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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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For anyone getting depressed over the lack of Deadwood, try Hell On Wheels. It's not as language-authentic and filthy as Deadwood but there is some excellent acting going on and some really strong characters. It's about the building of the first coast to coast railway line across America. Loads of familiar faces too.


Justified is also great.

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I love that the new series of Dallas leapt straight into Bobby having cancer. No fucking around, launch straight into a life-threatening illness. He'll find a miracle cure by the end of the series I expect.


And the way JR instantly snapped out of his clinical depression at the merest whiff of a dastardly plan.

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Chest, I would recommend The Shield to anyone. I would not consider it trashy at all.


It is definitely trashy. I think that's what put me off it more than anything else.


Here's one example:


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

In season one there is an episode where a Chinese schoolboy tortures his own grandparents because he wants their money and ends up nailing their feet to the floor. It's fucking horrible and disgusting but also a completely pointless and desperate attempt to be "dark and gritty". It adds nothing to the story or characters. It just wants the viewer to have a shock moment when it see's two old people screaming in pain with their bloody feet nailed to the floor.


[close spoiler]



And it's handling of racial issues and presentation of children with disabilities is about as subtle as a sledgehammer to the face. Not that there's anything wrong with trashy entertainment. Wrestling is probably the trashiest entertainment of them all. The Shield just wasn't for me is all.


Re your spoiler. There were a lot of elements to the show that didn't progress the story, that was part of it's beauty. In the same way that House was, you had your main continuous story and a per episode story. The part you were pointing out is obviously an episode story.


With your other point (shock element), if this were to happen every or every other episode I would be inclined to agree, but it didn't.

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There are single episode stories in most series but they still need to either have a point, fit in with the themes of the show or lead to some kind of character development. This didn't do any of that.


But then there's also stuff like:


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

That redneck guy shagging a criminal suspect on an interrogation table halfway through an interview.


[close spoiler]



Stuff like that is undeniably trashy. And I'm pretty sure the next episode after my spoiler (or within one or two episodes of it) was all about pre-teen girls getting raped on camera. Again, handled in an unrealistic, unsubtle over-the-top fashion. If you like it, that's fine but it's a trashy show. I would put it on the same level as something like Dexter (which I like but wouldn't put into the upper level of TV drama where I would put shows like The Wire, The Soprano's etc.)

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There are single episode stories in most series but they still need to either have a point, fit in with the themes of the show or lead to some kind of character development. This didn't do any of that.


But then there's also stuff like:


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

That redneck guy shagging a criminal suspect on an interrogation table halfway through an interview.


[close spoiler]



Stuff like that is undeniably trashy. And I'm pretty sure the next episode after my spoiler (or within one or two episodes of it) was all about pre-teen girls getting raped on camera. Again, handled in an unrealistic, unsubtle over-the-top fashion. If you like it, that's fine but it's a trashy show. I would put it on the same level as something like Dexter (which I like but wouldn't put into the upper level of TV drama where I would put shows like The Wire, The Soprano's etc.)


Oh the Shield is up there for me at least your entitled in your opinion, however the journey between the first episode and last is something i'll never forget, its was the first program i really followed from the first day channel 5 shown it. For all of the trashy you say you had unbelievable moments and for me they will never be a show like it. Even though Vic was the villain, he was the hero at the same time. Series 1 feels like a different show when you watch it all the way through and watch it back.


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

What about the interview scenes with Antwon and Monica in Series 4.

What about Vic's confession were these are trashy moments


[close spoiler]

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Just started to watch Storage Wars. From Wikipedia, the storage lockers they buy are when a person doesnt pay 3 months worth of rent. Thing is, in the episode I just watched, there was a painting with $1800 of cash taped to the back. Obviously the person would have just gone to their locker and got the money to pay the rent, so is this just a case of the person dying, and no-one else in their family knowing about the locker? Thought that was the obvious answer, but surely the relatives would be entitled to the contents.



edit: Just to add that I think Parks and Rec is a very good show. Not as great as peak Office seasons, but certainly very consistently good. For the last few seasons, Ive always watched the new Parks and Rec episode before The Office. Loads of great characters, and not a bad one out of the lot.

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There are single episode stories in most series but they still need to either have a point, fit in with the themes of the show or lead to some kind of character development. This didn't do any of that.


But then there's also stuff like:


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

That redneck guy shagging a criminal suspect on an interrogation table halfway through an interview.


