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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Anyone still watching Arrow? I love it, it's like an American soap that happens to have a heroic comic book vigilante assassin at the heart of it. It's based on DC's Green Arrow but it's so unfaithful to the comic it's insane. It's the only thing on TV I have to watch. The inclusion of John Barrowman knocks the quality down a couple of notches but for some reason I forgive all it's sins. -Maybe it's because I'm just so happy to see a weekly TV show based on one of my favourite characters.


I love it and hate it at the same time.


I love it because it's pretty good. The main actor is convincing as both the useless twit on the island but a kick ass archer in Starling city. I like the weird triangle between Laurel Lance and Tommy Merlyn. And alot of the supporting cast is good too, and I want an IT girl like the own Ollie's got. The sister pretty bland spoilt crap though. The background's really nice too, a bit Batman-y but not enough that you can forgive it. And I like the story and the fact there doing something different with the island rather.


I hate it because so much effort has been put into it, and none in the fucking comic. The comic is so bland right now (I gave it a second try, and regretted it.) that the show is superior simply because they put some fucking effort into it to make it look new and feel different, although it follows the same Smallville formula. (you know, starts with a quick recap, introduces new villian, some personal battle stuff, some research, resolution, onto the main characters story arch)

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Chronicle is great, you're missing out.



It seems a bit arbitrary to just not watch the stuff that isn't based directly on known comic book characters, huh?


I haven't watched Chronicle, but Heroes started really well. If it hadn't turned to utter dogshit that would have been a bad reason not to watch it.

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Chronicle is great, you're missing out.



It seems a bit arbitrary to just not watch the stuff that isn't based directly on known comic book characters, huh?


I haven't watched Chronicle, but Heroes started really well. If it hadn't turned to utter dogshit that would have been a bad reason not to watch it.


I get your point, I've got nothing against those things I just mean it's the characters I know and love that I enjoy rather than just liking superhumans in general. I've read thousands of comics and watched endless cartoon & movie adaptations since I was a small kid, it's the characters and their rich histories that I get off on, I'd watch chronicle etc. but no more than anything non superhero related. Plus I'd always be a bit apprehensive as the whole superhero thing has been done so well so many times in comics etc that it's hard to do anything new or worthwhile.

Finally I love the visual aspect of comics, the art, costumes, iconic emblems and logos etc as much as anything else to do with it so some kid flying around in normal clothes on a TV show is quite far removed from what makes me love the whole genre in the first place.

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  • Paid Members
Chronicle is great, you're missing out.



It seems a bit arbitrary to just not watch the stuff that isn't based directly on known comic book characters, huh?


I haven't watched Chronicle, but Heroes started really well. If it hadn't turned to utter dogshit that would have been a bad reason not to watch it.


Heroes was dog shit from episode 1. It was always terribly written, badly acted bollocks.


Chronicle is great though, everyone should give it a go. It has Wallace from The Wire in it for Christ's sake.

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I'm re-watching The Cape, because it's hilariously bad.


*spoilers for anyone who might care, though it aired ages ago*


It takes the whole "you can't tell who the hero really is because he wears a mask" thing to hilarious limits. He sits about 10 feet away from his son, while barely covering his face and not altering his voice at all, and the kid never has a clue. Obviously, The Cape only turned up a week or so after his dad "died", just to make it even more obvious.


Keith David plays a hilariously over-the-top Magician character, where he chews up every scene and the main actor is just plain shit. Vinnie Jones pops up as a 1960s batman style baddie too, and seems to have some of the worst dialogue ever written. Summer Glau wanders about in tight trousers looking sexy. It has it all!


It's utter gash, but just about reaches the "so bad, it's good" level.

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Anyone been watching Kevin Bacon's new show on Sky Atlantic, The Following? Only seen the first two episodes so far, so no spoilers please, but enjoying it so far. It's not amazing but the premise is a different spin on the serial killer thing, and is a decent 45 mins of weekly tv. Decent amount of gore as well.

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Another stupendous Office last night. The first 40 minuter in a while but it was totally worth it.


I can't get the spoiler box to work on my phone, but without giving loads away, I loved the Jim and Pam story again (especially the manager of that office), the long awaited Toby payoff was great, and the end sequence reveal was again an exciting reward for long running fans. What a fantastic final flurry this show is going out with.

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I've finally made it through all 7 seasons of the Trailer Park Boys and although the quality dipped here and there i really enjoyed it, for something so low budget and with guys who can't act to save their lives it's one of the most charming comedies I've seen in a long time. I really missed Corey and Trevor in the last season but apparently they wanted out long before that due to how bad the show was run.


Are the two movies (not including the B&W one) any good, they look and sound a bit shite to be honest.

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I've finally made it through all 7 seasons of the Trailer Park Boys and although the quality dipped here and there i really enjoyed it, for something so low budget and with guys who can't act to save their lives it's one of the most charming comedies I've seen in a long time. I really missed Corey and Trevor in the last season but apparently they wanted out long before that due to how bad the show was run.


Are the two movies (not including the B&W one) any good, they look and sound a bit shite to be honest.

If you're a fan of the show you'll enjoy them but the first one is all over the place storyline wise in regards to the T.V show but i'd definitely say watch them as the characters are the same just with a longer story and such, Cory and Trevor are about for the first one aswell. Not perfect but it's more TBP at least.

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Spartacus is up to episode 3, and has been decent, not great. I think it was a bit slow at the start of Season 2, but then picked up to be great, so hopefully its the same with this season. Seems to be a lack of solid characters/villans so far. As an example, the three generals to Spartacus have become fairly bland characters (Crixus has almost become irrelevant for this season).

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