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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Just watched a few films that were on TV over the weekend.


The Transporter 2 somehow made the first one look believable. Probably the most over the top film I have ever seen. Has there ever been something as ridiculous as the stunt when he has a bomb on the underneath of his car, then procedes to flip the car into the air, knocks the bomb off with a dangling hook from a crane, lands the car and drives away. That has to be the most unbelieable stunt I have ever seen in a film. Other gems include completley destorying a helicopter with about 4 pistol shots, and a plane crashing into the speed at high speed, with the only damage being a few meters of water in the plane.



Also Terminator: Salvation was on. Average and pretty forgetable, with Bale doing his Batman voice. Not much else of note I can remember, really.

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I watched Chronicle last night and thought it was absolutely brilliant. Appreciated that they spent most of the time on just testing the powers of what they could do, because all the awesome visuals were really the best bits of the film. The character development was enough to carry the story they were going for, so glad they didn't fuck about more with the love interest for the cousin or the twat Dad. The main kid played the bullied smelly loser really well too, the little snivelling get. Very enjoyable all round.

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Has there ever been something as ridiculous as the stunt when he has a bomb on the underneath of his car, then procedes to flip the car into the air, knocks the bomb off with a dangling hook from a crane, lands the car and drives away.


This has been doing the rounds for well over a year now, and I've probably posted it before, and it's obviously meant to be nowhere near as serious as Transporter 2 probably is, but yes.



That's SFW unless your boss hates loud explosions or is particularly keen on the laws of physics.

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I finally watched Glengarry Glen Ross the other night, after putting it on the list after Gladstone's Top 50. I'm not going to say anything than anyone else hasn't, but it's amazing. The dialogue is absolute top notch. Jack Lemmon is brilliant in this, one of the best acting performances I've seen. Love the way he would change so quickly from the "come on pal, we're just talking" to "go fuck yourself" lines.


One thing I thought was a nice touch was that as the intensity of the scene increased that the background sound of an incoming train would match it.

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It's magnificent. Jack Lemmon is one of the greatest film actors of all time and he proves it in Glengarry Glen Ross. If anyone is still not convinced, watch The Apartment.

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One thing I thought was a nice touch was that as the intensity of the scene increased that the background sound of an incoming train would match it.


Neatly lifted from The Godfather that moment; when I get round to doing my Greatest Scenes thread, I'll include the restaurant murder scene from Godfather that uses that same trick,

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Glengarry was also my favourite film I discovered from the Top 50 Films thread, along with In Bruges. The way the entire second half of the film is set in their office after the robbery, the amount of character and plot developments that happens in that time is incredible. Got quite a few thing on my To Watch list but I cannot wait to watch Glengarry again.

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GGR is my #1 movie. So rewatchable, so quoteable, so much subtext to pick up on in repeat viewings. It's an absolute masterclass.


To the guy who asked about going to see Avengers in 3D, I implore you not to. It's worthless, distracting and manages to make an already much too dark (physically) film appear even dimmer.

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To the guy who asked about going to see Avengers in 3D, I implore you not to. It's worthless, distracting and manages to make an already much too dark (physically) film appear even dimmer.

How did ScarJo look in 3D though?

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I saw it in 2D (out of choice) how was the 3D?


Its difficult for me to describe, it didn't take away anything or become a distraction, i.e. just doing things for the sake of 3d viewers seeing it 'pop out of the screen'. I guess i'd have to see the 2d to see if 3d added anything. Silly question, but do some 3d versions of films have more footage then their 2d counterparts? Not storyline wise, but are some shots left out, because they are only in to take advantage of 3d?


The fight/battle scenes looked good, the 3d gave it 'deapth'. Still trying not to spoil anything, there were times when 2 mini fights were going on at the same time, so you got a sense of being stood there and 'feeling' that some people were closer to you then others.


Just to counterbalance Mr. Seven's comments, here is what I thought about the 3d Avengers experience, for what its worth. ScarJo, or GwenPal for that matter, don't have quite the assets to take full advantage of 3d.

Edited by MichaelScarn
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