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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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My advice for anyone ever considering watching Code 46 is to not - unless you like pretentious bullshit, half-developed plot ideas, and a piece of miscasting that almost sinks the film from the beginning. Complete and total bollocks.


You certainly can't accuse Michael Winterbottom as being a director who takes the easy option or who is predictable, but sometimes he's clearly trying to be far too clever for his own good. Whilst 24 Hour Party People and A Cock And Bull Story can get away with faffing around with history and narrative because they are surrounded by so much fun, a film like this needs to be a bit more straightforward otherwise it just becomes a mess - it's a fairly complex plot that needs developing. Not flitting around so you can fanny around with camera angles and long lingering shots of roads and isolation.


One the main problems with it is that within about 15 minutes it feels like about 5 or 6 different films or shows - Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Total Recall, Lost In Translation, Blade Runner and even Twin Peaks. All great in their own right, but melded together they just make an awful film. Tim Robbins tries to be all mysterious and coded a la Dale Cooper as well as capable of being human and emotional a la Lost In Translation, but at no point does he feel like he should be in this film. He's terrible. Samantha Morton is considerably better but her character is neither mysterious nor particularly interesting. They are the most boring fucking couple I have ever seen in a film.


The mixtures of language and dialect and the basic ideas behind the film ARE potentially fascinating but are left in the background, and you are left needing to care about two of the dullest and most boring lead characters for the film to work because the general story MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE. The film harps on and on about fucking 'papelles' like we're supposed to even know what they are, and then some guy dies for no particular reason. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?! What's this fucking shite about 20 stops in her dream and reaching her destiny?! They never bother finishing that. It's probably just as well because that would just make it longer.


And then, in the film's wankiest scene, Mick Jones from The Clash pops up in a club to sing Should I Stay Or Should I Go? Okay, fine - I like The Clash. But the way the scene pans out it feels like nothing more than Winterbottom going, "'ey, look. It's Mick Jones. Singing one of his own songs. IN THE FUTURE. That's pretty clever, isn't it?" I DON'T FUCKING CARE. WHAT ARE THESE PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT?


A desperate flash of Morton's clunge and a cameo from Tariq out of Eastenders can't even wring some entertainment out of it. Winterbottom - all I can say is that The Killer Inside Me had better be good. You idiot. Total fucking shit.



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Finally caught Jackass 3D last night. Insanely good fun, but personally I preferred the second film overall for some reason. Still some great moments though, a fitting send off to a great franchise.


Agreed awesome film, only one I caught at the cinema as it was 3D, the 2nd was overall probably better but this one is still worth the ticket, we cried at some of the stuff they got up to and I nearly had to make a run for it to throw up, good times!

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Apparently a remake but not one I've heard of. It's a bit slow but the main parts of the film are quite intense and pretty fucking harsh. The plot reminded me a little of Hostel, but this seems more realistic if you get my meaning, which ultimatley makes it worse (but in a good way :duh:). A good mix of a cast too.






I didn't expect too much from this, and got what I expected. It's OK, but I have no idea why the machines/aliens were there (I can only presume to harvest). Batista from Dexter is in this (the third film I've seen him in in the space of two weeks. Movie whore!) and is the best thing about it. One of the machines/aliens looks exactly like the one's out of The Matrix. And as for the ending, well it was a bit rubbish.



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I'm thinking of watching Burn After Reading.. can anyone recommend it?. Bare in mind that I didn't 'get' the awesomeness of A Serious Man by the Coens. It left me with a bit of a meh feeling.

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I'm thinking of watching Burn After Reading.. can anyone recommend it?. Bare in mind that I didn't 'get' the awesomeness of A Serious Man by the Coens. It left me with a bit of a meh feeling.

If your after a "HAHAHAHAHAHAH" comedy, then no. If your after a dark, very dry, "Sort of nothing actually happens" sort of comedy, then this is for you. I found myself not laughing for much of the film, only to explode with laughter at odd jokes, which for me made it all worth it.


Again if your a fan of "gag every second" comedy movies, give this a miss.

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I'm thinking of watching Burn After Reading.. can anyone recommend it?. Bare in mind that I didn't 'get' the awesomeness of A Serious Man by the Coens. It left me with a bit of a meh feeling.

If your after a "HAHAHAHAHAHAH" comedy, then no. If your after a dark, very dry, "Sort of nothing actually happens" sort of comedy, then this is for you. I found myself not laughing for much of the film, only to explode with laughter at odd jokes, which for me made it all worth it.


Again if your a fan of "gag every second" comedy movies, give this a miss.


I concur. I fucking love the film.

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possibly the first person ever to admit they enjoyed the Hitman movie.


I wouldn't imagine so. I mean, it was a box office and dvd sucess (as far as R Rate video game adaps go) and a sequel is in the works based on it's profitability, so there are a wee few of us who may want to see the lad again.

Plus, Ms Kurylenko's bumcheeks.

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Culkin has to be the best child actor there has ever been, shame where its all gone.


Don't feel bad, he's still going out with Mila Kunis.

And also does various voice over work for Robot Chicken! Also wasnt his brother/cousin in "Scott pilgrim vs the world" ?

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