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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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I haven't even bothered with the second season let alone the third which everyone was going ape for on tumblr last night, the first was fun enough but no amount of tits and blood could get me to bother with it again.


I actually thought this was the second season. I watched the first but there was too much going on for me to enjoy it. It was like a sketch show but with tits and blood in it.

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I have a friend who loves it, reads the books and everything. He pretty much has to force me to sit down and watch it, or I never will get round to it. There's just so much other fantastic stuff that I have to prioritise. I do enjoy GOT, and there is far worse on TV. It's perfectly entertaining once you're into it. But I'm 10 mins into the new episode now, and while I remember scenes from the 'previously', the vast list of characters and families is exhausting (almost to the point of leaving it completely for another day, which I might indeed do). And it's not that I can't comprehend large casts of characters, as I love The Wire and Oz. Of course, the positive of many sprawling stories is that if you can't remember someone's entire backstory, or simply don't find them that interesting, the scene will be over in a minute, and the story will jump elsewhere. I'm don't really like fantasy nor am I much of a LOTR fan. GOT sits in that category of something to go to when my big shows aren't on. The stuff with Tyrion and Goffrey are always well worth their screentime. I did think last season the weekly fix of gore and tits became almost a parody.

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Just watched Revolution, didnt think it was that bad. Not amazing but harmless and fairly enjoyable.


TripleA, when I first watched GoT I completely agree with that assessment - so much going on and a lot of it (seemingly) unrelated confused the hell out of me and made it difficult to follow. After season 2 finished I read the books and, having watched them back now I know who's who and what's going on, I'm firmly in the 'its amazing' camp. If anyone hasnt, and has the patience, I would strongly suggest reading the books regardless of what you think of the programme or if you intend watching season 3. They are a great read.

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If anyone likes Crime Dramas Broadchurch is pretty good, the 5th episode was on tonight, not sure if you can watch all them if you missed it. Typically, I don't really rate ITV's attempts at Crime/Mystery Drama but this has been really good so far and has a quite recognizable cast.

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Am I the only one here that's sad enough to be looking forward to the History Channel's upcoming series Banger Boys? The colourful and violent spectacle of Banger Racing takes me back to my childhood, when there were bi-weekly race meets on the outskirts of town. We, as kids used to enjoy cycling down to and experiencing the sights, sounds and even the smells of this wicked and raw form of entertainment.



Big, colourful flying cars smashing into each other and shit. Fuck yeah!


Unfortunately, when the raceway was closed down for repairs, a massive fire in a nearby building contaminated the whole area with asbestos dust, and the site was ruled unsafe for public access, effectively killing the pastime in this town. The old track is now completely deserted, and has sadly been added to the ever expanding graveyard of defunct stock car tracks of Britain and Ireland.


Seeing the advert for this show though did arouse my interest as to just what state the scene is in today. Nostalgia, simple, childlike thrills and a look behind the scenes all rolled into one. Count me in.


Short, History Channel preview video for "Banger Boys".

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Am I the only one here


You know the answer to that one is almost always "yes" Richie ;)


But that does sound vaguely interesting, I have to say. Banger Racing, like greyhound racing, is one of those things that seems to have slipped from the public consciousness in the last 25 years.

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If anyone likes Crime Dramas Broadchurch is pretty good, the 5th episode was on tonight, not sure if you can watch all them if you missed it. Typically, I don't really rate ITV's attempts at Crime/Mystery Drama but this has been really good so far and has a quite recognizable cast.


I've got slightly addicted to this since the second episode and despite not liking it at all after the first. It could definately do without the slow motion sequences. I'm also not sure about its stance on 'Middle England', at times it seems to be every bit the 'Middle England' text and then at other times there seems to be a critique of it. I dunno.

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Am I the only one here


You know the answer to that one is almost always "yes" Richie ;)


But that does sound vaguely interesting, I have to say. Banger Racing, like greyhound racing, is one of those things that seems to have slipped from the public consciousness in the last 25 years.


People still go to and bet on The Dogs quite a lot, compared to Banger Racing which only smelly Gyppos and Inbreds watch these days.

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Has anyone else started watching Revolution on Sky?


Very brief synopsis about it, taken from Wiki:


Revolution takes place in a post-apocalyptic dystopian future. Fifteen years earlier, an unknown phenomenon disabled electricity on Earth and effectively all devices powered by it, ranging from computers and electronics to car and jet engines. People were forced to adapt to a world without electricity. Due to the collapse of government and public order, many areas are ruled by warlords and militias. The series focuses on the Matheson family, who possess a special device (a USB flash drive contained in a pendant) that is the key to not only finding out what happened fifteen years ago, but also a possible way to reverse its effects. However, they must elude Sebastian Monroe, the General of the Monroe Militia and President of the Monroe Republic who wants to possess that power for himself for conquest of the former United States of America.


Opening Introduction:


We lived in an electric world. We relied on it for everything. And then the power went out. Everything stopped working. We weren't prepared. Fear and confusion led to panic. The lucky ones made it out of the cities. The government collapsed. Militias took over, controlling the food supply and stockpiling weapons. We still don't know why the power went out. But we're hopeful someone will come and light the way.


In Season 1 Episode 5, "Soul Train", a map of North America is shown. The map showed the former continental United States; Canada and Mexico divided into six parts: the Monroe Republic, the Georgia Federation, the Plains Nation, Texas, the California Commonwealth and the Wasteland.


The same episode also indicates that the Georgia Federation and Plains Nation have allied against the Monroe Republic. Border skirmishing in southwest Illinois, near St. Louis, is mentioned.


According to the wife of Captain Thomas Neville (Julia) in a letter to her husband, the Monroe Republic capital of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is relatively safe; however, life outside west of Pittsburgh is subject to Rebel attacks and other dangers such as bandits.


Really impressed after the first

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Am I the only one here


You know the answer to that one is almost always "yes" Richie ;)


But that does sound vaguely interesting, I have to say. Banger Racing, like greyhound racing, is one of those things that seems to have slipped from the public consciousness in the last 25 years.


People still go to and bet on The Dogs quite a lot, compared to Banger Racing which only smelly Gyppos and Inbreds watch these days.


About 75% of the tracks in this country have closed in the last 20 years. There's only a couple left in London I think. It's gone down the shitter.

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