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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Finally saw Mr Nobody last night after trying to find it for ages!


The story revolves around Jared Leto in Benjamin Button style old man makeup trying to recollect his past and piece together the choices he may or may not have made. The film delves deeper into the issue of choice and how the little actions we make can affect our future - what if we could see the outcome before making the choice? Stunning visuals, great performances and a good soundtrack as well. I recommend everyone try and track it down!

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Someone help me out with a film please. It's an action or spy film. There's a scene where they are in a shipping container on an airforce base or in an airport and they say "this is Egypt" or something within the container so that they can use dodgy interrogation methods.


What is this film?


Four Lions?

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I watched Alien Autopsy the other night. It's a film I didn't fancy watching but I couldn't get to the remote control without disturbing the cat.


I was always put off from watching this, not just because it's Ant 'n' Dec, but also because of the word LIE being highlighted in the title, and while I was never convinced the footage was genuine, I didn't like the idea of a film openly saying that it was a hoax. Even if it had been since exposed, I wanted the ambiguity to remain within the realms of the film.


That said, it wasn't all that bad. Ant 'n' Dec were basically Ant 'n' Dec (which made the sex scene weird), but the film had quite a jolly atmosphere to it, so they fitted in quite well.

I hadn't followed the story of the footage since the hype around it in the early nineties, so as far as I knew Santilli was still peddling it as real.

This version of events (which is supposedly Santilli's definitive account) is actually no more plausible than the supposed fictional account that he originally presented, but it's all presented in that "not impossible, but highly improbable" manner.


Worth watching if it's on TV, but not to the point of going out of your way to see it.

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Just watched Whip It.

I was expecting a lot because I love Drew Barrymore, Ellen Page and Juliette Lewis (3 of my top 10 famous chicks) and I also dig Kristen Wiig. As it's directed by Drew Barrymore I expected it to be really fun and wacky, but it played too much like a straight indie dramedy for my liking, I thought it was a bit dull and didn't have the spark and spunk I expected... Until about 35 minutes from the end SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

and then it totally redeemed itself, I hate convenient romances in films like this and I thought not making Bliss' love story work out was really brave, unexpected and original and it still made her look like the one that came out on top. Then Even better the movie didn't go the typical Hollywood route of having the team win the title which I absolutely loved, it was so much better and more realistic to have them lose but show that they all had fun anyway and that was the main thing that mattered. I would've liked the film to be a bit more colourful, fun and unusual but but it was totally redeemed by making those two great decisions at the end.



Plus Maeby F

Edited by Pritt Stick Licker
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Watched The Proposal with the wife. It's not that bad. It has Sandra Bullock being all ace and smouldering and Ryan Reynolds being quite good as he usually is in this sort of shit. Sometimes it's genuinely funny and has some heart. That's ruined throughout the second half by pure corn and some poor slapstick. Shame, it's nearly a good chick flick.

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i'm a bit torn on Rollins as an actor, it always feels like hes trying to hard, he always delivers his lines like something out of a wrestling promo. I found that in the Sons of Anarchy it worked because of the role he was playing, it just made his character weirder and more unlikable.




SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Rollin's exuection at the end of Season 2 is a nasty and effecting little piece of footage



No better time for a Sons of Anarchy plug though, if you haven't watched it....get on it, great show.

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love it with it getting dark outside earlier now, gives me more times to watch films (for some reason i prefer to watch films when the sun aint shining outside)...watched 2 on the bounce last night:


The Firm - not much to say really other than, it's just another football hooligan film. I don't think it had the impact of other movies but it looked nice and for some reason i get a kick out of these kind of movies (as do a lot of other people). The film follows basic hooligan film themes, but i'd recommend it if you like this kind of thing. I need to get to watching the original TV movie now. Oh, and this was my second Nick Love film, it didnt offend me like his films does other people...although, after watching the making of. i kind of see why people hate him...just a loud mouthed, swearing cockney.


then i went on too...


Saw 6 - had to watch it now because i plan on seeing the new one next month, but like The Firm was just another hooligan film, this was just another Saw film. Nothing really to distinguish this one from the past couple, the series has lost it's unique feel but it sticks to formula and it works to a degree. The 6 films now pretty much have a single films story stretched out through 6 films, whislt each has a subplot of some randoms getting slaughtered...couldn't care a toss about the people who get killed so maybe that's why people love seeing the traps so much? Not a great film, and i fucking hate the Hoffman character but again, it's Saw what else do you expect.

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Well my missus taped this one and we wathced last night so...


The Illusionist

Basically i tihnk this came out about the same time as the prestiege (sp?) which in its own rights is an amazing film. This on the other hand is a "Romantic drama" featuring edward norton.


Now dont get me wrong, recently after re-watching some older norton stuff (american history x/fight club) ive found that norton is a very good actor and not the strange/skinny man that he looks like. But in this film , (although his performance is good), i was unsure of why he did the film. The actual film presides around ed as a magician. He was once friends with a girl (in his younger days) which they were banned from seeing each other.


X ammount of year pass, and they meet up again. She is now enganged to be engaged, with the royal prince (who is a massive toss pot. He beats women, and is obsessed with showing how magic is done). Ed is now performing his magic on stage, for all the world to see.


Now this is were i got annoyed. For example, in the prestige, all the tricks were real (aprat from the one, but i wont spoil it if you havent seen it), where as in this ed does stuff like make a plan grow, which then bares fruit. (all done in very bad CGI btw). And most tricks are some sort of CGI trickery which make the film look very crap indeed, mainly because the things he does cannot be done. Plus 1 small thing i picked up on was, as the film is set in the late 1800's, the film goes all out to look authentic, the dress/speak etc even showing a newspaper holder, which does look very authentic indeeed. Although at one point he gives her a lockett he has made, with a colour picture in it. So maybe im just beign picky, but it just looked bad.


My missus taped it, and after half hour even she wanted to turn it off.


i'd suggest givign it a miss, 4/10


Rent/Buy "The Prestiege" if you can as its the much much better of the two.

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Watched a couple of things in the last few days. Last night I stuck on House Of Games, and it's still a David Mamet masterclass even if Joe Mantegna's acting does threaten to derail it on several occasions. A couple of fantastic twists, some nice cons, and an early William H Macy as well as a JT Walsh cameo. Can't go much wrong with that. 8/10.


Frantic is still a fantastic Hitchcock tribute (right down the ground-level shot of somebody's legs going all wobbly when they get shot and the unexpected bouts of almost slapstick humour) and was around the era when neither Harrison Ford nor Roman Polanski could do no wrong. And just how gorgeous was Emmanuelle Seigner? Very much so. 8/10.


And although a Virgin Pendolino is probably not the best place to fully appreciate Hidden, I gave it a go anyway. If there has been a better paced film than this made in the last 10 years then I'd love to see it. There is not one wasted shot or scene in the entire film, the one major bit of violence you get is absolutely shocking, and it has a great ending. Michael Haneke is not to everyone's tastes and The Piano Teacher even tested my patience, but the guy knows how to put together a film and tell a story. One of the best films of the last decade - 9/10.

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Just going back to the Directors Cut discussion. There have only so far been 2 movies where I have noticed the cuts, and think they improve on an already good film. Those being Aliens and Terminator 2.


What other Directrs Cuts make a good-to-great film watchable for a second time (if your the kind of person who watches most films only once, like me)?


I have got the Directors Cut of Leon to watch, as its one of my favourite films of all time.


Let us all know what others are out there!

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