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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Thus reinforcing my point. I'm not a beast. My irrational statements are based on the most rational of motivations.


That said, i'm vocally championing a Sci Fi film called 'Predator', so... That'll be the Arnie caveat again. If in Predator 3, a Predator is shown molesting a baby Alien while Dutch Schaefer watches, i'll be forced to reconsider my stance on such matters.

Edited by John Matrix
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things like Urotsukidoji are mainly fun if you're an over-hormonal adolescent. It's not great cinema.


It's a good cartoon though, and over-hormonal adolescence is really the last life stage where any of us should be into japanese cartoons. We all already meet our "should've grown out of it" quota with wrestling. With that said, Richie should also check out Adventure Kid. And Night Shift Nurses. And Cool Devices Episode Seven: Yellow Star. And maybe Shin Chan: The Movie but I've never seen it.


Edit: That John Matrix post about Source Code has made me want to watch it.

Edited by King Pitcos
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over-hormonal adolescence is really the last life stage where any of us should be into japanese cartoons.


Not at all. There are plenty of non-porn anime films which aren't for kids or teenagers. Studio Ghibli led the way in helping studios realise that anime was a way for them to make spectacular, complex films which would otherwise be impossible either through budget or insufficient/over-expensive SFX technology.

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[Edit: That John Matrix post about Source Code has made me want to watch it.


I hope you enjoy it pal. Loki makes a valid point, but i'd rather an ending you can poke holes in, than a clusterfuck that makes your head hurt for 2 hours.


Let me know what you think of it.

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Some of the Studio Ghibli stuff is good too...


Good? My Neighbour Totoro and Ponyo are two of the finest films I've ever seen. My kids watched the subtitled version of Ponyo and sat through it entirely, that's how astonishing Ponyo is.


indeed, great movies.

Spirited Away is probably the most recognoised of the Studio Ghibli films, certainly of the past decade, but I would say my personal favourite is Grave of the Fireflies

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I'd say that Totoro is way more recognisable than Princess Mononoke, i see Totoro merch all over the place and it seems to have a much bigger presence on the internet as a whole. Both are absolutely gorgeous films though and it's hard to pick my fav between them.


Also, Richie, if you're looking for an anime series then i cannot recommend Neon Genesis Evangelion enough. Eva sits just behind the first season of Twin Peaks as my favourite TV show of all time, it's certainly not something for just children and teenagers. (They've recently condensed the show into movies which have been slightly re written and with new art, the 3rd just came out in Japan last year)

Edited by Merzbow
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It is a common barrier, unfortunately. Not entirely sure why, when you consider it's no more ridiculous than a Disney movie, and Studio Ghibli movies tend to be several levels deeper for the most part.


Her loss, I'd say. I don't know anyone who's watched Totoro and wasn't delighted with it, whatever his/her opinion of it was before.

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On the subject of Anime I imported Hellsing Ultimate 1-8 on blu-ray recently (which wasn't cheap) and it's bloody brilliant and it's a crying shame that we will probably never see a UK release of it on blu-ray heck only the first four volumes even made it to DVD over here.


Now if only volumes 9 and 10 were localized but 10 (the final volume) was only released at the end of last year so it's probably going to be a while.

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