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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Can anyone recommend some movies which features surprising twists or keeps you guessing throughout etc?


I've seen Usual Suspects, Memento etc but nothing else springs to mind.


No Way Out

Angel Heart




and if you want a shit one Secret Window

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Saw a couple of films on Sky Premiere this week. From Paris With Love. Wasn't bad, Travolta was pretty cool, had enough action to be interesting, didn't go on too long and had a twist that I didn't see coming. Then watched Hot Tub Time Machine which was novel and funny in parts but pretty shite overall. I laughed a few times, didn't feel like I'd wasted an hour and a half of my life but wouldn't watch it again.

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I saw Hot Tub Time Machine last year and thought the same as pretty much everybody, while not awful its nowhere near as good as you think it might be. They plugged it to fuck on WWE TV so I shoulda known.



Anyways as I'm rewatching shitloads of DVDs at the min, I was looking at Daywatch (2004) & Nightwatch (2006) on the shelf and remembered the outcry years ago when Fox bought the rights and the last part of the trilogy was going to be an american made production. So as I was close to rewatching them I thought I'd check the status of the third part as I've paid no attention to it at all, it could have been out years for all I knew. So I was pretty disappointed to see Fox had done nothing with it and after 5 years of nothing the rights had reverted back to the Russians. So at least it'll get made now but fuck me, what a waste of time thanks to Fox, I hope the time passed doesn't spoil the continuity.

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Hobo With A Shotgun - Much as I love big Rutty Hau, and as excited as I have been for the flick, it was a bit of a letdown. I hate visual gimmicks (if you will) in movies, but I reckon this flick would have benefitted from the ol' worn-out print/cigarette burn effect that was used in the faux trailer (which, incidentally, is better than the movie).


Tell you a fun Hauer flick: Blind Fury. Nothing majorly special, just a slashy action-fest. Funny in places too.

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Hobo With A Shotgun - Much as I love big Rutty Hau, and as excited as I have been for the flick, it was a bit of a letdown. I hate visual gimmicks (if you will) in movies, but I reckon this flick would have benefitted from the ol' worn-out print/cigarette burn effect that was used in the faux trailer (which, incidentally, is better than the movie).


Tell you a fun Hauer flick: Blind Fury. Nothing majorly special, just a slashy action-fest. Funny in places too.


Not as good as Wedlock. One of the finest direct-to-video films ever. It's fucking ace.

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Just finished A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors. Far better than the second film (not that difficult) mainly i suspect because Craven was back to do the screenplay along with Frank Darabont. This is basically the blueprint for all the films that followed, Freddy gets more jokey, more elaborate set pieces and comedy and over the top deaths. The whole Dream Warriors plot is basically only 20minutes of the film (Oh we all have powers......oh we're all dead), ignores the second and brings back all the characters from the original, including the awesome John Saxon. On number 4 now (Which I remember hating)

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Battle: Los Angeles - I had high hopes for this from the trailers, I'm a fan of sci-fi & Aaron Eckhart so I was a little disappointed when the reviews were poor. Still curious a mate gave me a screener/dvd copy last night.

This was easily the worst film I've seen this year. Every clich

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A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: Well lets face it, its a shit film. They bring back the surviving characters from the last film purely as a plot point and kill them off with little fan fare, dont try amd expand on any of the Freddy backstory the last film tried to add and just go back to random deaths and poor comedy. Only plus side is some good effects from Screaming Mad George who made a living in the 80s with his cool body horror effects (See the underated Society which is a feature length showreel for him) On to number 5 tonight which i remember being a step up from this one



Also watched Due Date Its a medicore film with 2 major flaws. 1) Its basically a remake of Plains, Trains and Automobiles. Its been mentioned before but its not just a passing coincidence. And 2) They have managed to create 2 lead characters so unlikeable that you just dont care about them at all. Seriously, neither character has any redeeming qualities. Downey Jr's character is an expecting father and when he is left in a room with a child that wont behave he punches the kid, good luck growing up in that house. More importantly its just not funny. It fails as a buddy comedy, fails as a stoner comedy and am surprised RDJ decided to be in it.

