films with nostalgia. They are just as debatably well made and potentially offensive as when they were released. So they do have some stuff in common with Burton's Batman. :laugh:

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