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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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I couldn't agree more, the precocious, nepotism pushed preteen son of an entertainer I strongly dislike is a pretty horrific prospect, the girl is just as bad.


No desire to watch the segment but after reading it can see why fans would mark out for it.

Edited by Steve 'Big' Jobs
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Who hates Will Smith?


You're a monster.


Happy jug-eared entertainer wanker millionaire who makes movies I don't enjoy and music I despise doesn't really blow my skirt up and his kid pushing is heinous. Men in black 1 was ok though, I'll give him that.

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Who hates Will Smith?


You're a monster.


Happy jug-eared entertainer wanker millionaire who makes movies I don't enjoy and music I despise doesn't really blow my skirt up and his kid pushing is heinous. Men in black 1 was ok though, I'll give him that.

After that comment Steve, I really hope Will Smith (one of the most likeable guys ever) takes your precious Nicolas Cage down a dark alley and buggers him senseless, scarring him enough to never make movies again.

Edited by PunkStep
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As long as there's a nickel in it, Cage would probably be up for it :(


How anyone can not like Will Smith is beyond me. He wears his fame and fortune like a man who knows what an improbably brilliant career he's had. He's charming, funny, and in between the muscle-straining action films can put in good turns as an actor. Plus Summertime, Boom Shake the Room and Men In Black are all great tracks and that's not all Jazzy Jeff.


I can't fault him for using his influence to give his kids a start in showbusiness. If they're shit, they'll fail regardless.


Oh, and Carlton Banks looks great. Let's have a reunion show, lads!

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I'm currently rewatching season 2 of The Wire. I think in first viewing it probably comes across as the weakest of all the seasons but on rewatch it might actually be the best of them all. The story of Frank Sobatka is one of the most compelling and tragic character stories there is.

Yes, anyone who dismisses Season Two can go and throw themselves off of the roof of Franklin Terrace. Frank is the most heartbreaking story in the the series. Well, until the next season, and D in that season.


Man, I love The Wire.

im with you in that i also enjoyed Season 2 much more the second time around, i think the thing with first time around was that i went in expecting it to be a re-run of all the stuff on the corners but it takes a pretty big shift in direction, i think that may sour a few people first time around. Sobatka is the man though...and i fucking hate Ziggy.


The most tragic story of the series is Bubbles though, the collapse of him in Season 4 is crushing, added in with the trials and tribulations of the 4 kids. Brilliant season.

Edited by Ebb
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The most tragic story of the series is Bubbles though, the collapse of him in Season 4 is crushing, added in with the trials and tribulations of the 4 kids. Brilliant season.


Well no it's clearly Frank Sobotka's. Bubbles tale is of a junkie who goes through hell but manages to clean himself up eventually. Frank's tale is of a good man desperately trying to save a way of life for hundreds of people, keep people in work, protect his union and preserve his families history but to do so gets in bed with the wrong people and it ends up with his union being taken over by the government, losing all the outsider support to the docks, his son in prison for life and he gets fucking murdered. The only other character who has a tragic ending on his level is Dukie and perhaps Randy.


The shit only hits the fan for Bubbles in season 4, he's doing alright the rest of the time.

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Who hates Will Smith?


He thinks Watchmen is the greatest film ever made, why would you be surprised?


That HAS to be a joke right?... The watchmen? Really?


For fuck's sake, I make no secret of massively enjoying comic book based movies, I did once say Watchmen was 'pretty much the best film I've ever seen' or something because it did blow me away, no idea why gladders fixated on it so much but for the record my favourite film by far is the first Terminator. Watchmen is in the top 10 for sure. Not that I have to explain myself to you cunts or anything.

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