[close spoiler]



Stuff like that is undeniably trashy. And I'm pretty sure the next episode after my spoiler (or within one or two episodes of it) was all about pre-teen girls getting raped on camera. Again, handled in an unrealistic, unsubtle over-the-top fashion. If you like it, that's fine but it's a trashy show. I would put it on the same level as something like Dexter (which I like but wouldn't put into the upper level of TV drama where I would put shows like The Wire, The Soprano's etc.)


I guess our ideas of trashy are not quite the same. I see what you're saying with the spoilered comment, but I wouldn't label that trashy. It was there to raise a smile, as was what went on around it. I can't see how you link the two scenarios though. One was pre-teen girls getting raped, the other was two consenting adults having a shag. The only link I can see was that it was both on camera.

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I love that the new series of Dallas leapt straight into Bobby having cancer. No fucking around, launch straight into a life-threatening illness. He'll find a miracle cure by the end of the series I expect.


And the way JR instantly snapped out of his clinical depression at the merest whiff of a dastardly plan.


I didn't buy his depression for a minute, the old bastard. I'm also really glad the story is revolving around the oil underneath Southfork; that's always the best plotline they have.


Hell On Wheels sounds good. I absolutely love Justified, but it doesn't fill the Deadwood niche, although nothing can I suppose. Sons Of Anarchy is closer, having plenty of gruff man fights in.

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Hell On Wheels sounds good. I absolutely love Justified, but it doesn't fill the Deadwood niche, although nothing can I suppose. Sons Of Anarchy is closer, having plenty of gruff man fights in.


Hell on Wheels is set in a very similar situation to Deadwood, in that it's pretty much a brand new settlement/town. It's far more focused on the race issues though, as you have a mix of Irish workers, black ex-slave workers and the issues between the white folk who were on opposing sides of the Civil War.


The lead actor is a proper no-nonsense, gruff as fuck badass, which is always good. Only a few episodes into season 2, so there's not too much to catch up on. Do it! Rapper, 'Common' also puts in a really good turn.

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I can't see how you link the two scenarios though. One was pre-teen girls getting raped, the other was two consenting adults having a shag. The only link I can see was that it was both on camera.


I wasn't linking the two in terms of plot, tone or anything. Just two examples of what I saw as trashy television. Out of interest, what would you call trashy?

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Parks & Rec is pretty much like the American Office .. started off slow and shit but has some fantastic eps in later seasons. Just depends if you can be arsed to stick with it.

I think you're being mega harsh on both shows there. The Office is dogshit now (and for the last three seasons, except a couple of episodes.) , but only the first few episodes were a bit ropey.


Im half way through season 2 of Parks and Rec and I love it. Its not amazing, but its been a good show from the start, with the occaisional big laugh. I'm chuffed Ive got another two and a half seasons still to see.

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So it's that exciting time of year again, what's on people's menu for the next few weeks? Mine currently reads:


- South Park

- The Office

- Parks and Recreation

- How I Met Your Mother

- New Girl

- Once Upon a Time

- Community


I can't wait for new South Park (and am happy enough with Comedy Central's airing rather than looking elsewhere online) I'm optimistic about The Office but extra chuffed this is the final season before they kill it completely, am watching Community totally out of habit, and am most excited to see if New Girl can sustain its momentum from the ace first season. Once Upon a Time on Channel 5 was good shite for watching with the wife, so I think we'll go to American pace now. I haven't yet got round to watching the new Matthew Perry vehicle, but along with that I'll probably also give Mindy Kaling's new thing a few episodes to settle in. The Inbetweeners has ticked over nicely too, but that's nearly finished.


I know this was probably discussed pages ago, but (in the least spoilerrific way possible please) what did people make of Awake? I know it only got one season, but I'm up to Episode 5 and I'm really enjoying it. The main guy's a great lead too, he should get more work, or I should look for more stuff he's in.

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Fuck off.



Going to give Parks And Recreation a go today. Last time I tried a new Yank comedy it was It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia and it was shit, so this had better be good or I'm going back to Porridge and Cheers.


You should probably watch a good show instead, be it American or British.


Fucking hell! This is why I can't be arsed starting a new TV show, because I think I've picked one that is supposed to be great and then a dissenting voice that I more or less trust comes and tells me not to watch that.


EDIT - Fuck it, going with another Butch recommendation and starting Trailer Park Boys.


You were right the first time Gladders, go watch Parks and Rec, it's brilliant. Probably my favourite post Arrested Development comedy, the cast is so likeable. And Ron Swanson is probably the best sitcom character of any recent show.


Also, how good is this series of The Thick of It so far? "What the fuck do you think this is? Tinker, tailer, soldier cunt?" is quite an incredible line.

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