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Tell you a fun Hauer flick: Blind Fury. Nothing majorly special, just a slashy action-fest. Funny in places too.








Hauer made some fantastic B-movie action films back in the say. Blind Fury is awesome, but just pipped to the post by Split Second which is just one of the most preposterous movies ever made "We're gonna need guns... BIG guns". Also notable was Crossworlds, which has an early appearance by Jack Black playing an annoying stoner who gets carved up.


I've probably watched more films than I needed to :confused: But these are the sort of films that never seem to get onto TV any more, sadly.

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Tell you a fun Hauer flick: Blind Fury. Nothing majorly special, just a slashy action-fest. Funny in places too.








Hauer made some fantastic B-movie action films back in the say. Blind Fury is awesome, but just pipped to the post by Split Second which is just one of the most preposterous movies ever made "We're gonna need guns... BIG guns". Also notable was Crossworlds, which has an early appearance by Jack Black playing an annoying stoner who gets carved up.


I've probably watched more films than I needed to :confused: But these are the sort of films that never seem to get onto TV any more, sadly.


Been moaning about the lack of decent B movies for ages.. Nothing like Apex, Salute of the Jugger, Robot Jox, Nemesis, Screamers, Moontrap and so on these days


Casper van Dien has tried to evoke the B Movie Spirit with the likes of Mask of the Ninja.. and the one on a ferry, erm I mean cruise ship :thumbsup: that I have forgotten the name off


But its not really happening which is a shame


As for Blind Fury, when you have Locke as his buddy then you know shit is going down :p even if it is a loose remake of Zatoichi

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Been a while for me but:


Dragon: The bruce lee story


This was on during the weekend, and although i suppose its a random film, i totally love it. I'm sure its totally unreal to what happend with bruce (i mean a demon warrior?), but i just love the story. I think for the most part, as a film in its own right ,(and not just a biopic) its fairly decent,


Not the best film in the world, but again i loved it.






Resident evil 3


So this was on last night, i'll say its better than the second one, but it just seems so random that there has been 4 of these films so far. ALthough i liked the first one, i didnt like it that much. The idea for me is good enough, but since ive waited a few years to see this one on tv, rather than at very least renting it , is about as much as my interest goes into this series of movies.


Bar that, its a decent zombie/apocalypse style movie, again not fantastic, but its ok.


6/10, if your a fan of these, check it out, you may like it more than i did.

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Watched Melissa P today. This has been criticised a lot, mainly for its Lolita-esque content and thin characterisation, but I thought it was very enjoyable. It was beautifully shot, every scene had its own aesthetic character and they made full use of the variety of land textures in Italy. The soundtrack also appealed to me, and gave the film a unique feel.

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Hobo With A Shotgun - Much as I love big Rutty Hau, and as excited as I have been for the flick, it was a bit of a letdown. I hate visual gimmicks (if you will) in movies, but I reckon this flick would have benefitted from the ol' worn-out print/cigarette burn effect that was used in the faux trailer (which, incidentally, is better than the movie).


The Giallos Flame score and random tunes placed around the flick are brilliantly done though.


Downloaded this today. Not watched it yet but was surprised by the high IMDB rating (which admittedly can be misleading). I'll now watch it with low expectations in the hope that I enjoy it more than I should.


Don't listen to the above, it's amazing. It far exceeds expectations and like Black Dynamite & Planet Terror and unlike Death Proof it gets the feel and tone of exploitation right. It's as you'd expect, completely over the top (far more than i expected), oneliners to die for, bad guys you enjoy but also want to see die in a horrible way, bizzaro madness (The Plague!!), a great soundtrack and it looks stunning.


13 Assassins is also awesome.

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